Tennessee Board Of Regents
The Honorable Bill Haslam, Governor
Gregory Duckett, Vice Chair, 9th Congressional District, 2009-2012
John Farris, At-Large West Tennessee, 2008-2014
Darrell S. Freeman, 7th Congressional District, 2012-2016
Tom Griscom, 3rd Congressional District, 2011-2017
The Honorable Kevin S. Huffman, Commissioner of Education
Ashley Humphrey, Student Regent 2012-2013
The Honorable Julius Johnson, Commissioner of Agriculture
Jonas Kisber, 8th Congressional District, 2008-2014
Fran Marcum, 4th Congressional District, 2010-2016
Paul W. Montgomery, 1st Congressional District, 2007-2013
Richard Rhoda, Executive Director of Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Bob Raines, Faculty Regent, 2012-2013
Emily J. Reynolds, At-Large, Middle Tennessee, 2012-2018
Richard Rhoda, Executive Director, Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Howard Roddy, At-Large, East Tennessee, 2012-2018
Robert P. Thomas, 5th Congressional District, 2009-2015
Danni B. Varlan, 2nd Congressional District, 2010-2013
Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Robert White, Chair, Johnson City, 1st Congressional District
Cato Johnson, Vice Chair, Bartlett, 7th Congressional District
Evan Cope, Vice-Chair, Murfreesboro, 4th Congressional District
A. C. Wharton, Jr., Secretary, Memphis, 9th Congressional District
Tre Hargett, Secretary of State
Justin P. Wilson, State Comptroller
David H. Lillard, Jr. State Treasurer
Gregory P. Isaacs, Knoxville, 2nd Congressional District
Jon Kinsey, Chattanooga, 3rd Congressional District
Charles W. Bone, Hendersonville, 6th Congressional District
Sharon L. Hayes, Brownsville, 8th Congressional District
Dr. Gary Nixon, non-voting ex-officio, Executive Director, State Board of Education
Gregory Alan Frye , non-voting ex-officio, University of Tennessee, Martin
Adam Jarvis, non-voting ex-officio, East Tennessee State University
Administrative Offices
Timothy Hall, J.D. |
President |
Bill Persinger, B.F.A. |
Executive Director, Marketing and Public Relations |
Roy Gregory, B.S. |
Executive Director, University Advancement |
Stephanie Reevers, J.D. |
University Attorney |
Athletic Director |
Jacqueline Struckmeyer, B.S., C.P.A. |
Internal Auditor |
Carol Clark, M.A. |
Director, Community and Business Relations and
Executive Assistant to the President |
Nikki Peterson, M.A. |
Director of Alumni Relations |
Sheila Bryant, M.P.A. |
Director, Affirmative Action |
Tristan Denley, Ph.D. |
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs |
Brian Johnson, Ph.D. |
Assistant Provost/Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs |
Dixie Dennis, Ph.D. |
Associate Provost of Grants and Sponsored Programs and Dean, College of Graduate Studies |
Beverly Boggs, Ph.D. |
Associate Provost, Enrollment Management and Academic Support |
Dixie Webb, Ph.D. |
Dean, College of Arts and Letters |
William Rupp, Ph.D. |
Dean, College of Business |
David Denton, Ph.D. |
Dean, College of Behavioral and Health Sciences |
Carlette Hardin, Ed.D. |
Dean, College of Education |
Jaime Taylor, Ph.D. |
Dean, College of Science and Mathematics |
William Cox, Ed.D. |
Executive Director of AP Center @ Fort Campbell / School of Technology and Public Management |
Dana Williett, M.B.A |
Executive Director, Extended and Distance Education |
Linda Barnes, Ph.D. |
Director, Honors Program |
Melissa Hunter, M.S. |
Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Joseph Weber, M.S.L.S. |
Director, Library Services |
Matthew Kenney, Ph.D. |
Director, President’s Emerging Leaders |
Marissa Chandler, Ed.S. |
Director, International Education
Mitch Robinson, M.A.Ed., C.P.A. |
Vice President for Finance and Administration |
Tim Hurst, M.B.A., C.P.A. |
Assistant Vice President for Finance |
Sonja Stewart, B.B.A, C.P.A. |
Director, Budgets and Planning |
Terence Calloway, M.J.A. |
Director, Public Safety |
Tom Hutchins, M.B.A. |
Director, Physical Plant |
Charles Wall, B.B.A. |
Director, Information Technology |
Andy Kean, M. Ed. |
Director, University Center Facilities and Services |
Mike Hamlet, M.B.A. |
Director, Human Resources |
Al Westerman, M.E.M. |
Director, Facilities Planning and Projects |
Sherryl A. Byrd, Ed.D. |
Vice President for Student Affairs |
Gregory R. Singleton, M.S |
Associate Vice President and Dean of Students |
F. Joe Mills, M.S. |
Assistant Vice President/Director, Housing, Residence Life and Dining Services |
Tammy Bryant, M.S. |
Director, Student Affairs Programs and Assessment |
Henderson Hill, III, M.A. |
Director, African American Cultural Center |
Lowell Roddy, D.Min. |
Director, Student Counseling and Health Services |
Connie Sanders, B.S.P.S. |
Manager, Child Learning Center |
Lynette Taylor Ed.S. |
Director, Disability Services |
Miguel Ruiz, Ph.D. |
Faculty Director, Hispanic Cultural Center |
Victor Felts, M.Ed. |
Director, Student Life and Engagement |
David Davenport, M.S. |
Director, University Recreation |
All addresses are: Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN 37044
University Home Page: www.apsu.edu/cogs.
Graduate Faculty: Current graduate faculty members are listed on the College of Graduate Studies website at http://www.apsu.edu\cogs.