Feb 10, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University-Wide Degree Requirements


Academic Guidelines for the Baccalaureate Degree

  1. The academic guidelines for a baccalaureate degree are located in the University Bulletin.  A student may graduate under the requirements of the current University Bulletin during the initial enrollment or any Bulletin thereafter that includes enrollment.  The Bulletin that is current for a TBR community college transfer student is the current Bulletin as the time the student entered the community college rather than admission to APSU.  A Bulletin is valid for six years under the initial Bulletin they entered APSU or any Bulletin thereafter, which includes enrollment.
  2. Students who have satisfactorily completed at least 24 weeks of intensive linguistic instruction, as recommended by ACE, may apply these credits to satisfy the Humanities - Foreign Language (III. B. 3 - 6 hours) core general education requirement for the BA degree.

Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree Must:

  1. Earn a minimum of 120 semester hours credit.
  2. Earn 39 semester credit hours in courses numbered 3000-4999 or upper division elective (EU) transfer credits.
  3. Earn at least 25 percent of the degree requirements in residency and earn at least 24 semester credit hours during the junior or senior years.  Courses offered by RODP/ROCC must be taught by APSU instructors in order to be included in the program of study residency requirement.  Residency is defined as course delivered and taught by APSU instructors.
  4. Earn an overall GPA of 2.00 in all courses attempted at any regionally accredited college or university if the coursework was transferred to APSU prior to Summer 2015, for all courses completed at APSU, and for all courses used to satisfy the requirements of a major, concentration or a minor, if applicable.
  5. Complete the TBR Common General Education Core courses. Any substitution of a core course is to be approved by the dean/director of the college/school in which the course is located. Courses in the general education core requirements should be completed by the end of the sophomore year.
  6. Complete the First Year Experience Course (APSU 1000 ) during the first semester of enrollment if entering APSU with fewer than 12 credits earned in a regionally accredited college or university setting.
  7. Complete the requirements of the major or concentration required by the school or department in which the major or concentration is located. Any substitution for a required course is to be approved by the chair of the department or director of the school and Dean of the College requiring the course in the major or minor.
  8. The minor consisting of at least 18 semester hours of credit shall include at least six semester hours of credit in courses numbered  3000 to 4999.  Check descriptions of department majors to learn whether a minor is required with a particular major.
  9. Transfer no more than 24 semester hours credit earned at other institutions after the last term in residence. Exceptions: SOCAD-4; residency limit of 25 percent of total degree requirements that may be completed at any point in the baccalaureate degree (click here ); Preprofessional programs (click here ).
  10. If required, complete the Departmental Exit Exam for the major in the semester of graduation.
  11. Complete Senior Exit Exam (CCTST, California Critical Thinking Skills Test) the semester of graduation.
  12. Apply no more than 60 hours of credit earned by testing and other non-traditional means toward a baccalaureate degree.
  13. Completion of ENGL 1010 with minimum grade of “C.”
  14. Submit an application online for the baccalaureate degree through AP Self Service at onestop.apsu.edu by the published deadline.


Candidates for the Associate Degree Must:

  1. Earn at least 15 APSU semester hours credit.
  2. Earn at least 60 semester hours credit and follow the specific course requirements as given in the outlined Program of Study.
  3. Complete the First Year Experience course (APSU 1000) during the first semester of enrollment if entering APSU with fewer than 12 credit earned in a regionally accredited college or university setting.
  4. Fulfill degree requirement with no more than one-half non-traditional credits.
  5. Earn at least 25 percent of the degree requirements in residency and earn at least 24 semester credit hours during the junior or senior years.  Courses offered by RODP/ROCC must be taught by APSU instructors in order to be included in the program of study residency requirement.  Residency is defined as course delivered and taught by APSU instructors.
  6. Transfer no more than 15 semester hours of credit earned at other institutions after the last semester of residence. Exception: SOCAD-2 (click here ).
  7. Be admitted to APSU if transferring from other associate degree programs.
  8. Maintain an overall minimum grade-point average of at least a “C” (2.00) average in all courses.
  9. Completion of ENGL 1010 with minimum grade of “C.”
  10. Submit an application online for the associate degree through AP Self Service at onestop.apsu.edu by the published deadline.

Testing as a Degree Requirement

Unless otherwise provided for any individual program, no minimum score or level of achievement on senior assessments listed in the baccalaureate degree requirements is required for graduation. Participation in testing is a graduation requirement for all students, and a commitment to performing well is expected.

Common Bulletin Statement Regarding General Education

Effective Fall Semester 2004, each institution in the State University and Community College System of Tennessee (The Tennessee Board of Regents System) share a common lower division general education core curriculum of forty-one (41) semester hours for baccalaureate degrees and the Associate of Science degrees. Lower division means freshman and sophomore courses. The courses comprising the general education curriculum are contained within the following subject categories.

APSU Recommended Courses for the TBR General Education Core


II History: 6 Credit Hours


Select History courses as indicated below:


III Humanities and/or Fine Arts: 9 Credit Hours


IV Mathematics: 3 Credit Hours


V Natural Sciences: 8 Credit Hours


VI Social & Behavioral Sciences: 6 Credit Hours


Academic Regulations for Degree Completion

  1. Application for Degree and Commencement: Formal online application for the degree must be filed with the Office of the Registrar no later than the date published in the University Calendar. Applications for the degree will be accepted only from students who have earned a minimum overall 2.00 GPA. Candidates may participate in the commencement held at the end of the semester that the requirements for the degree are completed. The applicant’s intent to participate in commencement must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar when applying for the degree by the published deadline.
  2. Degree Evaluation: A preliminary review of coursework at APSU and any evaluated transfer work in preparation for graduation is available to all students via OneStop at onestop.apsu.edu.
  3. Records Complete: All grades, undergraduate and graduate level, of “Incomplete”, “In-progress” and “not recorded” must be removed.  All evaluation of transfer of credits made, and all correspondence and extension courses finished by the end of the semester/term in which the candidate expects to receive the degree.
  4. Earning a Second Major/Concentration Under Same Degree Earned at Austin Peay: A second undergraduate major to be received under the degree already awarded may be earned by meeting all of the requirements for that major/concentration as shown in the current edition of the Bulletin at the time of admission to the program.  The second major will be added to the transcript as a notation; a second diploma will not be issued.
  5. Earning Two Majors Under Different Degrees Simultaneously: Students who pursue double majors under different degree programs must comply with one of the following:
    1. Before graduation, the student must complete a minimum of 150 hours of which 60 must be earned in courses numbered 3000 - 4999. Two degrees will be awarded.
    2. The student may elect to change one major to a minor. One degree will be awarded.

Academic Regulations for Completing a Second Degree

Students who hold a bachelors degree from APSU or any other regionally accredited college or university may subsequently earn a second bachelors degree from APSU if the following requirements are met:

  1. Hold an earned baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent of a baccalaureate degree from a foreign university as certified by an educational credential agency, including the History requirement as specified in the TBR General Education core;
  2. Indicate second degree on the Application for Admission Form submitted online to the Office of Admissions or Change of Major/Minor Form submitted online to the Office of the Registrar;
  3. Submit all transcripts from previously attended regionally accredited institutions; coursework that applies to the second degree must be reviewed; majors with additional admission requirements may require a review of the entire transcript; 
  4. Academic Advising. After reviewing the Degree Evaluation online at onestop.apsu.edu, the student will arrange an appointment with an academic advisor in the department of the major;
  5. Complete an additional 30 hours APSU credit; 24 of these hours must be earned in courses numbered 3000-4999;
  6. Complete, without exception, the requirements for the major and minor appropriate to the new degree (this requirement may be met by the major and minor of the curriculum for the first degree if appropriate to the second degree);
  7. Earn at least a 2.00 inclusive GPA on all coursework attempted in meeting the requirements for the second degree (Effective Summer 2015 and after, any coursework transferred to APSU, regardless of when it was earned, will not be inlcuded in the overall GPA calculation.  It will also not be included in the major or minor calculation); and
  8. Submit to the Office of the Registrar a Major/Minor Substitution Form for particular courses that have been approved by the academic department and contain appropriate signatures showing approval.

Requirements for Degrees in Absentia

A student may plan to complete three years of college coursework before transferring to a professional school, and be a candidate for the bachelor’s degree after the successful completion of the first year’s coursework in the professional school, provided:

  1. The candidate completes the last two semesters as a full-time student in residence at APSU;
  2. The candidate earns before transfer to the professional school sufficient credit to total 120 semester hours when combined with the undergraduate credit earned during the first school year at the professional school;
  3. Students needing clinical internship credit register on campus for a minimum of 15 hours of internship for those hospital programs generating 36 hours or less of credit applicable toward the degree in absentia (enrollment for these units shall be approved by the APSU clinical education coordinator);
  4. The candidate achieves an overall inclusive GPA of “C” (2.00) on all courses attempted before transfer to the professional school;
  5. The candidate’s completed program of study at APSU includes (a) the General Education core requirements for a degree, in addition to (b) an approved major of not less than 18 semester hours and an approved minor, if required by the major, of not less than 12 semester hours, (c) not less than 24 semester hours earned in courses numbered 3000 or above, and (d) not less than 30 APSU semester hours credit;
  6. The candidate has an overall inclusive GPA of “C” (2.00) on all courses attempted and submitted for meeting the requirements of 120 hours credit for the degree;
  7. The professional school holds accreditation acceptable to APSU;
  8. The student files an application for degree by the deadline as published in the University Calendar; and
  9. Should the professional school award a B.S. degree upon successful completion of the program, a student will not be eligible for a B.S. degree in absentia from APSU.