Feb 17, 2025  
2012-2013 Graduate Bulletin 
2012-2013 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Graduate Studies Admissions Guidelines


Graduate College Vision Statement

The College of Graduate Studies fosters an intellectual community of advanced learning within an environment of scholarship, research, and creative activities engaging faculty and students with partnerships representative of a global society as students acquire knowledge, skills and values for life and work.

Graduate College Mission Statement

The College of Graduate Studies ensures that a clear distinction has been made between undergraduate programs and graduate programs and, as such, develops advanced programs and services addressing national needs and provides a mechanism for collaborative opportunities in research, creative and scholarly activities. These connect university expertise with private and public resources, and contribute significantly to the intellectual, economic, social, physical, and cultural development of the region, and, therefore, the nation. The College of Graduate Studies engages students in graduate education of a superior level of academic achievement that promotes the knowledge of society, global awareness, and continuous learning skills, and values as well as prepares them for doctoral studies. 

Graduate Student Learning Outcome Example

The following example is provided so that departments can develop and implement a personalized plan for student learning outcomes to reflect the University Vision (see below). This process may be incorporated with the newly formed BRAVO for student learning outcomes. In short, the 6-step cyclic process is as follows:

  • 1) University/College of Graduate Studies/Department Vision –> 2) Grad Program & Course Learning Outcomes (on Syllabus) –> 3) Grad Course Activities/Assignments (on Syllabus) –> 4) Grad Activities/Assignment Outcome Measures (on Syllabus) –> 5) Graduate Oral/Written Exit Exam –> 6) University/College of Graduate Studies/Department Vision. 

At every juncture, departmental faculty meet to discuss any additions, deletions, or changes needed in courses/programs to lead to better student success.                                        

University Vision Statement
 (What we want to “be.”)

Austin Peay State University’s vision is to create a collaborative, integrative learning community, instilling in students habits of critical inquiry as they gain knowledge, skills, and values for life and work in a global society.

Graduate Department Vision Statement

The vision of the Department of Graduate Department Name is to promote an advanced learning environment with students as they pursue knowledge, skills, and values in Name of Graduate Program(s) for life and work in a global society.

University, College of Graduate (& Department) Mission =  What University and Department want students to “do” so that the Department’s and University’s Vision is realized, i.e., Student Learning Outcomes.

Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes are “explicit statements of generic skills and abilities and disciplinary competencies that a student is expected to have acquired as a result of successfully completing a course, a coordinated set of core courses, or other activities including co-curricular experiences. These expectations can help faculty to evaluate the level of student learning and engagement and develop a better sense of how a particular course or activity fits into the overall educational mission of the institution…This [learning outcomes] is commonly required at the undergraduate and graduate levels” (Council of Graduate Schools, 2011, p. 8) 

The following are generic examples of Knowledge, Skills and Values constituting graduate program and course student learning outcomes in a department:*

I.  Effective communication (Skills)

A.  Written (what assignment(s)/activity(ies) will students do (exam, presentation, participation, and so on) to show effective written communication and how will success be measured (exam, PowerPoint slides, written papers, involvement in group discussions and so on)?  This process (i.e., assignments/activities with measurement) will be decided upon for each course learning outcomes below (e.g., A., B., C…) under each of the five (I., II., III., IV., &  V.) program learning outcome knowledge/skills/values sections.

B. Spoken (presentation, discussions, and so on)

II.  Scientific Processes (Skills)

A.  Problem identification
B.  Statistical literacy
C.  Problem solving
D.  Creative thinking
E.  Interpret findings

III.  Discipline Specific Content (Knowledge)

A. Broad conceptual understanding of content
B. Professional language

IV.  Theoretical Basis (Knowledge)

A.  History and foundation
B.  Models
C.  Program planning/evaluation

V. Ethics (Values)

A. Plagiarism
B. Reference style
C. Appreciation for cultures and ideas

*Not all departmental/program learning outcomes (I., II., III., IV., & V.) will be included in all graduate program courses, but, at the end of obtaining a graduate degree in a graduate program from the department, the student will have been exposed to all program learning outcomes and all course learning outcomes.

Admission to Graduate Studies

All applicants wishing to pursue a graduate degree at APSU must formally apply to the College of Graduate Studies. Applications must be submitted to Graduate Admission, Box 4458, Clarksville, TN 37044. You can also apply on-line at www.apsu.edu/cogs. A non-refundable, one-time application fee of $25 is required for all new applicants.  Admission to graduate study permits the student to enroll in graduate courses for which he/she is prepared, but does not imply that the applicant will be approved as a candidate for a degree. Applicants to the College of Business, the Departments of Biology, Military History, Music, Psychology, Social Work, and School of Nursing must be formally accepted by the graduate programs before student can enroll in any graduate courses.  Students who do not enroll and attend for a fall or spring semester must re-apply for graduate admission before the beginning of the next semester of expected attendance.  Applicants who have earned a master’s degree may request an exemption from the entrance examination by submitting the Entrance Exam Waiver Form. The Waiver from is available at www.apsu.edu/cogs or in the Graduate Admissions Office. along with a copy of a transcript showing master’s degree. 

Applicants interested in a graduate assistantship must be fully admitted in their program and submit their application for Graduate Assistantship to the College of Graduate Studies by the suggested application date for the Fall semester (see Graduate Assistantships). The application is available at www.apsu.edu/cogs or in the Graduate Admissions Office.

Master’s Degree Program Admission Requirements

In general, applications for admission to the College of Graduate Studies are reviewed on an ongoing basis.  Applicants must consider that all applications require at least 7 to 10 business days to process in graduate admission.  Nevertheless, applications should be submitted no later than two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of the first semester in which the student plans to enroll.  Individual departments may have more stringent admission deadline dates and requirements, and therefore, it is the applicant’s responsibility to understand specific departmental admission requirements.

Admission to any Austin Peay State University master’s program is based on a careful review and evaluation of a complete graduate application for admission to the College of Graduate Studies that includes the following credentials.

I.  Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended for both undergraduate and graduate coursework must be submitted directly to APSU, showing:

  • a bachelor’s degree has been earned from a regionally accredited institution, 

  • required undergraduate cumulative grade point average (GPA) attained for admission to desired program, and

  • undergraduate preparation and licensure appropriate to the graduate program selected.

II.  If required by departmental admission requirements, official scores on Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), or the Miller Analogies Test (MAT), or the General Test of the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) on the verbal and quantitative sections of the exam that are no more than five (5) years old.  (See departmental admission requirements for specific program information that may apply to GRE/GMAT/MAT scores). APSU school code for GRE is 1028. Some departments may require or accept other test scores.  Please review specific departmental requirements that apply GRE/GMAT/MAT scores in this bulletin.  Applicants who have earned a master’s degree may request an exemption from the entrance examination by submitting the Entrance Exam Waiver Form along with a copy of a transcript showing master’s degree. 

III.  If required by departmental admission requirements, three (3) letters of recommendation from former college professors and/or university instructors verifying that the applicant has demonstrated evidence of the ability to do graduate level academic work successfully. If one or more college/university professors are not available, students may provide a letter from an individual (i.e., supervisor) other than a family member who can verify the applicant has the ability to complete graduate course work successfully. All letters of recommendation must be signed by the recommender.  Please review specific departmental requirements that apply to letters of recommendations.  Any exceptions should be requested through the graduate program departmental Graduate Coordinator.

IV.  Military (both active duty and veterans)  are required to submit documents for military credit prior to enrollment.  The following documents should be sent to the Office of Graduate Admissions directly from the issuing agency except for the form DD 214.


Documents Needed

Air Force

Community College of the Air Force transcript or DD Form 295


AARTS transcript or DD Form 295

National Guard

AARTS transcript of NGB Form 22

Marine Corps



Enlisted contract 4-1 or 4-2 or DD Form 2586


DD Form 295 or SMART


DD Form 214 Member Copy 4 with characterization of service (Retired or Discharged)



Psychology Department Graduate Program Admission Policy


Admission to the M.S. in Counseling Program (both Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling concentrations) and M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Program is competitive and selective.  Admission to the College of Graduate Studies requires a minimum GRE verbal score of 350, a minimum GRE quantitative score of 350 (we expect comparable scores for thenew version of the GRE), and a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.5.  Meeting minimum admission standards; however, does not ensure that an applicant will be offered admission into a graduate program in psychology.  Applicants who are admitted typically have a GPA of 3.0 or Graduate Studies.  A variety of factors are taken into account in admissions including undergraduate GPA, GRE scores, letters of recommendation, a personal statement, and number of available openings in the program of interest.  All completed applications will be reviewed.  Priority admission will be given to applicants whose files are completed and who meet admission requirements prior to March 1 for fall admission.  For IO Psychology admission for Spring semester this date is November 1.  Later applications will be considered based upon openings.

Categories of Admission

Degree Seeking

Regular admission status will be granted to applicants who have met all entrance requirements (as noted in I., II., and/or III., above) prescribed by the College of Graduate Studies, the department and the program to which they apply.  The College of Graduate Studies requires (I.) an official undergraduate transcript, showing a minimum of 2.5 GPA.  Requirements (II.) and (III.) which follows, are specific to departmental requirements only.  Requirement (II.) includes official scores from the appropriate departmental entrance exam (e.g., GRE, GMAT,MAT, music auditions results).  The student should check with his/her department to determine if a departmental entrance exam is required and, if so, which test.  Again, based on departmental requirement only the third requirement (III.) may include three letters/forms of recommendation from former college professors and/or university instructors verifying that the applicant has demonstrated evidence of the ability to successfully complete graduate-level academic work. If one or more college/university professors are not available, students may provide a letter from an individual (i.e., supervisor) other than a family member who can verify the applicant has the ability to complete graduate course work successfully. All letters of recommendation must be signed by the recommender.  The student must check with his/her department to determine whether three letters/forms of recommendation are required to meet Regular admission status. 

No student will be granted a Regular admission status unless items I., II., and/or III., above have been submitted to the College of Graduate Studies as per college, departmental or program admission requirements.  It is the applicant’s responsibility to understand all college, department, and program specific admission requirements for their selected graduate department.

Conditional admission status may be granted to applicants who have met all entrance requirements prescribed by the College of Graduate Studies, the department and the program to which they apply.  Under conditional status, unofficial transcripts and entrance exams may be submitted until the official documents are received by the Graduate Admissions office.  It is the applicant’s responsibility to understand specific admission requirements and submit official transcripts and entrance exams by the 10th day of classes (for 8-week sessions, the 6th day of class is the deadline for submitting official documents) for the first registered semester in which the student has applied. After all official documents are received, the applicant will be granted Regular admission status.  Applicants who do not submit all official documents in the prescribed time period above will be dropped from all classes in which they are enrolled.  If, within the department, an appeal process seems warranted, the departmental chair will submit an appeal letter to the Dean, College of Graduate Studies. 

Non-Degree Seeking

Unclassified Status may be granted to applicants who desire to enroll in graduate studies for reasons other than to seek a degree.  Applicants applying in this category are required to submit an application for admission, $25 non-refundable application fee and official transcript showing bachelor’s degree with a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5.  Applicants in this category must apply for admission and submit updated official transcripts for each semester in which they wish to enroll.  Students in the non-degree category are not eligible to receive financial aid.  With the approval of a department, students who decide to pursue a degree must apply for admissions as degree-seeking and meet all required admissions criteria.    

Undergraduate Taking Graduate Credits

Senior I status is for graduating APSU students who are within nine (9) hours of completing baccalaureate requirements, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and satisfactory scores on the entrance exam as prescribed by the intended graduate program. Students admitted to this status are eligible to hold a graduate assistantship. Graduate credits may not be applied to the bachelor’s degree.  Student should check with his/her student financial representative to understand how this classification may affect financial aid eligibility.

Senior II status is for APSU students who are within 21 hours of completion of a baccalaureate degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Students may register for only one graduate class per term, reapply for each subsequent semester and are not eligible to hold a graduate assistantship. Graduate credits may not be applied to the bachelor’s degree. Student should check with his/her student financial representative to understand how this classification may affect financial aid eligibility.

Selective Admission (Psychology) Seniors may enroll in graduate level psychology courses and apply the credit to their undergraduate degree. These students must have completed 24 hours of undergraduate credit in psychology, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, a minimum GRE of 140 verbal and 140 quantitative, completed all necessary course prerequisites and approval of the psychology department chair. The credit for the course may not be counted toward a graduate degree.

Postgraduate status is for applicants with a master’s degree or greater who are not seeking another degree. No credit limitation applies to the post-masters status. Students must submit an official copy of their transcript showing the master’s degree.  With departmental approval, a student who decides to pursue a degree while in this status may apply up to nine (9) acceptable graduate semester hours toward that degree. Students must apply for admissions as degree-seeking and meet all required admissions criteria.

Transient Status is granted for applicants currently enrolled in graduate programs at other colleges or universities who wish to take courses at APSU for transfer credit. A letter of good academic standing from the Graduate Dean -or- official transcripts from the current college or university must be submitted to the Graduate Admissions office.

Education Specialist Programs Admission Requirements

Admission to the Education Specialist (Ed.S.) program is based on an application for admission and the following minimum credentials:*

I.  Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate colleges or universities showing:

  • a master’s degree has been earned from a regionally accredited institution,
  • a minimum graduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) and
  • a minimum undergraduate cumulative GPA of 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale).
  • academic preparation and licensure appropriate to the graduate program.

II.  Official scores on the General test of the Graduate Record Examination with minimum 140 verbal and 140 quantitative scores. APSU school code for GRE is 1028.

  • Three letters of recommendation in support of the applicant from faculty members who taught courses within the student’s master’s degree program. These letters are not required from applicants who already have received a master’s degree from APSU.
  • Military (both active duty and veterans) are required to submit documents for military credit prior to enrollment.
*Administration and Supervision Concentration and School Counseling concentrations included additional requirements as listed below:

Administrative and Supervision Concentration

Admission to the Administrative and Supervision concentration requires official documentation based on an application for admission.  To be admitted, an applicant must satisfy all of the following criteria:

1.    1.   A minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.75, showing a bachelor’s degree has been earned.

2.    2.   A minimum cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0, showing that a master’s degree has been earned.

3.    3.   (a) A minimum GRE verbal score of 145 and minimum GRE quantitative score of 140 for GRE taken after Aug. 1, 2011, or

       (b) A minimum GRE verbal score of 350 and a minimum GRE quantitative score of 350 for GRE taken prior to Aug. 1, 2011 and a total GRE score of 

             at least 800, or

       (c) A minimum score of 387 on the Miller Analogies Test.

4.    4.    Academic preparation and licensure appropriate to the graduate program.

School Counseling Concentration

Admission to the Ed.S. in School Counseling Concentration is competitive and selective.  Applicants who are admitted typically have an undergraduate GPA of 3.00 or above, a graduate GPA  of 3.0 or above, and/or new version GRE scores on Verbal and Quantitative sections of 142 or above.  A variety of factors are taken into account in admissions including undergraduate and graduate GPA, GRE scores, letters of recommendation, and number of available openings in the program of interest.

 Departmental Requirements for Admission

Admission to each program at APSU varies by specific departmental guidelines as determined by individual graduate program.  It is the applicant’s responsibility to understand specific admission requirements for his/her selected graduate department.  Review departmental admission requirements per individual program as listed in the College of Graduate Studies Programs and Degree section of this bulletin.


The state of Tennessee requires all first-time, transfer, readmit and graduate full-time students to provide proof of two immunizations with the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine and two immunizations with the Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. A student will not be allowed to register for classes until these requirements are met. For additional information, contact Student Health Services at (931) 221-7107. The state of Tennessee mandates that each public or private post-secondary institution provide information concerning hepatitis B infection to all students entering the institution for the first time. Those students who will be living in on-campus housing for the first time must also be informed about the risk of meningococcal meningitis infection. Tennessee law requires that such students complete and sign a waiver form provided by the institution that includes detailed information about the diseases. The information concerning these diseases is from the Centers for Disease Control and the American College Health Association. The law does not require that students receive the vaccination; however, the law does require students to provide a signed copy of the waiver form to APSU, Student Health Services, Box 4655, Clarksville, TN 37044 or fax to (931) 221-7388.

Admission of International Students*

*Graduate programs that are not available to International students on F-1 or J-1 Visa include:  Corporate Communication, General Communication, Health Services Administration, Management, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Family Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Administration, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, Regents Education, Human Resources Leadership, Training and Development and Strategic Leadership.

The Graduate Admissions office handles application procedures for graduate international applicants. For information, call (931) 221-7662 or write to: Austin Peay State University, Graduate Admissions, Box 4458, Clarksville, TN 37044 or visit the website at www.apsu.edu/cogs.  Before consideration of graduate admissions the following documents must be received for review:

     1.    Completed graduate application.

     2.    Non-refundable $25.00 application fee payable by credit card, check or bank draft.

     3.    Official copies of all transcripts, certificates, diplomas and degree (translated to English) showing GPA based on a 4.0 scale and bachelor’s or master’s degree earned.  If any foreign graduate credits need to be reviewed for transfer to APSU graduate program the foreign transcripts must be evaluated by Global Education Services (www.globaledu.com) or World Education Services (www.wes.org).     

     4.    Official acceptable GRE (with scores on the verbal and quantitative sections meeting the specific requirements).  APSU code for GRE is 1028.

     5.    Official acceptable TOEFL scores (a minimum score of 500 or paper-based test, or 173 on computer based test or 61 on the internet based TOEFL test is required. APSU code for TOEFL is 1028. Or test of International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam score of a 6.0.

     6.    If required by departmental admission requirements, three (3) favorable letters of recommendation (from former college and university professors/instructors verifying that the applicant has demonstrated evidence of the ability to do graduate level academic work successfully).  If one or more college/university professors are not available, students may provide a letter from an individual (i.e., supervisor) other than a family member who can verify the applicant has the ability to complete graduate course work successfully. All letters of recommendation must be signed by the recommender.

      7.    Financial statement with proof of resources sufficient to pay educational expense (must be notarized by bank official certifying deposit).

English Language Proficiency. All international applicants are required to submit proof of proficiency in the English language. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam scores are required of all international applicants, as follows:

  • A minimum score of 500 on the paper-based exam or a minimum score of 173 on the computer-based exam or a minimum score of 61 on the internet-based exam. TOEFL scores are valid for two years, or
  • Test of International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam score of a 6.0. 

TOEFL scores will not be required from an international applicant, if:

  • English is the native language of the applicant’s country of citizenship, or
  • Proof of English Proficiency:  Successful completion of Austin Peay State University’s ESL Institute’s University Transfer Track with a recommendation from the ESL Institute, or
  • The applicant has been conferred a Bachelor’s degree from a United States accredited, four-year college or university, which is confirmed by an official transcript, or
  • The applicant has taken at least one full semester of English composition (not developmental or remedial) at a United States college or university and received a grade of “C” or better, which is confirmed by an official transcript.

Academic Credentials. International applicants must file their applications and submit certified copies of all official transcripts, certificates, diplomas, and degrees (all translated to English) well in advance of the semester for which they seek admission. To receive college credit for graduate courses previously completed, graduate applicants from foreign non-immigrant institutions must also provide a course-by-course equivalency. This evaluation must be completed by Global Education (www.globaledu.com) or World Education Services (www.wes.org).

Financial Resources. Evidence of financial resources sufficient to pay expenses including out-of-state tuition and fees while the applicant is at the University must be submitted. All international applicants must submit a completed Affidavit of Support and Financial Statement. This form provides evidence of the applicant’s ability to pay all required educational and living costs. This form must be on file before an I-20 or DS-2019 can be issued. (Spouses of F-1 visa holders are not permitted to work under any circumstances. Spouses of J-1 visa holders may obtain permission to work and then only for his or her and the children’s support). Please peruse www.apsu.edu/bursar for specific cost information.

Medical. All international applicants shall submit no later than thirty (30) days from the first day of classes a certificate from a licensed physician or other qualified medical authority verifying freedom from tuberculosis. Failure to submit such certification shall result in denial of admission or discontinued enrollment. In the event that a student has tuberculosis or potential tuberculosis requiring medical treatment, continued enrollment will be conditional upon the determination by a licensed physician that further enrollment is not a risk to others and upon the student’s compliance with any prescribed medical treatment program. International applicants may opt to have the screening for tuberculosis done through Boyd Health Services. Contact must be made with the Boyd Health Services personnel within two weeks of the first day of classes (which will allow for completion of the process within thirty days of the first day of classes).

Medical and Hospitalization Insurance. All international applicants must have and maintain medical and hospitalization insurance as a condition of admission and continued enrollment at APSU. Students with J visas also must carry adequate medical and hospitalization insurance for spouses and dependents. Proof of medical and hospitalization insurance must be provided to the Boyd Health Services. International students will automatically be enrolled in the TBR Student/Scholar Health & Accident Insurance Plan unless documentation of adequate coverage is provided. Automatic enrollment in the Plan shall not take place later than the time of class registration, and the cost of the coverage will be added to the student’s registration fees. For the purposes of this policy, adequate medical and hospitalization insurance coverage shall mean that the student’s coverage meets or exceeds the level of coverage provided to participants in the TBR’s Student/Scholar Health & Accident Insurance Plan.

Immunizations. All international applicants born after 1956 shall provide proof of two immunizations with the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine and two immunizations with Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine to the Student Health Services office. A student will not be allowed to register for classes until these requirements are met. 

Permanent Resident Alien. Permanent Resident Aliens must submit front and back copies of their Permanent Resident Alien Card.

General International Applicant Information. All non-immigrants must provide proof of status, including copies of their visa. All international applicants will receive information concerning any special requirements for admission from the Graduate Admissions.  APSU’s Student Health Services will provide Graduate Admissions with information concerning policy requirements, associated approximate costs which could be incurred, and what would be considered acceptable certification of freedom from tuberculosis, proof of adequate medical and hospitalization insurance, proof of two immunizations with the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, and proof of two immunizations with the Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine.