General Agriculture, B.S.
Students majoring in Agriculture will select one of five concentrations: Agri-Business, Agri-Science, Agri-Communications, PreVeterinary Medicine or Sustainable Development. In each case, a strong broad-based understanding of American agriculture will be developed.
| Credit hours |
General Education (see TBR Common Core ) University-Wide Freshman Seminar Requirement | 41 1 |
Agri-Business Concentration
Agri-Business is designed to prepare students for jobs in agricultural businesses and includes additional courses in marketing, management, economics, and accounting.
| Credit Hours |
General Education (see TBR Common Core ) University-Wide Freshman Seminar Requirement | 41 1 |
Agri-Communications Concentration
Agri-Communications is designed to prepare students for jobs in agricultural journalism or communication, and includes additional courses in journalism, broadcasting, and photography.
| Credit Hours |
General Education (see TBR Common Core ) University-Wide Freshman Seminar Requirement | 41 1 |
PreVeterinary Medicine Concentration
Three- or Four-Year Transfer Program (optional)
APSU offers a preveterinary medicine concentration that prepares the student for applying to the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. Most veterinary schools have similar admission requirements, and APSU’s program can be modified to meet the requirements of most.
The preveterinary program of study includes more coursework than the minimum for applying to veterinary school. These additional courses are included to improve the student’s chances for success in veterinary school and to complete B.S. degree requirements.
Program Requirements:
*Students may qualify for veterinary school during the third year at APSU.
*Thus students have two degree options at APSU:
- The student may apply for a degree granted in absentia (see Requirements for Degrees in Absentia ) after having successfully completed the first year of veterinary school; or
- The student may complete all requirements in the four-year curriculum and receive a B.S. degree in Agriculture, Pre-Veterinary Medicine Concentration
| Credit Hours |
General Education (see TBR Common Core ) University-Wide Freshman Seminar Requirement | 41 1 |
Sustainable Development Concentration
Sustainable development is defined as: “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (unbruntland commission). The Sustainable Development Concentration is designed to prepare students for work in the growing field of sustainability science with a primary focus in the sustainable management of food, soil, water, and forest resources. In addition to a solid foundation in theoretical sciences, students in this program will develop applied skills with electronic spreadsheets, computer models, renewable technologies, and geotechnologies that facilitate resource management.
| Credit Hours |
General Education (see TBR Common Core ) University-Wide Freshman Seminar Requirement | 41 1 |