APSU Today
Austin Peay State University is a University in Tennessee that offers high quality undergraduate and graduate programs to a student body of varied ethnicities, ages, and interests. All public higher education in the state is coordinated by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) with Universities being governed by their own Board of Trustees. Austin Peay is an urban campus located in Clarksville, Tennessee, the state’s fifth largest city, just 50 miles from Nashville, the state capitol. Austin Peay State University also has multiple off-campus instructional sites including the Fort Campbell military installation site. While the majority of students live in the northwest and middle areas of Tennessee and in southern Kentucky, a number of students attend from throughout the state and the nation. APSU’s vision is to be the regions university of choice for those seeking to improve their lives. APSU will achieve this vision through student centered teaching, unique development opportunities, and our focus on innovative research and public service.
As one of the state’s most diverse public universities, APSU has much to offer through quality programs, convenient locations and excellent technology-supported facilities. To meet the needs of today’s students, APSU offers day, evening and weekend classes on its Clarksville campus, as well as the Fort Campbell location. APSU offers a wide variety of online classes with both synchronous and asynchronous learning options, therefore, both traditional and non-traditional students will find that APSU offers programs that match their interests and class scheduling that suits their lifestyle.
APSU supports the goal of a quality learning environment that encourages men and women to equip themselves to use their abilities productively and wisely. Leading the efforts of a committed faculty and staff in fulfilling this mission is President Michael Licari, the eleventh president since Austin Peay opened it doors in 1927 as a normal school for preparing teachers. The school is named in honor of Gov. Austin Peay of Clarksville, who was serving his third term of office when the school was established.
Off-Campus Instructional Site Information
The information below explains programs and locations where students are eligible to earn at least 50% of a degree. While many of these instructional sites are Dual Enrollment sites where high school students participate in completing general education requirements, other sites are available to all students.
By allowing our students to complete coursework at these locations, it opens yet another avenue for APSU to reach out to the community and students in a format which may allow students easier access to needed courses.
- The Austin Peay Center at Fort Campbell
- Bibb-White Bluff Civic Center
- Cheatham Central High School
- Clarksville Academy
- Clarksville High School
- Creek Wood High School
- East Hickman County High School
- East Robertson High School
- Greenbrier High School
- Harpeth High School
- Haywood High School
- Hickman High School
- Innovation Academy
- Jo Byrns High School
- Montgomery Central High School
- Northeast High School
- Northwest High School
- Rossview High School
- Springfield high School
- Stewart County High School
- Sycamore High School
- West Creek High School
- White House Heritage High School
- Workforce Essentials Cheatham County
In addition to the locations above, some courses are also taught at locations where students earn less than 50% of a credential. In accordance with the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, Section 107, the additional locations are listed below.
- APSU Farm and Environmental Education Center
- Clarksville Regional Airport
- Dickson County High School
- Kenwood High School
- Kirkwood High School
- Northwest High School
- South Haven Christian
- Station Camp High School
- Station Camp Middle School
Institutional Mission, Vision, and Values
Austin Peay State University is a mission-driven, community-minded institution that provides transformational experiences through innovative, creative, and scholarly activities. We welcome and inspire an inclusive community of learners to make a positive impact regionally and globally.
We will be the region’s university of choice for those seeking to improve their lives. We will achieve this vision through student-centered teaching, unique developmental opportunities, and our focus on innovative research and public service.
We are a collaborative community that values personal growth and life-long engagement through the promotion of integrity and academic excellence.
- Academic Excellence by providing meaningful and practical learning opportunities with highly qualified and dedicated faculty and staff.
- Integrity by maintaining an honest, fair, and credible environment.
- Community by fostering learning in an environment where all are welcomed and valued.
- Personal Growth by providing the knowledge, tools, and resources for all Governors to reach their full potential.
- Life-Long Engagement by providing services,programs,and experiences that promote loyalty, pride, and mutual support.
- Collaboration by enriching our local, regional, and global communities through value-added programs, strategic partnerships, and meaningful service.
The Felix G. Woodward Library
Website: library.apsu.edu/
The Felix G. Woodward Library offers an extensive range of resources to support academic and research needs. Information and services provided by the Library may be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through the Library’s website. In addition to PeaySearch, the Library’s online discovery tool, the Library provides access to more than 300 databases, 800,000 e-books and 70,000 electronic journals. The Library maintains a variety of collections, including the General Book Collection, Juvenile Collection, University Archives & Special Collections (UASC), Popular Reading and Video Collections, and a Lendable Objects Library. Additionally, the Library provides access to government publications, microforms, and audiovisual materials. The main floor of the Library features a Makerspace, which offers students hands-on opportunities for learning and project development and serves as a collaborative environment where users can explore, design, and create. The Library also has multiple study spaces, including individual study carrels, tables for group study, and study rooms, which are available for checkout.
Library faculty offer tailored instruction for courses of all disciplines. Library instruction sessions are developed to align objectives with the Association of College & Research Libraries’ (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and customized based on specific course assignments, ensuring relevance and effectiveness. Each instructional experience builds upon previous lessons, guiding students toward becoming proficient users of information within their chosen disciplines. Librarians also provide assistance through email, phone, and online chat, as well as research consultations in a one-on-one or small group setting via in-person or online.
The University’s Chairs of Excellence
Website: apsu.edu/about-apsu/chairs-excellence.php
This includes the Roy Acuff Chair in the Creative Arts, APSU Foundation Chair in Free Enterprise, Harper-Bourne Chair in Business, and Lenora C. Reuther Chair in Nursing.
The Center of Excellence for Field Biology
College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Phone: (931) 221-7019
Website: www.apsu.edu/field-biology/
To identify, study and preserve biodiversity.
The Center of Excellence for Field Biology at Austin Peay State University brings together scholars from various biological disciplines to conduct research on biotic communities in Tennessee-Kentucky and adjacent eco-regions including experimental ecology, general ecological theory, definition of biodiversity, evolution and systematics, applied biological science, and community outreach through focused and regional environmental education programs; field-based observations and methodologies are an integral component of these research endeavors.
The Center provides research assistantships to undergraduate and graduate students that provides them with hands-on experience in various areas of field biology under the mentorship of practicing scholars. For more information visit our website at www.apsu.edu/field-biology/
The Honors Program
Website: apsu.edu/honors/index.php
This program is under the supervision of the University College, provides individualized studies designed to challenge students and provides opportunities for creative exploration and intellectual development.
Art Galleries and Information
All Art Galleries on campus are open to the pubic with no admission charge. For more information on any of the Art Galleries, contact the Department of Art + Design at (931) 221-7333.
The New Gallery, also known as Clarksville’s free contemporary art gallery, is a 1500 sq ft white cube contemporary art gallery operated by the Department of Art + Design on the campus of Austin Peay State University, and features three to four curated exhibitions and one juried student exhibition per academic year. The New Gallery brings in nationally and internationally recognized contemporary artists for exhibitions, lectures, workshops, class visits, and studio visits with students. The exhibitions and all corresponding programming are free and open to the public, thanks to support from The Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts (CECA). The gallery is located on the first floor of the Art + Design building in room AD 101. Gallery hours are Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., and follow Austin Peay’s academic calendar and inclement weather policy. Curator-guided tours of exhibitions are available on request.
The Barbara Beach Gallery is dedicated to student exhibitions. This includes senior capstone exhibitions and student Summer Research Award exhibitions. It is located on the 2nd floor of the Art + Design building - directly above The New Gallery in AD 201. The gallery is open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. during the academic year.
<terminal> is a space sponsored by the Department of Art + Design and the Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts at Austin Peay State University to showcase regional, national, and international artists working in new media art including experimental film, video art, and animation. The gallery is an 80” 4k TV located on the 1st floor of the Art + Design building outside of The New Gallery. The gallery is open during the academic year when the building is open.
Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts
College of Arts and Letters
Location: Harned Hall, 128
Phone: (931) 221-7876
Website: www.apsu.edu/ceca/
The Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts (CECA or “seek-ah”) offers students, faculty, and the Clarksville community unique experiences in music, theatre, dance, creative writing, and visual arts. Whether you are a participant or an audience member, there are over 100 arts events to choose from each year presented by nationally and internationally-acclaimed guest artists. CECA is symbolic of the University’s commitment to the enrichment of life, which can be realized through an understanding and appreciation of the arts. Most events are free and open to the public.
Established in 1985, CECA is the only program of its kind in the state, offering students rare opportunities to learn from as many as 75 esteemed guest artists from around the world each year in the preparation and study of the arts. CECA’s programs emphasize collaboration between visiting artists and university students, resulting in the highest possible standards of artistic achievement.
CECA coordinates with the departments of Art + Design, Creative Writing, Music, and Theatre & Dance to support the creation of new works and to present works musical productions, recitals, concerts, theatre performances, literary readings, and visual arts exhibitions. Curricular activities sponsored by CECA include classes, lectures, workshops, seminars, master classes, public school outreach, and symposia focusing on the various arts disciplines and interdisciplinary nature of the arts for undergraduates, graduate students, and members of the community. CECA also manages the Roy Acuff Chair of Excellence, which brings exceptionally high-level authors, musicians, artists, actors, and teachers to campus to work with students and the community in a dynamic atmosphere of unrestricted experimentation. CECA also funds undergraduate and graduate scholarships for students in the creative arts.
CECA also took over the management of APSU’s Community School of the Arts (CSA) in 2017. The CSA offers a variety of arts classes for children and adults, from beginning to advanced levels, in the areas of dance, theatre, music, creative writing, and visual art, serving over 300 students per year.
The Division of Student Affairs
Student Affairs provides opportunities for students to explore the curiosity of their future, develop connectedness to community and accomplish their dreams. The division serves as an advocate for students and provides co-curricular engagement, community building, and supports a healthy well-being as students achieve success.
The vice president is responsible for the Division of Student Affairs, including the Adult, Nontraditional & Transfer Student Center, Wilbur N. Daniel African American Cultural Center, Career Services, Community Care & Standards, Community Engagement & Sustainability, Fraternity & Sorority Affairs, Latino Community Resource Center, Housing/Residence Life & Dining Services, Little Govs Child Learning Center, Student Disability Resource Center, Student Life & Engagement, Strategic Planning, Assessment & Communications, Student Counseling & Health Services, Student Publications and University Recreation. Students are always welcome in Student Affairs, and are encouraged to visit or call for assistance.
The Division of Military & Veterans Affairs
At Austin Peay State University, we are proud to honor and support our nation’s heroes. Our Military and Veterans Affairs Division is dedicated to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for veterans, active-duty military members, and their families. We understand the unique challenges and experiences that come with military service, and we are committed to helping you achieve your academic and career goals.
Areas under Military & Veterans Affairs Division: Veterans Education Benefits, Newton Military Family Resource Center, Military Affiliated Career Specialist, VetSuccess on Campus, Veterans Upward Bound and Austin Peay Center at Fort Campbell.