Feb 19, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Academic Regulations

University academic policies and procedures apply to all University programs. Policies and procedures unique to individual programs are stated in the Bulletin in the requirements of the program or major.

Inclement Weather

Austin Peay State University offices may remain open during periods of inclement weather.  To be notified if classes are cancelled or the University is closed due to inclement weather, students should sign-up for AP Alert, the University’s test messaging system.  Students may also check the home page of the APSU website for cancellation or closing notices.  Unless the University officially cancels classes, students are responsible for any academic work missed as a result of inclement weather.  It is the individual student’s responsibility to take the initiative in making up any missed work.

In cases of severe inclement weather and hazardous roads, students are to exercise theirown judgment in making decisions about class attendance.

More information about the inclement weather procedures can be found at http://www.apsu.edu/alert/weather.aspx.

Academic Advising

Academic advisement is a process that begins prior to admission and continues through graduation. Each undergraduate is assigned a faculty or professional advisor at the time of initial enrollment. The role of the faculty adviser is to help students clarify personal goals, career options, courses of study, program requirements and educational needs. The faculty adviser should maintain regular contact. Advisement is a process in which students gain meaningful insights into their academic, social and personal experiences and needs. Faculty advisers serve as coordinators of the educational experience and monitor student progress at critical times during the year. While the faculty adviser assists the student to identify and assess the alternatives and the consequences of academic decisions, academic choices rest with the students. Each department and college has policies specific to advisement.

Declared Students

At the end of the advising session, the advisor will clear the student for registration.  Students should review their OneStop advising page to confirm they have been cleared to register.  A green checkmark will appear next to the respective term if the student has been cleared.

Undeclared Students

Students who have not declared a major, are assigned to the Career and Advisement Center located in Morgan University Center, Room 310, to be advised by professional advisors. These advisors are trained and available to assist students in selecting courses that meet the General Education requirements, identify career and vocational goals, meet university expectations, and choose a program of study.


The Office of the Registrar, located in Ellington 316, is the central administrative office responsible for the registration process, maintaining permanent academic records, performing degree audits.

After meeting with their academic advisor, APSU students register. The registration process includes three phases. The dates for each phase are stated in the official academic calendar on the Web.

  • Priority registration—open to currently enrolled students.
  • Open registration—open to new students and readmitted students.
  • Late Registration; Drop/Add period— open to students eligible to enroll as fully admitted student for a given semester.

Registration Holds

Holds may be placed on a student’s registration in order to satisfy an obligation owed to the University. Holds are communicated to the student via AP OneStop. The most frequent holds are for debts owed the University, such as an unpaid parking ticket or library fine, or for an academic deficiency which must be removed before a student can proceed. Registration, transcript request, and graduation cannot proceed unless a hold is removed.

Classification of Students

The academic standing or classification of undergraduate students is based on number of credit hours they have earned as follows:

Level Number of Credit Hours Earned
Freshman 0-29
Sophomore 30-59
Junior 60-89
Senior 90 and above

Full-Time Load

The basic unit of all college work is the “semester credit hours.” For undergraduate students, twelve (12) semester hours for Fall or Spring semester is a full-time load in determining such things as veteran status, financial aid, and insurance eligibility. To determine your eligibility for Main Campus and our Fort Campbell campus, please visit the Financial Aid website at www.apsu.edu/financialaid.  However, the usual load for a full-time undergraduate student is at least 15 semester hours. Because the summer term is approximately one-third the length of the semester, the workload for one course is three times as heavy. APSU strongly recommends students register for no more than six semester hours in each summer term. Graduate students who enroll for eight (8) hours during the semester are considered full-time.


Auditing (no credit awarded) of courses will be permitted for regularly enrolled students who have obtained the permission of the instructor. Such courses count at full value in computing the student’s course load and fees, and the student’s name appears on the official class roll and should appear on the student’s approved schedule of classes. Students who wish to audit a course must complete and submit an Audit Card to the Office of the Registrar before the end of late registration. Once the card has been submitted, the student may not change audit status. The grade awarded is AU and has no effect on the student’s grade-point average; it cannot be changed at a future time. Students may not receive financial aid for audited courses.


Some academic programs offer the opportunity for internships for which students can earn credit that applies toward the degree. The department which houses the program facilitates all aspects of the internship and awards a grade when the internship is completed. 

Unit of Credit

The University offers instruction and grants credit on the semester system, with the academic year on the Main Campus including Fall and Spring semesters, and Summer term.  One semester hour of credit is equivalent to 1.5 quarter hours credit.  One quarter hour of credit is equivalent to two-thirds of a semester hour credit.

Maximum Loads

Students who meet full admission requirements may enroll in and receive credit toward graduation in a maximum of 18 credit hours during the fall and spring semesters or 9 hours in any term at APSU Center @ FC. This includes registrations at all colleges and universities and APSU Center@ FC. A deviation from this policy must be approved on a Request for Overload form by the student’s advisor or the department chair and the dean of the college in which the student’s major is housed. The maximum load for undergraduate students during the summer terms is eight (8) hours in either five-week session or fourteen (14) hours during the entire summer term.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

A number of APSU courses require the completion of prerequisites by students who wish to enroll in the courses. Therefore, students should attempt to schedule courses that serve as prerequisites for advanced study early in their academic career. Courses numbered 1000-2999 are designed to serve as preparation for upper division requirements. Students may not enroll in any course for which they have not completed the prerequisite satisfactorily or in which they are not enrolled during the priority registration period. Corequisite courses must be taken concurrently and will be listed as such in course descriptions.

Classification of Courses

Courses of instruction for degree credit in the curriculum of the University are divided into three categories: lower division courses (typically regarded as freshman and sophomore level) are numbered 1000-2999; upper division courses (junior and senior level courses) are numbered 3000-4999. Graduate courses are numbered 5000 and above. Undergraduate students may enroll in graduate courses only if they meet minimum requirements as listed in the GRADUATE BULLETIN and receive prior approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies. Courses numbered below 1000 do not count for degree credit, but do count for determining fees, enrollment status and grade point average (GPA).

APSU 1000 Requirement

All students who enter Austin Peay State University having earned fewer than 12 semester credit hours in college or university classrooms (including Web courses) must enroll in APSU 1000  during the first semester of enrollment. Credits earned before high school graduation will not exempt any student from this requirement. Conditionally admitted students must enroll in designated sections.

Enhanced Courses with SLA Requirement


Students whose ACT, SAT, or COMPASS mathematics, reading, or English scores do not meet the requirements of the Tennessee Board of Regents for university-level courses must enroll in an enhanced section of the appropriate core course. Structured Learning Assistance is a required part of every enhanced course. Assessment scores that place students in enhanced mathematics are: ACT 13-18; SAT 280-450; COMPASS algebra 17-37. Assessment scores that place students in enhanced English are: ACT 13-17; SAT 340-440; COMPASS 36-76. Assessment scores that place students in enhanced history (reading) are ACT 13-18; SAT 360-450; COMPASS 61-82.

Academic Standards and Regulations

Students are responsible for participating in academic advisement and for adhering to the schedule of courses for which they register unless they officially make changes. Students may drop and add courses using AP OneStop and can withdraw from the University by withdrawing online through AP OneStop or submitting required forms to the Office of the Registrar within the time limits established in the official University Calendar, which is available on the Web.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend class regularly, to participate in class, and to be prepared with assignments. The University requires faculty to report students who have never attended or who stopped attending class. The impact of class attendance on the final grade is within the purview of the teaching faculty, and faculty will inform class members of their attendance policies through a course syllabus distributed at the beginning of the semester or term. Irregular attendance may result in referral to the Academic Support Office (Academic Alert). Students who miss an examination because of extenuating circumstances must request approval from the instructor. Unless the student is officially representing the University off campus, the discretion of the instructor determines the action regarding missed exams or work. Class absenteeism that results in the grade of “FA” (failure, stopped attending) or “FN” (failure, never attended) may adversely affect the student’s time status, financial aid repayment of lottery scholarship, and/or veteran’s benefits.


Grading System

At the end of each semester, the student’s quality of work is graded by the instructor. The grades are indicated by letters on a four-point system being used:

Grade Interpretation Quality Points Per Semester Hour of Credit

A Excellent 4
AU* Audit
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Below Average 1
F Failure 0
FA Failure, stopped attendance 0
FN Failure, never attended class 0
P* Pass, on Pass-Fail Course
XF* Failure, on Pass-Fail Course
I* Incomplete
IP* In Progress (limited to COMM 3400 , CHEM 4940    
W* Withdrew
NR* Not Recorded (contact instructor)  

*Not calculated in GPA

Grades of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” carry the appropriate quantity and quality credits, and all grades calculated in the GPA affect the student’s academic standing. Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 APSU, Major, Minor and overall GPA in order to graduate.

Quality Points and Grade-Point Average (GPA)
Students must obtain a degree of excellence higher than is indicated by a minimum passing grade. For determining the qualitative standing of a student, quality credits are used. To graduate, a student must make a “C” (2.00) average on all credits attempted—that is, earn twice as many quality points as quality hours attempted. In determining the academic standing and grade-point average of a student, the following two factors are used:

  1. Total quality hours of credit the student has attempted. (In the case of a repeated course, the course is counted as attempted one time only, except as stated under the “Course Repeats” section.) Courses taken on a Pass-Fail basis, “I” and “IP” grades are not included in the hours attempted.
  2. Total quality points earned in courses. (In the case of a repeated course, only the quality points earned the last time the student receives a grade in the course are included, except as stated under the “Course Repeats” section.) Quality points are not earned in courses taken on a Pass-Fail basis.

The Grade-Point Average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total quality points earned by the total quality hours attempted, including all courses attempted at APSU and at other institutions (transfer work).

Grade Reporting
Students are assigned a grade in a course at the end of the semester or term. A mid-term grade must be awarded in all courses numbered 1000-2999 and may be awarded in upper division courses; they do not affect University GPA.

Grade of Incomplete
A grade of incomplete (I) must be changed within one calendar year or the grade of “I” will automatically convert to a grade of “F.” After the grade of “F” is recorded, the student will have one calendar year to appeal the “F” grade through the instructor of the course. If approved, an official grade change must be submitted by the instructor through AP OneStop for the Dean of the college for his/her approval no later than one calendar year after the grade of “F” was recorded.

Pass-Fail Grading
Students, except those on academic probation, will be permitted to take some courses, excluding core courses, in which they may receive a grade of Pass or Fail. These courses are identified in the Course Descriptions section. In order to be eligible for this program, the student must have satisfactorily completed 24 semester hours at APSU, must be enrolled full-time (12 hours) in letter-grade courses, and may take only one such course. Other than for the exceptions listed in certain programs, no student will be permitted to apply toward a degree more than 12 semester hours of traditional credit graded with Pass.

Participating students will be awarded a grade of “P” if the required coursework was judged by the instructor to be at a level of “C” or above. Such courses do not impact grade-point averages for graduation or for honors. Students must have the permission of the instructor to enroll on a pass/fail basis unless the course is designated as a pass/fail course. A student may change to a pass/fail basis only during the normal drop/add period.

Not Recorded (NR) Grade
A grade of “NR” will be recorded for all courses in which an instructor fails to enter a final grade. Students should contact the instructor immediately if a grade of “NR” has been recorded.

Grade Changes
Errors in grades must be reported to the instructor of the course immediately.  No grade changes will be made for one calendar year after the grade was assigned without the approval of the college dean and Provost.

Grade Appeal
Students may appeal courses grades with their instructor within one calendar years from the date the grade was submitted to the Office of the Registrar.  Once a degree has been posted to the transcript, the academic record is deemed complete and changes will not be made on grades prior to the posted degree.  Review the Academic Grievance Policy section in the STUDENT HANDBOOK for appeal procedures.

Access to Grades
Students may obtain their mid-term and final grades through AP OneStop for students (http://onestop.apsu.edu).

Dropping Courses, Grades Awarded, Withdrawals

After a student has officially registered for a class, the student is considered to be a member of the class unless the student officially drops the class, officially withdraws from the University, is canceled by administrative authority, or is permanently excluded by the Student Academic Grievance Committee. All financial obligations are retained when the student discontinues class attendance without officially dropping or withdrawing from the University.

Grades Awarded for Dropped Courses
The grade awarded for a dropped course or for courses from which the student withdrew depends on the date the student withdrew from the course or from the University. The dates for awarding grades appear in the official University calendar.

  1. A grade of “W” is awarded when the student drops or withdraws within the time period the University has established for awarding an automatic “W.” The grade has no impact on the student’s cumulative GPA.
  2. A grade of “F”, “FA” or “W” will be awarded if the student drops or withdraws between the automatic “W” date and the automatic “F” date. A grade of “W” will only be awarded if the instructor determines the student is passing at the time of withdrawal.
  3. A grade of “F” or “FA” is awarded during the mandatory “F” period. Very limited exceptions are made and require the student present to the Dean of the College of the student’s major documented acceptable reasons establishing the existence of extenuating circumstances. Undeclared students must be approved by the Associate Provost for Enrollment Management and Academic Support Services. The dean’s decision is communicated to the instructor.

Withdrawal from the University
Official withdrawal requires all courses to be dropped by withdrawing online through AP OneStop at http://onestop.apsu.edu. First time freshmen, athletes and active duty soldiers using GoArmyEd are not permitted to withdraw online. First time freshmen must contact the Academic Alert Coordinator at 931-221-6555 and athletes must contact the Athletic Department at 931-221-6119 to initiate the withdrawal process. Please print off the withdrawal form located at www.apsu.edu/registrar/forms.htm and take it to your appointment with the Academic Alert Coordinator or Athletics. Once you have obtained all necessary signatures, the form must be returned to the Office of the Registrar, Ellington 316 for processing and finalization of the withdrawal process. Active duty soldiers who registered through the GoArmyEd portal must withdraw from classes through the GoArmyEd portal. Any fee adjustment of tuition and fees will be based on the published schedule for fee adjustments included in the Official University Calendar and the date the completed withdrawal form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Withdrawal from the University may require repayment of financial aid, loss of lottery scholarship eligibility and loss of VA benefits. Students receiving financial aid should meet with the financial aid counselor prior to withdrawal.

Compass Assessment

Students who require the COMPASS assessment in order to be considered for admission to the university include:

  1. Prospective students 21 and older who are applying to APSU and cannot provide valid ACT/SAT scores
  2. International students without valid ACT/SAT scores
  3. Transfer students 21 and older who have earned fewer than 12 hours of transferable college credit from a regionally accredited college or university and cannot provide valid ACT/SAT scores
  4. Transfer students with 12 or more hours who are unable to document transferable college-level English, history and mathematics courses from a regionally accredited college or university 

The COMPASS assessment is used for academic placement. Students whose scores fall below the level of college ready* are required to enroll in enhanced sections of core courses. Deficiencies in reading and writing (English) must be removed during the student’s entering semester or term. A mathematics deficiency must be addressed within the first 30 hours of enrollment.

The COMPASS assessment is offered in the Testing Center, Ellington 202, and at APSU @ Fort Campbell. An appointment with the APSU Testing Center is required. Students may schedule an appointment by calling 931-221-6269 or go to the website at http://www.apsu.edu/testing.

*appropriate learning support required if initial assessment scores fall below:



Writing 18 450 77
Reading 19 460 83
Mathematics 19 460 38


Transferability of Credit

Austin Peay accepts credits from other regionally accredited colleges and universities as transfer credit. Substitutions of transfer credit in the requirements of the major must be approved by the department in which the major is housed. Students may appeal the denial of transfer of credit from non-regionally accredited institutions; the decision regarding such credit is deferred until after registration at APSU. Stipulations that apply to transfer credit include:

  1. All Transfer Hours Attempted, Hours Earned, Quality Points, and Grade-Point averages earned at other colleges and universities will be included in the APSU academic record.
  2. Courses earned with grades of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” or “P” will be considered for applicability toward the APSU degree; only grades of “A,” “B,” or “C” will be accepted for ENGL 1010 , and remedial courses.  A grade of “F” will be posted on the APSU academic record.  Transfer grades are equated to the APSU grading system.
  3. Courses earned with grade of “I” will transfer to APSU as a grade of “F.”
  4. The completion of an Associate of Science or Associate of Arts degree in a university parallel (transfer) program at any Tennessee Board of Regents two-year institution, as stated in the institution’s 1988 or later Bulletin, satisfies the General Education core requirements for the BBA and BS and all core requirements for the BA except for Humanities Foreign Language (6 hours). The only exception to this policy is if the student has not completed six semester hours of American History (three hours of Tennessee History may be substituted for three semester hours of American History). Students who have not completed six semester hours of American History will not have met the General Education core requirements. Moreover, certain requirements of specific degree programs at APSU may be satisfied by careful selection of General Education core courses at the two-year institution. This policy also applies to Hopkinsville Community College if six semester hours of American History have been included and if their core has been met without exception. The Associate of Applied Science programs at Fort Campbell, TBR Community Colleges or Hopkinsville Community College do not fulfill the General Education core requirements for the baccalaureate degree.
  5. The completion of a baccalaureate degree from any institution or the equivalent of a baccalaureate degree from a foreign university as certified by an educational credential agency may satisfy the General Education core requirements for a second bachelor’s degree, unless the American History requirement in this Bulletin has not been met.
  6. There is not a maximum or minimum number of hours of credit that can be transferred from a community or junior college. Only lower division credits are transferable from a community or junior college. Courses will be evaluated on an individual basis as to their applicability toward degree requirements and must meet all University degree requirements.
  7. APSU grants non-traditional credit for military service and service schools in accordance with the recommendations included in the “Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services,” published by the American Council on Education.
  8. APSU grants credit for courses completed only from institutions that are accredited by the appropriate regional accrediting association for colleges and universities.
  9. Credit earned as a transient student that will be transferred to APSU must be approved on a Coursework Approval Form prior to the student registering.
  10. Only new transfer students beginning Fall 1999 may be considered for transfer credit from a non-regionally accredited institution of higher learning when requested during their first term at Austin Peay. Readmit, SOCAD, and currently enrolled students may request consideration for only such credits earned during or after Fall 1999. Course equivalency credit may be awarded only after review and approval by the appropriate academic department chair or designee and dean. One application for Transfer Credit form is required for each course requested for acceptance. A course competency examination or other evidence may be required as a part of this process.
  11. Transfer applicants who have a valid ACT English score of 28-30 (SAT/SAT1 verbal/ critical reading 620-680) may receive credit for ENGL 1010 . Those with a valid ACT English score of 31-36 (SAT/SAT 1 verbal/critical reading 690- 800) may receive credit for ENGL 1010  and ENGL 1020 . Students will receive this credit only if they have not already received college credit for ENGL 1010  and ENGL 1020 .

Credit by Examination

A student may receive university credit by AP, IB, CLEP or other such examinations and by experiential learning.

Life/Work Portfolio Experiential Learning Credit

Options at the Undergraduate Level
Austin Peay State University offers a variety of assessment tools for the evaluation of college-level knowledge gained through work and life experience. A student may earn a maximum of 15 semester hours at the undergraduate level through experiential learning credit. APSU prescribed allocations for experiential credit fall within the established Southern Association of Colleges and Schools parameters for experiential credit. Experiential learning credits may be earned in Communication and Theatre, Professional Studies, Health and Human Performance, Medical Technology and Computer Science, Criminal Justice and Information Technology.

Students earning experiential credit must meet the minimum residency requirements of 25% of the total number of credits required for the degree at Austin Peay State University. The privilege of seeking experiential learning credit is available to both full-time and part-time degree status students. A student should meet with his or her program advisor at the beginning of the academic career at Austin Peay State University to determine how experiential learning may be applicable to the degree.

Portfolio Development
Upon approval by the appropriate chair a student may develop a portfolio for a course or courses offered by Austin Peay State University to gain college-level credit. Portfolios are submitted to the faculty advisor and/or the department chair(s) of the appropriate department(s). The process ideally includes a preliminary study of the portfolio, an interview with the student, and the determination of credit to be awarded by the faculty assessor. A student seeking experiential credit via a life/work portfolio must complete an APSU non-credit portfolio development course through the Center for Extended and Distance Education.

Students must choose CLEP, departmental challenge exams or other approved mechanisms to receive credit for prior knowledge when available in lieu of seeking credit via portfolio. Experiential learning credits awarded will be treated in the same way as transfer credits; a “P” (Pass) will be assigned and will not count in the grade point average. For additional information about various options for earning experiential learning credit, contact The Center at (931) 221-6487.

Candidates for portfolio credit are:

  1. Returning students with significant work experience
  2. Employed at least 5-7 years in a particular field, with increasing responsibilities
  3. Highly organized – effective speakers and writers
  4. Highly motivated – will work independently to complete a project
  5. Able to reflect on work and training

International Baccalaureate (IB)
Austin Peay State University honors International Baccalaureate (IB) credit for certain undergraduate classes for which an equivalent is offered and for which the required grade is achieved.

International Baccalaureate Program Subject IB Score Recommended APSU Credit APSU Equivalent Credit Hours
American History 5+ Elective      3
Biology (higher level) 5+ BIOL 1010/1011  & BIOL 1020/1021  with Lab      4
Chemistry (higher level) 5+ CHEM 1110/1111  & CHEM 1120/1121  with Lab      5
English (A1 exam) 5 ENGL 1010        3
English (A1 exam) 6+ ENGL 1010  & ENGL 1020        6
English (A2 and B exam) n/a    
French (higher level) 4+ FREN 2010  & FREN 2020        8
German (elementary level) 4+ GERM 1010  & GERM 1020        8
German (higher level) 4+ GERM 2010  & GERM 2020        8
Spanish (higher level) 4+ SPAN 2010  & SPAN 2020        8
Mathematics (higher level) 4+ MATH 1910        5
Philosophy (higher level) 4+ Elective      3
Physics (higher level 1) 4+ Elective      5
Physics (higher level 2) 4+ Elective      5

 College Level Examination Program General Examinations Credits (CLEP)
Students who have earned fewer than 60 hours of traditional college credit may receive university credit by satisfactorily completing the appropriate CLEP (College Level Examination Program) general exam.  Students seeking such credit must have earned no credit for a similar course for which the credit is to be awarded.  A six-month waiting period is required before a student can repeat a general examination.  Contact the University Testing Center for additional information regarding CLEP exams.  See below for the list of CLEP general examinations and the APSU courses for which the credit can be applied.

CLEP General Examination Minimum Score APSU Credit/Course

Humanities 50 6 hours for ART 1030 & MUS 1030
College Mathematics 50 6 hours elective credit
**Natural Sciences 50 6 hours elective credit
Social Sciences & History 50 6 hours elective credit

 **Does not meet Liberal Acts Core Science requirement

 College Level Examination Program Subject Examinations Credits (CLEP)
In order to receive credit for the CLEP Subject Examinations the student must not have attempted credit in a similar course for which the credit is to be awarded.  Both the objective tests and the essay tests may be required for Subject Examinations.  A waiting period of six months is required before a student is eligible to repeat any Subject Examinations.  Contact the Testing Center for additional information on CLEP Examinations.   See the list below of CLEP subject examinations and the APSU courses for which credit can be applied.


American Government POLS 2010   3 50
American Literature ENGL elective 3 50
*Analyzing & Interpreting Literature ENGL 1020   3 50
Calculus with Elementary Functions MATH 1810  , MATH 1820   6 50
College Algebra MATH 1710   3 50
College French ( Levels 1 & II) FREN 1010  , FREN 1020   8 50
College German ( Levels I & II) GERM 1010  , GERM 1020   8 50
College Spanish (Levels I & II) SPAN 1010  , SPAN 1020   8 50
English Literature ENGL elective 6 50
College Composition ENGL 1010   3 50
General Biology BIOL 1010/1011   5 50
General Chemistry

CHEM 1110/1111  , CHEM 1120/1121   or 
CHEM 1010/1011  ,CHEM 1020/1021 

8 or 10 50
History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 HIST 2010   3 50
History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present HIST 2020   3 50
Human Growth & Development PSY 3110   3 50
Information Systems & Computer Applications CSCI 1000   3 50
Intro to Educational Psychology PSY 3130   3 50
Introductory Business Law BLAW 3300   3 50
Introductory Psychology PSY 1010   3 50
Introductory Sociology SOC 1010   3 50
Precalculus MATH 1730   4 50
Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2010   3 50
Principles of Management MGT 3010   3 50
Principles of Marketing MKT 3010   3 50
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2020   3 50
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 HIST 1210   3 50
Western Civilization II: 1648 to Present HIST 1220   3 50


*Both the essay portion and the objective portion of the Analyzing and Interpreting Literature test are required to receive credit for ENGL 1020.

Correspondence Credit
Credit earned upon completion of correspondence courses taken from a regionally accredited university will be accepted. Students registered at APSU must have permission on the Coursework Approval Form to take a correspondence course. While in residence at the University, the student may not take English Composition by correspondence.

Departmental Proficiency Examinations
Some academic departments give proficiency examinations to students under limited conditions in conjunction with an instructor who is willing to administer and grade the examination. Students should have the requisite knowledge and skills upon completion of existing courses, from previous experience, or personal expertise. Students should contact the respective department chair about potential courses for departmental proficiency examinations. Students must complete the Application for Departmental Proficiency form (available from the Office of the Registrar) and pay the respective fees prior to the examination. To be acceptable for credit the student must have attained a minimum grade of “B” on the examination.

Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
Credit earned through DANTES-Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) will be evaluated using ACE guidelines. DANTES are available from the Testing Center.

Non-Traditional Credits
Students may be able to receive college credit for other experiences and examinations. A complete list of examinations and experiences and the courses for which the student may receive credit may be found at http://www.apsu.edu/sites/apsu.edu/files/registrar/Non-Traditional-Credits_2.pdf.

Law Enforcement and Corrections Training Credit
Upon completion of one APSU course, a regular admitted student may request evaluation of training received from the following Tennessee academies: Metropolitan Police Department (Nashville), Tennessee Basic Police School (Donelson), Tennessee Department of Safety (Donelson) and Tennessee Department of Corrections (Tullahoma).

Military Service Experience
Students are eligible to receive non-traditional credit for military experiences after successfully completing one course at APSU and attaining regular student status. Military experience is evaluated using the appropriate ACE Guide recommendation. Students who have completed Basic Training are awarded two hours of Physical Activity and three hours of HHP 1250 - Wellness Concepts and Practice .

Advanced Placement Examinations (AP)
Austin Peay State University honors Advance Placement (AP) credit for certain classes in which an equivalent is offered and for which the required score is achieved.  The following Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) are accepted for credit toward a degree.


Art: Studio Art-Drawing Portfolio ART 1040   3 3
Art: Studio Art-General Portfolio ART 1010   3 3
Biology BIOL 1010/1011   4 3
Calculus AB MATH 1910   5 3
Calculus BC MATH 1910 , MATH 1920   10 3
Chemistry CHEM 1010/1011 or CHEM 1110CHEM 1110/1111   4 3
Chemistry CHEM 1010/1011 , CHEM 1020/1021  or CHEM 1110/1111 , CHEM 1120/1121   8 or 10 4
Computer Science A CSCI 1010   3 3
Computer Science AB CSCI 1010 , CSCI 2010   6 3
Economics: Macroeconomics ECON 2010   3 3
Economics: Microeconomics ECON 2010 , ECON 2020   6 4
English Language & Composition ENGL 1010   3 3
English Literature & Composition ENGL 1010 , ENGL 1020   6 3
French Language FREN 1010 , FREN 1020   8 3
French Literature FREN 1010 , FREN 1020   8 3
German Language GERM 1010 , GERM 1020   8 3
History of Art ART 1030   3 3
Latin LATN 1010 , LATN 1020   8 3
  LATN 1010 , LATN 1020 , LATN 2010   11 4 or 5
Music Theory I MUS 1180   3 3
Music Theory I & II MUS 1180 , MUS 1190   6 4
Music: Aurial Skills I MUS 1185   1 3
Music: Aurial Skills I & II MUS 1185 , MUS 1195   2 4
*Physics B PHYS 2010/2011   4 3
  PHYS 2010/2011 , PHYS 2020/2021   8 4
*Physics C PHYS 2110/2111   4 3
  PHYS 2110/2111 , PHYS 2120/2121   8 4
Psychology PSY 1010   3 3
Spanish Language SPAN 1010 , SPAN 1020   8 3
Spanish Literature SPAN 1010 , SPAN 1020   8 3
Statistics MATH 1530   3 3
United States Government & Politics POLS 2010   3 3
United States History HIST 2010   3 3
United States History HIST 2010 , HIST 2020   6 4
World History HIST 1220   3 4

 *No laboratory credit awarded      


Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) Credit
Students who have successfully passed the Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) examination may submit scores to the Office of the Registrar and receive undergraduate credit.  Courses for which credit may be received are listed below.


Part I: Finance & Business Law  
  MT 2010   3
  MT 2250   3
  ECON 2010   3
  Elective Credit 1
Part II: Office Systems & Administration  
  CTIM 2210   3
  CTIM 2300   3
  CTIM 2350   3
  Elective Credit 4
Part III: Management  
  MT 2050   3
  Elective Credit 6

Total Hours 32

NOTE: Tests taken before November 1994 will receive different credit based on test changes.

Law Enforcement and Corrections Training
Upon completion of one APSU course, a regular admitted student may request evaluation of training received from the Tennessee academies listed below. The following courses represent the credit usually given for the B.S. degree in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Homeland Security.

  Metropolitan Police Department (Nashville)    
  CRJ 1030 - Introduction to Law Enforcement 
CRJ 1040 - Introduction to Security 
CRJ 1050 - Introduction to Corrections 
CRJ 1060 - Introduction to Criminology  
  Total Maximum Credits   12


  Tennessee Department of Corrections (Tullahoma)    

CRJ 1030 - Introduction to Law Enforcement 
CRJ 1040 - Introduction to Security 
CRJ 1050 - Introduction to Corrections 

  Total Maximum Credits   9

Excelsior College Examination for Nursing Students

Students not attending NLNAC School of Nursing
The School of Nursing grants credit for the following Excelsior College Exam in nursing for (RN-BSN) registered nurses.  If a student does not pass the examination, it may be retaken once.  If the minimum score is not made, the RN/BSN student must take andpass that course within the APSU Nursing Program.  Official scores must be sent to te APSU Office of Admissions and the School of Nursing.  After careful review, a memo with scores attached will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for recording to the academic record.  Contact the School of Nursing for additional information at this website http://www.apsu.edu/nursing.


403 Fundamentals of Nursing NURS 2030   8 45
457 Maternal & Child Nursing NURS 4040   8 45
503 Psychiatric & Mental Health NURS 3060   7 45
554 Adult Nursing NURS 3070   8 45


Credit for Students Graduating from Excelsior
The School of Nursing grants credit for Excelsior College Exams in nursing for BSN completion students.  These course/exams are completed to meet requirements for Associate of Science in Nursing.  This credit is to be granted to students who are licensed registered nurses and is to be used for Escrow transfer credit for nursing courses.  Transcripts from Excelsior College will validate passing of these courses/exams.  Excelsior College is an NLNAC accredited program.  The director of the School of Nursing will recommend the exams to be approved for escrow on an individual basis.  Contact the BSN completion track coordinator.

Academic Status

Three levels of academic status exist: good standing, academic probation, and academic suspension. Students placed on academic probation or academic suspension receive notification from the Office of the Registrar at the end of the semester or term the status was earned.

Good Standing
This status means that the student is meeting the minimum standard for retention. Satisfactory Academic Progress means that the student is not on academic probation or suspension and meets the following GPA requirements:

1.5 for 0-29 hours attempted
1.8 for 30-45 hours attempted
1.9 for 46-59 hours attempted
2.0 for 60 and above hours attempted

Graduation requirements require that the student earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00, a minimum APSU GPA of 2.00, a minimum GPA of 2.00 in the major, and a minimum GPA of 2.00 in the minor if applicable. Programs may require a higher GPA for retention in the program.

Academic Probation
A student will be placed on academic probation at the completion of any semester/term or summer session when the student’s cumulative GPA falls below the following:

Quality Hours Attempted Minimum Grade Point Average
11 or less no minimum
12-29 1.50
30-45 1.80
46-59 1.90
60 and above 2.00

Quality hours attempted include all courses and  hours except for grades of “AU”, “I”, “IP” and “W.”  Students on academic probation are limited to a credit load of 14 hours during the Fall and Spring semesters or six hours at Fort Campbell or all Summer sessions.  Freshmen placed on academic probation will be required to participate in the academic straightening program, Promoting Academic Student Success and enroll in PASS 0900.  Students who do not complete the PASS course will be required to enroll in the course the next semester.  If they are still on academic probation.  If a student enrolled in PASS 0900 is placed on Academic Suspension and has failed to earn a passing grade in PASS 0900 he/she will not be allowed to appeal the academic suspension and students will be required to serve their academic suspension.  Students who are indefinitely suspended must wait one year before they are permitted to appeal to the Student Academic Standing Committee.  Other students on probation or students returning from academic suspension are also encouraged to participate in the program.  Please contact the Title III office at 931-221-7633 or go to the website at http://www.apsu.edu/ctl for information about the program.  Conditionally admitted students enter on probation and will be suspended after the first semester if the GPA is less than 1.50.

Academic Suspension
Students on academic probation who, at the end of the semester/term of enrollment, fail to earn the grade-point average required for that semester (Column A below) or to raise their cumulative GPA to the required minimum (Column B below) will be suspended for the next semester as well as for any term that might be in session before the next semester begins (e.g., summer term).

Quality Hours Attempted Semester GPA (Column A) Cumulative GPA (Column B)
11 or less no minimum no minimum
12-29 2.00 1.40
30-45 2.00 1.70
46-59 2.00 1.80
60 and above 2.00 2.00

Quality hours attempted includes all courses and hours except for grades of “AU”, “I”, “IP”, “W” and “NR.”

The student who is academically suspended for the second time (Second Suspension) including suspensions from all colleges and universities attended, will be suspended for one calendar year.  The student suspended for the third time or more (Indefinite Suspension) may be readmitted only by a petition for reinstatement approved by the Academic Suspension Appeals Committee.

Suspended students may file a written appeal of their suspension period with the Office of the Registrar no later than the deadline date indicated in the student’s suspension letter.  Only one appeal per suspension period may be made, with Indefinite Suspension limited to one appeal per calendar year.  The academic suspension on appeals committee will review paperwork for each appeal and render a decision.  The decision of the committee is final.  Students who successfully appeal an Academic Suspension will be required to participate in the academic strengthening program.  Promoting Academic Student Success and enroll in PASS 0900.  Students who do not complete the PASS course will be required to enroll in the course the next semester if they are still on academic probation.  If a student enrolled in PASS 0900 is placed on Academic Suspension and has failed to earn a passing grade in PASS 0900 he/she will not be allowed to appeal the academic suspension and students will be required to serve their academic suspension.  Students who are indefinitely suspended must wait one year before they are permitted to appeal to the Student Academic Standing Committee.

The University reserves the right to cancel a student’s registration with full fee adjustment should the student enroll prior to being officially notified of an academic suspension.

A student on academic suspension may not be admitted to, or continue in, any program at APSU for credit or for grade-point purposes.  Credit earned at other institutions while a student is on academic suspension from Austin Peay or any other institution may not be applied toward a degree from APSU or used for improving the grade-point avrage.

Academic Forgiveness Policies

CARE Policy
CARE (Credentials Analysis and Re-Evaluation) Policy is one of two academic forgiveness policies. Enrolled students who have been out of college a minimum of two years may apply for consideration of the CARE Policy by petitioning the dean of the college in which they plan to major. A maximum of 18 semester hours 27 quarter hours of “D” and/or “F”, along with the grades and credits of all other courses taken in no more than two consecutive semesters or terms taken at APSU or another institution prior to the separation, may be removed from the GPA calculation. If the number of credits exceeds 18 over the two consecutive terms, the policy will then be limited to all coursework in a single term.  The coursework must include grades of “D” and/or “F”.  The 18 hours also includes courses that have been repeated.  The course and grades will remain on the transcript, noted appropriately, and be removed from the GPA calculation.   A CARE Policy will not remove Financial Aid eligibility standards or Veterans Education benefit standards under Satisfactory Academic Progress Rules.  All attempted hours (even CARE Policy hours) will be counted for financial aid eligibility and Tennessee Lottery standards.  Students who earned an associate or baccalaureate degree cannot apply for consideration of the CARE Policy regarding credits earned prior to earning the degree. Students may apply for this at any time during the enrollment at APSU as long as they have not earned an associate or baccalaureate degree. The CARE Policy can only be granted once.

Fresh Start
Fresh Start Policy is the second of two academic forgiveness policies. Beginning with fall 1992, students who have been out of higher education a minimum of four years and return completing 15 semester hours credit (excludes remedial and developmental work) with a minimum GPA of 2.00 in all coursework at APSU may renew their academic records with penalty of prior failure. To be considered for this, eligible students must complete the Fresh Start Form with the Office of the Registrar, located in Ellington 316, during the first term of admissions or readmissions. Fresh Start calculates the GPA and credit hours toward graduation on coursework commencing with the credits taken following the absence. Students granted Fresh Start will forfeit all college credits and grades earned before the separation period. The courses and grades will remain on the transcript, noted appropriately, and be removed from the GPA calculation. An Academic Fresh Start will not remove Financial Aid eligibility standards or Veterans Education benefit standards under Satisfactory Academic Progress Rules.  All attempted hours (even Academic Fresh Start hours) will be counted for financial aid eligibility and Tennessee Lottery standards.  Permission for Fresh Start will be granted only once. A student may utilize both the Fresh Start ad CARE Policy, provided the separation from higher education is not the same time period.

Course Repeats 

Students who are repeating courses with course numbers that are not identical with grades other than “A” or “B” must complete a Course Repeat form located on the Office of the Registrar website at www.apsu.edu/registrar. This form must be returned to the Office of the Registrar by the 14th day of classes.

Approval to repeat a course with a “B” or better must complete a Request to Repeat Course(s) with Previous Grade(s) of “B” or Better form located on the Office of the Registrar website under Online Forms at www.apsu.edu/registrar, and may only be granted by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

If a course taken at another school is repeated at APSU, the course at the other institution will be marked as a repeat. If the course transferred to APSU as an elective, the student must petition the chair of the department in which the course is offered in order for the elective course to be marked as a repeat.

The last grade received in a repeated course will be used in the computation of the GPA. However, in cases where the course is attempted three times, including transfer work, the third and all future grades for the course will be included in the computation of the GPA. Repeating a course already passed will result in the last grade received and credits earned from the last grade. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Dean’s List

Main Campus
At the end of each specific semester/term a list of honor students, known as the Dean’s List, is published.  To qualify for this distinction the main campus student must earn at least 12 credit hours (university-level courses only) with a minimum semester/term GPA of 3.50.  Courses taken on the Pass-Fail grading system and Remedial Studies will not be included in hours earned for purposes of the Dean’s List.

APSU Center @Fort Campbell
At the end of each term a list of honor students, known as the Dean’s List is published.  Students attending the Fort Campbell campus qualify for this distinction using two methods:  at least 12 hours in one term (university-level courses only) with a minimum term GPA 3.50; or a combination of at least 12 credit (university-level courses only), in consecutive Fall I and Fall II or Spring I and Spring II terms.

Graduating with Honors

University-level courses will only apply to graduate with honors.  Students who earn a cumulative overall grade point average as follows will graduate with honors:

3.90 - 4.00 SUMMA CUM LAUDE
3.70 - 3.89 MAGNA CUM LAUDE
3.50 - 3.69 CUM LAUDE