Mar 31, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Bulletin 
2018-2019 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Residency, Candidacy/Program of Study and Degree Completion

The academic guidelines for a graduate degree are located in the University Bulletin.  A student may graduate under the requirements of the current University Bulletin during the initial enrollment or any Bulletin thereafter that includes enrollment.  A Bulletin is valid for six years under the initial Bulletin they entered APSU or any Bulletin thereafter, which includes enrollment.

Residency for Academic Purposes

The graduate student must earn a minimum of one-third of the number of hours required to complete a degree at Austin Peay State University. The maximum number of combined hours of transfer credits, credit by examination, course validation, and experiential learning that can be used to fulfill degree requirements is no more than two-thirds the number of hours required for degree completion at Austin Peay State University.

TN eCampus Consortial Courses

TN eCampus consortial courses are offered in the institution’s Schedule of Classes, but instruction may be delivered by any of the following institutions:  Tennessee Board of Regents Community Colleges, Austin Peay State University, East Tennessee State University, Middle Tennessee State University, Tennessee State University, Tennessee Tech University or the University of Memphis. Consortial courses will appear on the transcript with a “C-” and the acronym of the delivery institution annotated at the beginning of the course title.  Please see the example below.

Example:  ENGL 1010           C-ETSU: Composition I 

The ‘C’ indicates it is a consortial course and ‘ETSU’ indicates that instruction was delivered by East Tennessee State University.

Residency for Fee Purposes

A student’s classification for fee purposes is made upon admission in accordance with APSU’s residency regulations.

In-State Residency Classification:  “IN STATE” fees are assessed to Tennessee residents, as well as military personnel, their spouses and dependents stationed in Tennessee or at Fort Campbell, residents from the Kentucky counties of Allen, Calloway, Christian, Logan, Simpson, Todd or Trigg (within 30 miles of APSU), and part-time students employed full-time in Tennessee.

Out-of-State Residency Classification: New students may appeal the out-of-state residency classification by submitting the Application for Residency form to Graduate Admissions before enrolling. Continuing students may submit the Application for Residency form to appeal current status to the Office of the Registrar. The Residency Appeals Committee meets once each term during the week prior to the beginning of classes.  All appeals must be submitted prior to the Residency Appeals Committee meeting and the start of classes.

For students who are considered out-of-state, there are two programs offered for a reduced tuition:

250R Tuition and Fees:  The 250R Reduced Rate Tuition Program is offered to all US Citizens or US Permanent residents whose county of residence is within a 250-mile radius of Austin Peay, making them eligible to receive a substantial tuition reduction.

Graduate E-Rate Tuition and Fees:  This is offered to all students who are considered out-of-state, but taking all of their course work online.  This makes them eligible to receive a substantial tuition reduction.

The Residency Application form is available on the College of Graduate Studies website at

Completion of the Admission to Candidacy/Program of Study/Committee Assignment Form

Degree-seeking students admitted to a graduate program must complete the Admission to Candidacy/Program of Study/Committee Assignment form by the end of the first semester (excluding summer terms), regardless of the number of hours in which the student has enrolled. The student’s completed Admission to Candidacy/Program of Study/Committee Assignment form must be electronically scanned (at the departmental level) and submitted to the Graduation Coordinator in the Registrar’s Office. All forms must be approved by the student’s graduate committee and/or Department Chair.  Candidacy packets are available in the academic departments or from the College of Graduate Studies website at If the form is not completed and submitted by the end of the first semester (excluding summer terms), a hold will placed on the student’s registration by the Registrar’s Office.  The College of Graduate Studies will lift the hold when an email notification is received from the Registrar’s Office, indicating that the Admission to Candidacy/Program of Study/Committee Assignment form has been submitted.

 Change of Program of Study Form

Any changes to the original Admission to Candidacy/Program of Study/Committee Assignment form must be submitted on a Change of Program of Study form. Any changes must be approved by the student’s graduate committee and/or Department Chair. The Change of Program of Study form must be electronically scanned (at the departmental level) and sent to the Graduation Coordinator in the Registrar’s Office. The Change of Program of Study form is available in the academic departments or from the College of Graduate Studies website at

Transfer Credit

The maximum amount of combined hours of transfer credits, credit by examination, course validation, experiential learning, and earned credit through agreement that can be used to fulfill degree requirements is no more than two-thirds of the number of hours required for degree completion at Austin Peay State University.  All intended transfer courses must be earned with a grade of “B” or better from a regionally accredited institution. The official transcript from the transfer institution must be submitted to the Transfer Coordinator in the Registrar’s Office for further verification of courses. After the Graduate Dean’s approval, the transfer credits must be submitted by completing the Program of Study (or Change of Program of Study) form, with appropriate notation as instructed on the form. To be acceptable, the transfer credit must fall within the time limit governing the completion of requirements for the degree. The Program of Study (or Change of Program of Study) form must be electronically scanned (at the departmental level) and sent to the Graduation Coordinator in the Registrar’s Office. The Program of Study and Change of Program of Study forms can be found on the College of Graduate Studies website at​.

The College of Graduate Studies sets minimum standard to which all graduate programs across the University must follow. Individual colleges, schools, and graduate programs are encouraged to set more stringent requirements as necessary to meet their accreditation and student needs. Acceptance of transfer credit is determined by the student’s graduate committee and the College of Graduate Studies. Please refer to the individual program for more details.

Request to Add or Change Graduate Program

If a student begins pursuit of a graduate program and wishes to change to a different graduate program, approval must first be granted by the Department Chair or Graduate Coordinator of the proposed department using the Request to Add or Change Graduate Program form. Following departmental approval, the form must be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies for final approval by the Dean. The student will be notified of the intended graduate department’s decision by the College of Graduate Studies via the student’s campus e-mail. The Request to Add or Change Graduate Program form can be found at​.

Time Limit for Completing the Degree

The requirements for a graduate degree must be completed within six calendar years from the date of initial enrollment in graduate courses at Austin Peay. This includes all required course work, research, and comprehensive examinations. Appeals to extend the time limit for completion of the degree must be submitted in writing to the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies using the Graduate Academic Appeals form. Written supportive recommendation(s) from the student’s Graduate Committee Chair, Graduate Coordinator, or the Department Chair must accompany the request for a time extension. The Graduate Dean then presents the appeal to the Graduate Academic Appeals Committee for review and a final decision. When a decision has been made, the Graduate Studies Office will notify the student  via the student’s campus e-mail. The Graduate Academic Appeals form is located on the College of Graduate Studies web site at

Earning Double Master’s Degrees

A student who pursues two distinct master’s degrees at APSU, either simultaneously or consecutively must adhere to the following:

  • the courses being double counted are perceived as reasonable substitutions for courses in the graduate program(s) by all academic departments;
  • written approval of the Department Chairs and Graduate Coordinators of both programs and the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies;
  • all degrees earned from APSU must meet Residency conditions as stated in Residency for Academic Purposes; and
  • the course work for each degree falls within the prescribed time limits.
Application for Degree and Commencement

A student must file a formal application for a degree online through AP One-Stop, according to the published University Calendar at the beginning of the semester of completion. Applications for the degree will not be accepted from students who do not have at least a 3.0 GPA. All applicants for the degree must notify the Office of the Registrar through the online application, even if they do not plan to participate in commencement ceremonies. After the application for degree is filed, the student’s record is audited against his or her Program of Study/Admission to Candidacy. The Office of the Registrar will notify the student of his or her graduation status.