Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • HIST 4650 - African American History to 1890

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: The African Americans from the cultural roots in Africa to the changing economic, political, social status in the 1890s. Emphasis will be placed on those African Americans who were active in leadership roles from the colonial era to the Gilded Age.
  • HIST 4660 - African American History Since 1890

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: African Americans from 1890 to the present. Special emphasis placed on the civil rights movement, Black nationalism, and Black leadership during the era.
  • HIST 4665 - Civil Rights Movement

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This course examines the beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement, traces the major actors and turning points, and ends with influence on the women’s, LGBT, and American Indian movements.
  • HIST 4670 - Women in American History

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: The roles of women in the social, economic, and political development of the United States. Contributions of women and the historical significance of their attitudes in the liberal reform eras in American history.
  • HIST 4700 - American Military History to 1919

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: The development and employment in peace and war of American military power on land and at sea from the era of the American Revolution to the end of World War I.
  • HIST 4710 - American Military History Since 1919

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: The development and employment in peace and war of American military power on land, at sea, and in the air since World War I.
  • HIST 4720 - US Foreign Relations to 1890

    3 Credit Hours
  • HIST 4730 - US Foreign Relations Since 1890

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: America’s rise to the status of Great Power before World War II and global pre-eminence thereafter. Topics include colonialism, American involvement in World War I, interwar diplomacy, conflicts leading to World War II and the Cold War, Korea, and Vietnam.
  • HIST 4740 - The Rise of America as a Great Power: 1898-1945

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: A history of American military and foreign policy from the period 1898-1945.  Emphasizing the major diplomatic and military events, including the Spanish-American War of 1898, World War I, and World War II.  This course also examines how these conflicts impacted American society, culture and politics and U. S. interactions with other nations.
  • HIST 4750 - American Economic History

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: American economic growth since the early 19th century. Topics include the American System, textiles, railroads, and iron and steel in the last century. Since 1900, mass production and consumption, the economic stimulus of war, and the rise of the interventionist state are major topics.
  • HIST 4760 - Native American History

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: The history of the Native American societies of North America including their prehistory, development, and changing relationships and adaptation to white society over the past 400 years, role of Native Americans in American history, and Indian history from the tribal perspective. Case studies compare and contrast the Cherokee and Lakota experiences.
  • HIST 4770 - History of the American West: Comparative American Frontiers

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Comparison and contrast among the Spanish Borderlands, French, Dutch, English, and American frontiers.
  • HIST 4780 - History of the American West: Trans-Mississippi West

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: The Trans-Mississippi West, including Native America, exploration, fur trade, hispano-Indian-white relations, western expansion, mining frontier, cattle frontier, military conquest of the Plains, violence, reservation life, women in the West, farming frontier, myth vs. reality and the 20th century west.
  • HIST 4790 - The Military Nontraditional Roles

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This course addresses non-combat roles performed by the U.S. military. The occupation of Germany and Japan after WWII, state building, and peace-keeping missions around the globe will be evaluated. Democratization and cultural re-orientation through political, educational, cultural, and economic institutions.
  • HIST 4800 - Studies in Liberal Arts

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: A writing intensive course based on readings in the Liberal Arts. This is the capstone course for students majoring in Liberal Arts.
  • HIST 4810 - Introduction to Museums

    3 to 6 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: HIST 2010 
    Description: This course will introduce students to the different types of museum and historical agencies. It will stress the basic functions of a museum: collections management, conservation, education, and exhibition. Visits to the museums included. Expenses borne by students.
  • HIST 4820 - The Vietnam War 1945-1975

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This course is a history of the Vietnam conflict highlighting the United States’ political, economic and military involvement.  Special emphasis will be given to the diplomatic history of the war and the period of direct American military participation which occurred from 1965-1973.
  • HIST 4830 - Prisoners of War in American History

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This course examines prisoner of war handling and treatment in American history from the colonial period to the present.  The changing roles of international law, humanitarian treatment, and reciprocity will be studied.  The course will incorporate U.S. social, diplomatic, and military history to understand the changing norm in prisoner treatment.
  • HIST 4840 - The Cold War

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: A history of the origins and evolution of the Cold War from 1945 to 1991.  Emphasizing the major diplomatic and military events, the course also examines the conflict’s impact on American society, culture and politics and how it affected the U. S. and its interactions with other nations around the world.
  • HIST 4850 - African Americans in the Military

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This course surveys the contributions and roles of African Americans in American military history from the Revolutionary War to the present.
  • HIST 4900 - Topics in History

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor
    Description: This seminar addresses a specific historical topic, determined by the instructor, involving advanced readings, discussion, and research. The student will complete a thesis, using primary and secondary sources or historiographic paper, engaging two or more historians on the topic. This course may be taken twice for credit for a maximum of six (6) hours.
  • HIST 4910 - History Abroad

    3-6 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor
    Description: This course involves temporary residence outside the US to study an historical topic in its geographic context. Students will complete a research using primary and secondary sources or historiographic paper engaging two or more historians on the same topic.
  • HIST 4920 - Oral History

    3-6 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor
    Description: Theory and practice of oral history as a technique of research. Students will use primary sources and interviews to study a topic determined by the instructor. Students will complete a paper extensively using and interpreting oral history sources.
  • HIST 4930 - Historiography Credit

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor
    Description: This seminar is a study of the history and problems of historical writing and interpretation. Typical topics might include romantic history, ancient historians, Scientific Historicism, or current models and interpretations. Students will complete at least one paper engaging two or more historians’ styles or arguments on the same topic.
  • HIST 4940 - Public History

    3-6 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor
    Description: This seminar/internship introduces students to theory and methods of public history. Topics could include archives and records management, historical preservation and interpretation of site and artifacts, editing and publishing. Students will complete a public history project satisfactory to the instructor and useful to the institutions to which the students are assigned.
  • HIST 4950 - Teaching Social Studies Secondary Schools

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Milestone II 
    Description: Emphasis on developing skills in unit development; lesson planning and modification for diverse English Language learners; individualized instruction; questioning and formal discussions; teaching critical thinking, reading in Social Studies, and affective strategies; formative and summative assessment; and classroom management.  Fifteen (15) hours field experience is required.
  • HIST 4999 - Senior Capstone

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Senior standing
    Description: Designed to combine all the skills students have learned as a history major.  Students will produce a major research project, ideally a publishable article.


  • HON 300A - Readings in Art and Culture

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: No description
  • HON 300X - Colloquim

    Credit Hours
    Description: An interdisciplinary exploration of a special topic, an issue of current concern, or a major non-Western culture. Specific topics and course titles to be announced.
  • HON 1010 - Language and Problems of Modern Culture

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: An exploration of language as it operates within society including the science and across academic disciplines, with special attention to semantics and usage. Communication skills developed through constant composition and discussion.
  • HON 2010 - Roots of Western Culture

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: An exploration of the ancient worlds of the Hebrews, Greeks, Romans, and others who have influenced the way we think about politics, philosophy, art, and education.
  • HON 2020 - Medieval Ideas

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Study  of crises and transformations as the Roman Empire collapsed into the diverse cultures of Medieval Islam and Christendom, with emphasis on cultural conflict and interaction as demonstrated in religious thought, philosophy, artistic expression, political forms, and military action.
  • HON 2030 - Renaissance Ideas

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Exploration of basic ideas and values in science, art, philosophy, music, religion, and literature, and in national identities from the Renaissance to the early modern era.
  • HON 2040 - The Modern Age

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Examination of the major upheavals of the modern period in politics, science, religion, and art which have transformed the life and thought of our own time.
  • HON 4000 - Senior Honors Capstone Seminar

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: An interdisciplinary synthesizing seminar.
  • HON 4050 - Honors Thesis

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Honors 4050 is the Honors Program thesis course.  Upper-level students in the Honors Program may elect to write a thesis in order to satisfy requirements for graduating with Honors Scholar status.  Students work independently with faculty on projects decided upon by the student and faculty member.  These projects may include research, papers, presentations or creative projects.  The project and its assessment are determined by the student and the faculty member in consultation with the Director of the Honors Program.


  • JAPN 1010 - Elementary Japanese I

    4 Credit Hours
    Description: Introduction to Japanese language and culture with emphasis on oral communication. Extensive practice in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • JAPN 1020 - Elementary Japanese II

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: JAPN 1010 
    Description: Introduction to Japanese language and culture with emphasis on oral communication. Extensive practice in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • JAPN 2010 - Intermediate Japanese I

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: JAPN 1020  or equivalent
    Description: A comprehensive review of Japanese along with extensive reading, close textural examination, and discussion of representative works of Japanese literature.
  • JAPN 2020 - Intermediate Japanese II

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: JAPN 2010  or equivalent
    Description: A comprehensive review of Japanese along with extensive reading, close textual examination, and discussion of representative works of Japanese literature.

International Studies

  • INTS 2000 - Introduction International Studies

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: An emphasis on different disciplines and their global influences. Students will learn how to prepare themselves for understanding challenges and establishing international connections for their future professional and career opportunities.
  • INTS 3000 - Study Abroad

    3-18 Credit Hours
    Description: Provide appropriate credit for students studying full-time abroad under the supervision of qualified faculty.


  • LATN 1010 - Elementary Latin

    4 Credit Hours
    Description: An introduction, with cultural context, to the sounds and structures of the language with emphasis on the written; in second semester, greater stress on grammar, expanded vocabulary, and translation skills, both oral and written.
  • LATN 1020 - Elementary Latin

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 1010 
    Description: An introduction, with cultural context, to the sounds and structures of the language with emphasis on the written; in second semester, greater stress on grammar, expanded vocabulary, and translation skills, both oral and written.
  • LATN 2010 - Intermediate Latin

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 1020 
    Description: Further study of Classical Latin with emphasis on increasing mastery of grammar and vocabulary. Readings are in prose in LATN 2010 and from Vergils’ Aeneid in LATN2020.
  • LATN 2020 - Intermediate Latin

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 2010 
    Description: Further study of Classical Latin with emphasis on increasing mastery of grammar and vocabulary. Readings are in prose in LATN 2010 and from Vergils’ Aeneid in LATN2020.
  • LATN 3410 - Roman Religion

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: An introduction to the religious practices of Ancient Romans, from the late Republic through the first several centuries of the Roman Empire. We will study the major deities, rituals, festivals, and temples of the Roman people, including the cult of the emperor and the emergence of Eastern cults. No knowledge of Latin is required.
  • LATN 3510 - Latin Historians

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 2020 
    Description: Selections from Sallust, Caesar, Livy, Tacitus, Suetonius or any other of the Latin historians. Some discussion of the history of historical writing in Rome, stylistic peculiarities of the various authors, and the place of historical writing in the broader literary context of ancient Rome.
  • LATN 3610 - Latin Drama

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 2020  
    Description: Selected readings from the plays of Plautus, Terence or Seneca. Discussion of the drama as a literary form, conventions of the Roman theatre, Greek predecessors, and the practical side of play production.
  • LATN 3620 - Latin Letters

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 2020 
    Description: Selected readings from the letters of Cicero and/or Pliny the Younger. Some discussion of the letter as a literary form, epistolary style and syntax. Greek predecessors, and the practical side of letter writing in antiquity.
  • LATN 3710 - Latin Lyric Poetry

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 2020 
    Description: Readings from Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, and other Latin lyric poets. Discussion of the history of the development of lyric poetry, including Greek precedents, and its place in the larger Latin literary tradition.
  • LATN 3720 - Later Latin Epic

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 2020 
    Description: Selected readings from the poems of Ovid, Statius, or Lucan. Discussion of the development of epic poetry in the first century A.D. with reference to the epic tradition.
  • LATN 3810 - Latin Rhetoric

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 2020  
    Description: Readings from Roman orators, primarily Cicero. Readings may include selections from rhetorical works such as the de oratore and the Rhetorica and Herrenium as well. Discussion of the history of rhetoric, rhetorical devices, and the place of rhetoric in the larger Latin literary tradition.
  • LATN 4110 - Independent Study in Latin

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: Students study independently in Latin under instructor’s guidance. Studies are planned to satisfy special individual needs and interests. May be repeated for up to a total of 12 hours.
  • LATN 4120 - Independent Study in Latin

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: Students study independently in Latin under instructor’s guidance. Studies are planned to satisfy special individual needs and interests. May be repeated for up to a total of 12 hours.
  • LATN 4210 - Latin Prose Composition

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 2020 
    Description: Practice in composing connected prose in Latin of the Classical period. Topics may include grammar review, the developmental of Latin prose, the use of rhetorical devices; there may be brief readings from a variety of prose authors in addition to the composition assignments.
  • LATN 4300 - The Roman Novel

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 2020 
    Description: Selected readings from Petronius or Apuleius. Discussion of the ancient novel tradition, including Greek predecessors and such later authors as Dictys Cretensis and lulius Valerius.
  • LATN 4310 - Medieval Latin

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 2020 
    Description: Selected readings of Latin authors from c. 500 to 1500 A.D. Readings may include both prose and poetry. Study of the development of Latin throughout this period, including some discussion of the breakdown into the vernacular Romance languages.
  • LATN 4410 - Latin Satire

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: LATN 2020 
    Description: Selected readings from the poems of Horace, Martial or Juvenal. Discussion of the development of satire and its place in the Latin literary tradition.

Leadership Science

  • LDSP 1000 - Intro to Study of Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: President’s Emerging Leaders Program (PELP)  students only
    Description: Introduce students to the basic concepts in the area of leadership, followership, volunteerism, and group dynamics, and assist students to develop a heightened self-awareness of their leadership potential.
  • LDSP 1005 - Community Organizations

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: President’s Emerging Leaders Program (PELP)  students only
    Description: Examine the structures of community corporations, governmental agencies, and other institutions as they relate to community activities. Included will be discussions of leadership in community organizations for change, utilizing community resources. Students will be expected to spend some time in the field learning about community organizations.
  • LDSP 2000 - Ethics in Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: President’s Emerging Leaders Program (PELP)  students only
    Description: From Plato to the present, it has been argued that good leaders are good persons and individuals of good character who are able to apply sound reasoning to issues of private and public morality. Topics included will be ethical issues confronted by great leaders, the principles used in their decision-making, and application of ethical principles to community situations.
  • LDSP 2100 - Foundations of Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This course examines basic concepts of leadership and explores current thought in the field of study.  Topics covered include leader emergence, leader behaviors and ethics, leader characteristics and individual differences, cross-cultural leadership, leading diverse teams, substitutes for leadership, followership, decision-making, and measurement/methods for studying leadership.
  • LDSP 3000 - Leadership Development

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This junior level course, open to all junior or senior students, is designed to expose leadership students to the basic concepts in leadership theory and group dynamics. To assist students in developing and improving skills in communication, group dynamics, goal setting, decision-making/problem solving, conflict resolution, and leading effective meetings; to enhance the student’s understanding of the characteristics of past and present successful leaders and to apply this understanding to their own leadership development.
  • LDSP 3001 - Leadership Issues I

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: President’s Emerging Leaders Program (PELP)  students only
    Description: Students will be assigned to a community committee and meet with the group on a regular basis as a participating member. In addition, students will attend at least two 2-hour workshops addressing practical application of leadership concepts and will participate in a group project. Readings related to the topic will be required.
  • LDSP 3100 - Organizational Dynamics, Politics, and Change

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This course (open to all APSU students) takes an interdisciplinary look at leadership and change in organizations and groups. Students are exposed to structural, cultural, and political challenges that leaders face. Designed to help one understand sources of power and authority, various theories of organizational development and leadership strategies are explored for uses in dealing with complex situations and setting.
  • LDSP 3110 - Innovation and creativity

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Leadership can facilitate or inhibit change, creativity and innovation.  Circumstances can require balancing competing interests including organizations, people, culture, and technology.  This course explores the role of leadership in advancing and applying innovation.
  • LDSP 3120 - Developing Leaders in Organizations

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This course focuses on the process and structure of developing others as leaders.  Topics include learning theory, models of training and development, mentorship, and the structuring experiences for leadership development.
  • LDSP 3130 - Judgment and Decision Making

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Description:  Course explores decision-making and problem-solving at the individual and group (organizational level).  Contrasting viewpoints and approaches to decision-making and problem-solving are examined via readings and cases.  Topics covered include decision ethics, impact on stakeholders and framing.
  • LDSP 3140 - Leadership as Social Influence

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Examines leadership as a process in which leaders influence others for the common good through the use of a variety of tactics and strategies.  Topics include impression negotiation, impression management, self-presentation processes, framing, attitude formation, grouplink, self-monitoring, self and collective identity, interpersonal influence, persuasion, followership, power, and organizational politics.
  • LDSP 3150 - Leadership and Power

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Examines the basic concepts and uses of leadership power and influence in the organization.  Topics include the use, misuse, creation, and dispersion of power, ethical implications in the use of power and influence, and the interplay of power and related ideas including critical thinking.


  • LDSP 3160 - Strategic Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Examines strategic nature of leadership: how leaders create form and focus out of chaos to achieve goals.  Drawing from diverse disciplines, topics include the evolution of strategic thinking, application of strategy, game theory, and relationship of strategy to systems, information, and execution.
  • LDSP 3200 - Community Leadership, Strategy, and Social Change

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This course (open to all APSU students) explores basic concepts of strategic leadership in civic and social organizations. Topics include social and civic entrepreneurship, civil society, community visioning and grass roots strategic planning. Course participants will pursue strategies for building healthy and sustainable communities through asset building, collaboration, social capital development, fundraising, and grant writing.
  • LDSP 3900 - Advances in Leadership Science

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite:   or  
    Description: This course combines theory, research methodology, and application to provide the student with a deeper understanding of the relationship between theory and practice in the realm of leadership.  Included are topics such as transformational/charismatic leadership, contingent/situational leadership, and leadership styles.
  • LDSP 4000 - Internship in Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Appropriate preparation courses and permission of the director.
    Description: Students will complete 100 clock hours of supervised work in an approved setting and will be expected to meet at regular intervals with the Director to discuss work in the field. Application for internship should be made with the Director the semester prior to planned enrollment.
  • LDSP 4001 - Great Leaders

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: President’s Emerging Leaders Program (PELP)  students only
    Description: Studies of biographies of models of greatness will help students discover the characteristics of individuals which contributed to their outstanding accomplishments. Students will draw implications from these studies about their own abilities and skills.
  • LDSP 4200 - Leadership, Technology and Change

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: This course (open to all APSU students) examines how the leader of any type of organization deals with technology as an agent of change. Students investigate how technology changes organizations and their environments, and they formulate strategies for leading diverse groups through technological change.
  • LDSP 4511 - Vital Topics in Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4511, 4512, 4513, - 4514, 4515, 4516, 4517, 4518, 4519, 4520 - Vital Topics in Leadership (1 credit hour each)

    1 hour each Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4511-4520 - Vital Topics in Leadership (1 hour each)

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4512 - Vital Topics in Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4513 - Vital Topics in Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4514 - Vital Topics in Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4515 - Vital Topics in Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4516 - Vital Topics in Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4517 - Vital Topics in Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4518 - Vital Topics in Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4519 - Vital Topics in Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4520 - Vital Topics in Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4610 - Emerging Issues in Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4610, 4620, 4630, - 4640, 4650, 4660, 4670, 4680, 4690, 4700 - Emerging Issues in Leadership (3 hours each)

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4620 - Emerging Issues in Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4630 - Emerging Issues in Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4660 - Emerging Issues in Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4670 - Emerging Issues in Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4680 - Emerging Issues in Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4690 - Emerging Issues in Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4700 - Emerging Issues in Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Advanced readings and research in a selected area of leadership studies.  Topics to be chosen by the instructor.
  • LDSP 4810 - Leadership Capstone - Experiential Emphasis

    3 Credit Hours
    Description: Course ties together key ideas from the study of leadership.  A major component of this course will be the application of leadership theories.  Experiential learning will be a primary teaching tool for the course.

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