Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Management Technology

  • MT 1010 - Mathematics of Drugs and Solutions

    2 Credit Hours
    Description: Fundamental mathematical skills to calculate drug dosage, fractional and decimal arithmetic, and solving for an unknown in a proportion.
  • MT 1050 - Industrial Mathematics

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Common and decimal fractions; percentages; ratio and proportion; algebra; areas and volumes; metric measure; graphs; geometrical constructions; trigonometry; work and power; and speed ratios of pulleys and gears.
  • MT 2010 - Accounting Survey

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Concepts and principles of accounting: accrual accounting, the accounting cycle, financial statements, and the capital structures of sole proprietorship, partnerships, and corporations.
  • MT 2030 - Marketing Survey

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Basic framework and facts of marketing to include marketing research, advertising, direct and indirect selling and distribution, methods of pricing, warehousing, sales control, sales promotion, with continual emphasis on the consumer, competition, and governmental regulations.
  • MT 2050 - Principles of Management

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Organizational management with emphasis on various models and functions. Concepts of the management functions of planning, organizing, and controlling with an emphasis on behavioral science concepts as applied to managing people in organizations.
  • MT 2100 - Mathematics for Management

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Designed primarily for students who are planning to enter the field of business. Arithmetic fundamentals, basic principles of algebra, percentage, discounts, simple and compound interest, annuities, etc., and their application to various phases of business.
  • MT 2110 - Business Statistics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MT 2100 , MATH 1110  or permission of instructor
    Description: Methods of gathering and analyzing statistical data by using the process of statistical reasoning; probability and distribution; correlation and regression; expected value; network analysis; queuing theory; economic order quantity; and linear programming. Does not meet the Liberal Arts core requirement for mathematics.
  • MT 2120 - Statistical Process Control

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Basic principles and techniques of quality control and its applications to the manufacturing process, process control, sampling inspections, reports and records based on statistical analysis.
  • MT 2150 - Personal Financial Management

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Consumer problems including credit, financial statements, budgeting and saving techniques, insurance, legal documents, housing, investments, income taxes, retirement and estate transfer, and family financial liabilities.
  • MT 2200 - Business and Industry Safety

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Legal rights and potential liabilities of business persons. Principles of business law in contracts, negotiable instruments, personal property, agency employment, and Federal and State regulations for proprietorship, partnerships, syndicates, and corporations.
  • MT 2250 - Introduction to Business Law

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Legal rights and potential liabilities of business persons. Principles of business law in contracts, negotiable instruments, personal property, agency employment, and Federal and State regulations for proprietorship, partnerships, syndicates, and corporations.
  • MT 2270 - Business Ethics

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Contemporary issues in business practice. Truth in advertising, the use of power and influence, the social responsibility of business, affirmative action and equal opportunity, and the ethics of profit.
  • MT 2370 - Human Relations in Business

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Human interactions with the social, organizational and human elements encountered in the work environment, group processes, group structures, group conflicts, cohesion, leadership, group productivity, and decision making.
  • MT 2400 - Human Resource Management

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Organization, functions, and administration of a personnel department, including selecting, training, placement, morale, leadership, promotion, appraisal, pay incentives, employee-employer relationship, and laws affecting the personnel function.
  • MT 2450 - Labor Relations

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Applied labor and manpower problems in the U.S., the relationship between management and unions, collective bargaining, contract administration and impasse procedures in the public and private sectors.
  • MT 2500 - Purchasing and Logistics

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Purchasing and logistics management of materials and equipment in industry and government. Control and flow of materials through the manufacturing process. Storage and handling of materials internal to plant operations, study of the optimum quality, price, source, quantity, and time.
  • MT 2550 - Small Business Operation

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Analysis of problems and considerations involved in establishing, planning, organizing, and operating new business ventures, special research reports, field projects, case analyses, and panel discussions with business persons.
  • MT 2570 - Production Management

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Methods of efficient plant management, production scheduling, inventory control, forecasting, linear programming, transportation, procedures of MRP, JIT, and other techniques.
  • MT 2600 - Seminar Special Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: An in-depth examination of topics of a timely interest to the manufacturing community.


  • MKT 490A,B,C - Special Problems in Marketing

    1,2,3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1 MKT 3010  and permission of Chair
    Description: Individual research and analysis of contemporary problems, issues and opportunities in concentrated areas of study under the guidance of a faculty member. The application of academic and theoretical constructs to specific problems and issues is emphasized.
  • MKT 3001 - Introduction to Marketing

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Designed for students studying disciplines other than business.  This course provides an introduction to the marketing mix functions and process, including an examination of the marketing decisions a firm must make.  Includes identification of consumer and organizational needs and explanation of environmental issues.  Ethical and international issues are addressed.  Not available to BBA students.
  • MKT 3010 - Principles of Marketing

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1 
    Description: A critical survey of functions, principles, processes, institutions, and trends involved in the process of organized exchange. The strategic manipulation of product, distribution price, and promotional variables is emphasized relative to identified market needs, market satisfaction, and product positioning. Relationship marketing is emphasized.
  • MKT 3110 - Salesmanship

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MKT 3010 BB 1 
    Description: An in-depth examination and study of the selling process. Both the theory and practical applications of selling skills will be examined and discussed. The student will have the opportunity to learn the basic skills of prospecting, developing a sales presentation, trial closes, overcoming objections, and closing. The skills learned will be applied by making a sales presentation.
  • MKT 3210 - Retailing Management

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MKT 3010 BB 1 
    Description: A study of the development and present status of the retailing structure with emphasis on unit location, organization, operation, management, display, traffic flow, inventory control, distribution, and evaluation from a marketing perspective. A retail project or simulation is required.
  • MKT 3310 - Sales Management

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MKT 3010 BB 1 
    Description: A study of the tasks and functions of the sales manager. Emphasis will be placed upon recruiting, training, motivating, and supervising a sales force. Textbook study and lectures will be supplemented by role playing in each of the emphasized areas. Students will also learn the skills necessary to develop sales forecasts, territory design, and territory management.
  • MKT 3410 - International Marketing

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MKT 3010 BB 1 
    Description: Study of managerial marketing policies and practices of firms marketing their products and services in foreign countries. An analytical survey of institutions, functions, policies, and practices in international marketing relative to the marketing structure and environment of foreign countries. A country study is required in paper form.
  • MKT 3510 - Consumer and Market Behavior

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MKT 3010 BB 1 
    Description: A critical study of market behavior and the social psychological aspect of the purchase act with application to marketing problems. Topics include models of consumer behavior learning, perception, attitude, personality, demographics, psychographic and their assessment relative to marketing communication. Social and cultural influences on market behavior and exchange are emphasized.
  • MKT 3600 - Social Media Marketing

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1  and permission of chair
    Description: Evaluate and develop social media strategies and plans.  Learn to identify target markets; create personas; select platforms and tactics; engage consumers ethically and effectively; monitor, evaluate and tune initiatives; and determine return on investment.
  • MKT 3610 - e-Commerce I

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1 
    Description: A look at tools and technologies needed for Electronic Commerce. Business opportunities, challenges, and strategies for use of the Internet will be explored. Strategies and vision on the national and global information infrastructure will be discussed. A live website (personal first, then a business) and database beginnings for ordering capabilities will be individually built. Impacts of the electronic market, changes in company missions, security issues and other related topics are covered.
  • MKT 3620 - e-Commerce II

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MKT 3010 , BB 1 
    Description: Continuation of MKT 3610 ; including advanced web site development database design. Shopping cart type entry data input for order pick sheets and customer invoicing. Development of e-commerce site documentation. Advanced course designed to provide a current state of the internet, origin and growth of e-commerce, differences and similarities between e-commerce and traditional commerce, and the relationship of e-commerce to the internet.
  • MKT 3710 - Business Mapping

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MKT 3010 , BB 1 
    Description: An in-depth examination and study of the spatial analysis of business information. Course content will consist of both the theory and practical application of geographical information systems in solving business problems. The emphasis of the course will be to develop a working knowledge of GIS software, basic cartographic principles, data sources, and a cognizance of the spatial relationship inherent in business data. Skills and knowledge obtained during the course will be refined through their application to business situations applicable to spatial analysis.
  • MKT 3800 - Transportation Operations

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MKT 3010 , BB 1 
    Description: This course is concerned with the management of both domestic and international types of transportation, and the roles that various modes of transportation play in getting goods and services to the intermediate and/or end user. Included are studies of the varied areas of transportation management and includes its relationship with other business areas like accounting, finance and production. Topics included are shipment planning and documentation (both domestic and international), freight loss and damage claims, line/staff functions of traffic management, price determination, regulated and unregulated environments and legal influences. Emphasis is placed on the international aspects of transportation functions.
  • MKT 3900 - Marketing Internship

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1 , GPA of 3.0, and permission of Internship Coordinator
    Description: Designed to provide academic credit for relevant and meaningful experience in preparation for marketing positions.  Weekly updates, term paper, and satisfactory evaluation by employer/supervisor required for credit.  Grading on a pass/fail basis.
  • MKT 4000 - Issues in Free Enterprise

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1 MKT 3010 
    Description: Special topics in the area of free enterprise; topics may vary from time to time according to the specialty of the Chair of Excellence in Free Enterprise.
  • MKT 4100 - e-Commerce Supply Chain

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1 , MKT 3010 

    Description: This course studies supply chain and distribution activities, and develops the shipping cycle from form entry through delivery to the customer. E-Distribution and e-Supply Chain activities are covered.

  • MKT 4150 - Industrial Marketing

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1 MKT 3010 
    Description: Problems involved in marketing materials, equipment, services, supplies, and components to the industrial and institutional markets are discussed. Purchasing, institutional economics, pricing, promotion, distribution, and the case study method are emphasized relative to rational buying motives.
  • MKT 4200 - Logistics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1 MKT 3010 
    Description: A study of managing activities related to traffic, transportation, inventory management and control warehousing, packaging, order processing, and materials handling from a technological standpoint. Attention is placed on information systems for logistics management.
  • MKT 4310 - Advertising and Promotional Strategy

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1 MKT 3010 
    Description: A critical study of the process, principles, and functions involved with the research process and product. Topics include research design, sampling, questionnaire design, statistical manipulation and inference, data collection, and research results preparation and presentation. Actual research projects are conducted and presented to the clients.
  • MKT 4410 - Marketing in Asia

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1  
    Description: China has been the fastest growing major economy since 1979 and has great impact on the global economy.  This course provides an overview of China’s economy, history, culture and overall business environment.  Students will learn the skills necessary for developing, evaluating, and implementing business strategies in China.
  • MKT 4450 - Marketing Research

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1 MKT 3010 
    Description: A critical study of the process, principles, and functions involved with the research process and product. Topics include research design, sampling, questionnaire design, statistical manipulation and inference, data collection, and research results preparation and presentation. Actual research projects are conducted and presented to the clients.
  • MKT 4800 - Marketing Management

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BB 1  and MKT 3210 , 4310 , 4450 
    Description: The capstone course in marketing, emphasizing the strategic manipulation and integration of product, distribution, pricing, and promotional elements. Marketing policy is determined in a variety of product/ service/marketing situations using appropriate projects, case studies, and simulations.


  • MATH 490A - Special Problems

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: Selected mathematical topics of general interest.
  • MATH 490B - Selected Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: Selected mathematical topics of general interest.
  • MATH 490H - Independent Study with High Impact Practices

    1 to 5 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Participation in a high impact practice
    Description: The course awards up to five (5) hours of honors credit, but no credit toward graduation, for participation in activities that the University recognizes as high impact practices.
  • MATH 1010 - Mathematical Thought and Practice

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This course examines how different areas of mathematics explain and shape our world, as well as how we view and experience it. Students with high school deficiencies in mathematics must sign up for E-sections which include a mandatory lab.
  • MATH 1110 - Algebraic Problem Solving

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1010  or 1530  with a grade of “C” or higher; or ACT-M score of 19 or higher (or equivalent SAT or COMPASS score)
    Description: Students will learn important aspects of functions and their representations from a problem solving view point. The primary emphasis is meaningful use and interpretation of the language, symbols, and concepts of functions and their representations.
  • MATH 1234 - Honors Seminar in Mathematics

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to University Honors Program or permission of instructor
    Description: This honors course introduces students to topics of current research in mathematics.
  • MATH 1410 - Structure of Mathematical Systems I

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Non-enhanced section MATH 1530  with a “B” or higher; or ACT-MATH score 20 or higher;

    Enhanced section -  HS Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry and ACT-MATH 19 score or higher
    Description: Topics include numeration systems and place value, decimals, fractions, percents, proportionality, number sense, integers, and number theory.  Emphases are problem solving, number sense, and communicating mathematics concepts with language, symbols, and concrete and pictorial representations.



  • MATH 1411 - Structures of Mathematical Systems Lab

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Elective mathematics laboratory for students desiring extra assistance with MATH 1410. Lab instruction will focus on problem-solving. Pass/Fail grading.
  • MATH 1420 - Structure of Mathematical Systems II

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1410  with a grade of “C” or higher
    Description: Topics include proportionality, algebraic thinking, geometry, and measurement.  Emphases are problem solving, multiplicative reasoning, number sense, and communicating mathematics concepts with language, symbols, and concrete and pictorial representations.  This course is reserved for students seeking elementary or middle school teaching licensure.



  • MATH 1421 - Structure of Mathematics Systems Lab

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Elective mathematics laboratory for students desiring extra assistance with MATH 1420 . Lab instruction will focus on problem-solving. Pass/Fail grading.
  • MATH 1530 - Elements of Statistics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Deficiencies in Reading and Writing must be removed before enrolling in MATH 1530.
    Description: Measures of central tendency and dispersion for descriptive statistics, estimations of confidence intervals for means and proportions, probability distributions, hypotheses testing, analysis of variance, the least squares method, and correlation analysis. Students with high school deficiencies in mathematics must sign up for E-sections which include a mandatory lab.
  • MATH 1550 - Statistics and Probability for K-8 Teachers

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Must complete deficiencies in reading and writing
    Description: Categorization and collection of data.  Representations of univariate and bivariate data.  Measures of central tendency and variability related to distribution of data, correlation, confidence intervals, data driven decision making, probability and probability distributions, expected value, combinations, and permutations.  Analysis of published data such as standardized test scores.
  • MATH 1710 - College Algebra

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1010  or 1530  with a grade of “C” or higher; or ACT-M score of 19 or higher (or equivalent SAT or COMPASS score).
    Description: A study of functions and their representations with emphasis on the use of functions in problem-solving and modeling contexts. Topics include polynomial functions, rational functions, power and root functions, inverse functions, and systems of equations.
  • MATH 1720 - Precalculus (Trigonometry)

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1710  or 1110  with a grade of “C” or higher in either course or ACT-M score of 25 or higher
    Description: Circular functions and their graphs, inverses, identities and conditional equations, solutions of triangles, trigonometric form of complex numbers, DeMoivre’s Theorem, exponential and logarithmic functions, parametric and polar equations.
  • MATH 1730 - Precalculus

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1710  or 1110  with a grade of “C” or higher; or ACT-M with score of 25 or higher.  Students who do not meet this requirement may challenge their placement by taking (at their own expense) the APSU Mathematics Placement Examination.
    Description: Analysis of functions and their graphs, inverse functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, theory of equations, conic sections, circular functions and their graphs, trigonometric identities and conditional equations, solutions of triangles, trigonometric form of complex numbers, DeMoivre’s Theorem, parametric and polar equations. Structured primarily to prepare students for MATH 1910 .
  • MATH 1810 - Elements of Calculus

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1110   or 1710  or 1730  with a grade of “C” or higher or ACT-M score of 25 or higher.  Students who do not meet this requirement may challenge their placement by taking (at their own expense) the APSU Mathematics Placement Examination.
    Description: Designed for students whose major interest is outside the physical sciences but who require a working knowledge of calculus. Limits, the derivative, differentiation techniques, applications of differentiation, the definite integral, exponential and logarithmic functions, and applications of integration.
  • MATH 1820 - Elements of Calculus

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1810 
    Description: A continuation of MATH 1810. Functions of several variables, integration techniques, differential equations, Taylor polynomials, infinite series, and numerical methods.
  • MATH 1910 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite:   with a grade of “C” or higher or HS trigonometry and ACT-M score 27 or higher.  Students who do not meet this requirement may challenge their placement by taking (at their own expense) the APSU  Mathematics Placement Examination.
    Description: Elements of plane analytic geometry, functions, limits, derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions, integration, and applications.
  • MATH 1920 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry

    5 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1910  
    Description: Polar coordinates, numerical integration, infinite series, techniques of integration, improper integral, conic sections, and transcendental functions.
  • MATH 2110 - Calculus

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1920 
    Description: Three dimensional vectors, partial derivatives, multiple integration, and vector calculus.
  • MATH 3000 - Discrete Mathematics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1820 , 1920  or permission of instructor
    Description: The study of algorithms, counting methods and combinatorics, graph theory, trees, Boolean algebras and combinatorial circuits.
  • MATH 3010 - Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1920 
    Description: Topics include inductive and deductive reasoning, symbolic logic, truth tables, set theory, and functions, with emphasis on various techniques in proving mathematical theorems. Applications to geometry, number theory, algebra, analysis, and topology.
  • MATH 3120 - Differential Equations I

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 2110  
    Description: First order differential equations and applications, linear equations of higher order and applications, series solutions of differential equations, Bessel functions and other classical functions obtained by series solutions.
  • MATH 3130 - Differential Equations II

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 3120  
    Description: The Laplace transform and its application to differential equations, systems of linear differential equations, numerical methods. Fourier series and the solution of boundary value problems involving partial differential equations such as the heat equation and the wave equation.
  • MATH 3450 - Linear Algebra

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1920 
    Description: Systems of linear equations, determinants, vector spaces with emphasis on finite-dimensional spaces, linear transformations, similarity, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, quadratic forms, numerical methods, and applications.
  • MATH 3630 - College Geometry

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1910  and one year of high school Geometry
    Description: An introduction to modern elementary geometry, transformational geometry, projective geometry, non-Euclidean geometry, and foundations of geometry.
  • MATH 4000 - Mathematics Seminar

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1910 
    Description: The course will explore connections among the various content areas, such as calculus, geometry, and statistics, required in the mathematics add-on endorsement program.
  • MATH 4010 - History of Mathematics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: Development of elementary mathematics and a study of the individuals and cultures who contributed to it.
  • MATH 4020 - Geometry for Elementary and Middle School Teachers

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1410 , 1420 
    Description: Topics include informal, plane, and solid geometries; tessellations; transformations; measurements; deductive reasoning; constructions with dynamic geometry software and other tools; topology and graph theory.
  • MATH 4030 - Problem Solving for Elementary and Middle School Teachers

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1410 , 1420 
    Description: Students will engage in recreational mathematics, puzzles, and games. The emphasis is to develop problem solving skills using various tools and techniques, such as algebra, modeling, and appropriate technology.
  • MATH 4100 - Teaching Mathematics in Grades K-3

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1410 1420  with grades of “C” or higher and Milestone II  (Milestone II requirements) Corequisite: RDG 4010 
    Description: Contemporary elementary school mathematics curriculum, teaching materials, and strategies for effective teaching. Field experience required.
  • MATH 4110 - Number Theory

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1920 
    Description: Divisibility, properties of primes, analysis of congruence, quadratic residues, and Diophantine analysis.
  • MATH 4130 - Financial Mathematics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1910 ;

    Description: Prepares students for actuarial exam 2/FM: present and accumulated values of cash flows, reserving, valuation, pricing, asset/liability management, investment income, capital budgeting, valuing of contingent cash flows, and financial instruments including derivatives and arbitrage-free pricing.

  • MATH 4150 - Teaching Mathematics in Grades 4-6

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Milestone II  and MATH 1410 , MATH 1420  with grades of “C” or higher
    Description: Contemporary elementary school mathematics curriculum, teaching materials, and strategies for effective teaching in grades 4-6. Field experience required.
  • MATH 4160 - Complex Analysis

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1920 
    Description: The algebra of complex numbers, properties of analytic functions, elementary functions and mappings, complex integration, power series, residues and poles, conformal mapping.
  • MATH 4200 - Mathematics Content and Pedagogy for Middle School

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 3630  as a pre/corequisite or both (MATH 1410  and MATH 1420  with a grade of “C” or higher); and Milestone II  
    Description: Using appropriate technology, students will investigate and apply concepts of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability, and calculus. The course will also address pedagogy in the middle school mathematics classroom. Field experience required.
  • MATH 4210 - Topology

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 2110 
    Description: Sets, metric spaces, limits, continuous maps and homeomorphisms, connectedness, and compact topological spaces.
  • MATH 4240 - Probability

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross Listed STAT 4240 
    Prerequisite: MATH 1920 
    Description: A mathematical introduction to probability; sample spaces; probability functions; counting techniques; conditional probability; independence, total probability and Baye’s rule; discrete and continuous random variables; expectation, median, variance; joint and conditional distributions; moment generating functions; laws of large numbers and the central limit therem.
  • MATH 4260 - Stochastic Processes

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross Listed STAT 4260 
    Prerequisite: MATH 4240  or  
    Description: An introduction to stochastic processes and their applications: Poisson and compound Poisson processes; discrete and continuous time Markov chains; renewal theory; random walks and Brownian motion.
  • MATH 4321 - Introduction to Symbolic Computation

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: This course exposes students to computer algebra systems and other software packages.  Students will learn to use these programs which will enhance their understanding in several courses in Mathematics, Statistics, Sciences and Engineering.
  • MATH 4400 - The Teaching of Secondary School Mathematics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Milestone II and 19 hours of mathematic courses in the major Pre/Corequisite:  
    Description: Strategies for teaching high school mathematics that reflect best practiced recommendations. Field experience required.
  • MATH 4450 - Mathematical Models

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1920 3450 
    Description: Formation of mathematical models for problems in science and business. Special emphasis on models requiring algebra, calculus, discrete methods, and probabilistic models.
  • MATH 4460 - Applied Mathematics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 2110 3120   or permission of instructor
    Description: In-depth study of an application of mathematics to industry, business, science or the social sciences.  Specific topic chosen at the instructor’s discretion.  Possible topics include but are not limited to computational graph theory, stochastic, differential equation, financial mathematics, environmental mathematics, mathematical biology, data mining, etc.  A project or paper is required.
  • MATH 4500 - Modern Algebra

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 3010  with a grade of “C” or higher
    Description: Relations, maps, abstract algebras, groups, rings, integral domains, order, morphisms, fields, and factorization.
  • MATH 4670 - Numerical Analysis

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1920 ,  (CSCI 1010  or 2000 ) or permission of instructor
    Description: Digital computer programming, finite differences, numerical integration, matrix computations, numerical solutions of non-linear systems and differential equations.
  • MATH 4710 - Real Analysis

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 2110 , MATH 3010  
    Description: Functions, cardinality, real numbers, sequences, limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, infinite series, sequences, and series of functions.
  • MATH 4810 - Senior Seminar

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission of Department Chair
    Description: The threads that link concepts found in undergraduate mathematics will be discussed. The transition from student to career will be addressed. The library and other resources will be utilized to encourage a continuing development of mathematical thought.
  • MATH 4900 - Special Problems

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: Selected mathematical topics of general interest.
  • MATH 4910 - Topics in Mathematics

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: Workshops of short duration, organized around topics of current interest.
  • MATH 4920 - Topics in Mathematics

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: Workshops of short duration, organized around topics of current interest.
  • MATH 4930 - Topics in Mathematics

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: Workshops of short duration, organized around topics of current interest.

Medical Technology

  • MTEC 3760/3761 - Immunology and Serology (and lab)

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BIOL 2300/2301  or 3050/3051  or 3730/3731  with a grade of “C” or higher Corequisite: MTEC 3761
    Description: A comprehensive immunology course that includes the development, function, and failures of the immune system including the fundamentals of antigen-antibody reactions and serologic procedures performed in the clinical laboratory.
  • MTEC 3910/3911 - Fundamentals of Hematology (and lab)

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BIOL 2020/2021  and permission of instructor Corequisite: BIOL 3911
    Description: Study of formed elements of the blood and the mechanism of coagulation, with an emphasis on normal development and routine evaluation of blood samples together with development of basic laboratory skills. The use of statistics in the analysis and interpretation of laboratory data is introduced.
  • MTEC 3940/3941 - Fundamentals of Clinical Analysis (and lab)

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHEM 1120/1121  and permission of instructor; Corequisite: MTEC 3941
    Description: Introduction to clinical analysis including specimen collection, processing, testing and statistical analysis.  Students will gain a foundation in the correlation of clinically significant analyses to disease states.  Quality control, the basic metabolic panel, and select concepts in urinalysis will also be introduced.

  • MTEC 4090 - Clinical Hematology

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the senior year (clinical phase) of MTEC program or permission of program director or permission of instructor
    Description: Practical experience in fundamental techniques in the clinical hematology section at an affiliated hospital laboratory. Additional practical experience with equipment maintenance, reporting and correlating results, quality control and proficiency testing, case studies and special procedures.
  • MTEC 4290 - Clinical Microbiology

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the senior year (clinical phase) of MTEC program or permission of program director or permission of instructor
    Description: Practical experience in the routine isolation and identification of medically significant bacteria, fungi, and parasites using approved methods in the clinical bacteriology/mycology/parasitology section of an affiliated hospital laboratory. Additional practical experience with equipment maintenance, reporting and correlating results, quality control and proficiency testing, case studies, and special procedures.
  • MTEC 4390 - Clinical Immunohematology Serology

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the senior year (clinical phase) of MTEC program or permission of program director or permission of instructor
    Description: Practical experience in the current methods of blood grouping, typing, fetal screening, transfusion therapy, and serology testing in the clinical immunohematology/serology section of an affiliated hospital laboratory. Additional practical experience with equipment maintenance, reporting and correlating results, quality control and proficiency testing, case studies, and special procedures.
  • MTEC 4490 - Clinical Chemistry Urinalysis

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the senior year (clinical phase) of MTEC program or permission of program director or permission of instructor
    Description: Practical experience in fundamental techniques in the routine clinical chemistry/urinalysis section at an affiliated hospital laboratory. Additional practical experience with equipment maintenance, reporting and correlating results, quality control and proficiency testing, case studies, and special procedures.
  • MTEC 4500 - Research

    2-4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor and minimum cumulative GPA 2.5
    Description: This course is offered for those who desire to pursue a special study of some medical/biological problem beyond what is possible in regular courses. The student is expected to select and plan a research problem and pursue it to some state of completion.

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