Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Bulletin 
2023-2024 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Fees and Expenses

Registration Fees for 2023-2024 Fiscal Year

A student will be charged tuition based on his or her classification and the number of credit hours in which enrolled; the maximum charge for a student taking 10 or more credit hours has been removed. Students attending either the Clarksville campus or Fort Campbell Center will be charged for each credit hour taken. Students attending classes at both the Clarksville campus and the Fort Campbell Center will be charged for each credit hour for which they are enrolled at each campus. 

All fees are subject to change per APSU’s Board of Trustees’ policy.  To view fees and tuition go to the following website: http://www.apsu.edu/student-account-services/tuition_and_fees/.  

For the Special Fees list please vist https://www.apsu.edu/student-account-services/tuition_and_fees/index.php

Fee Discounts
Employees of the State of Tennessee

Full-time employees of the State of Tennessee may enroll in one undergraduate or graduate course at no cost other than special course fees. An approval form for this fee waiver must be submitted each term to Student Account Services before the last day of late registration. This form can be found at http://www.apsu.edu/student-account-services/pdfs/discounts_waivers/STATE_EMP_FEE_WAIVER.pdf.  These fee waivers are subject to availability of funds.

Registration for Students 60 and 65 Years of Age and Over, and Students with Disabilities

Adults domiciled in Tennessee who are sixty-five (65) years of age or older, may register in courses for credit on a space available basis and pay maximum tuition of $70 and all applicable fees. A Tennessee resident who is sixty (60) years of age or older may audit a course at no cost if space is available (according to Tennessee law) by filing a birth certificate with the Office of the Registrar.

A Tennessee resident who is permanently and totally disabled may register in a course for credit on a space available basis and pay maximum tuition of $70 and all applicable fees or may audit a course if space is available at no cost (according to Tennessee law) by filing an Application for Tuition Reduction Due to Disability.  Proof of 100% disability through the Social Security Office or another appropriate state or federal agency must be submitted with the application. Documentation must be submitted for each term of enrollment. Requests must be submitted to the Office of Disability Services prior to the last day of late registration. The Application for Tuition Reduction Due to Disability can be found at http://www.apsu.edu/disability/forms.php.

Payments and Fee Adjustments

The University operates on the semester plan and students are expected to pay all expenses when registering at the beginning of each semester. Students can choose to enroll in an installment plan during the fall and/or spring Clarksville campus terms only. The University accepts cash, checks, VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Payments by electronic check or credit card are accepted online.

For additional information on the Installment Payment Plan, please visit: https://www.apsu.edu/student-account-services/your-account/payment/installment_plan.php

Out-of-state, full-time students will be charged each semester for tuition in addition to the graduate maintenance fee. This charge does not apply to students living in the Kentucky counties of Allen, Calloway, Christian, Logan, Simpson, Todd and Trigg, which are within the legal service area of APSU (30 mile radius of Clarksville).

Fee Adjustments

Fee adjustments of tuition and fees are pro-rated according to the time the student was enrolled in the University. The dates that percentages apply are published in the Academic Calendar at http://www.apsu.edu/registrar/acadcal.php

  1. A one hundred percent (100%) fee adjustment is issued for the following situations:
    1. Courses canceled by the University.
    2. Withdrawals between the pre-registration period and prior to the first day of classes.
    3. Mandatory withdrawal because the student is declared academically ineligible to enroll or the student is not eligible to enroll in a course being dropped. This requires documentation from the Associate Provost of Enrollment Management and Academic Support Services.
  2. For fee adjustment and withdrawal amounts, please visit the Academic calendar for refund percentages as well as start and end dates for refunds. 
  3. No fee adjustment will occur when the number of credit hours for courses dropped and courses added on the same day is equal. This is considered a swap.
  4. When a course is included in a regular term’s registration process, but the course does not begin until later in the term, the 75%/25% fee adjustment periods will be based on the particular course’s beginning and ending dates. This does not apply to classes that meet only once per week during regular terms. Those courses will follow the same refund dates as the other courses for the term.
  5. The fee adjustment is calculated as the difference between (a) the cost of originally enrolled hours and (b) the per credit hour cost of the courses at final enrollment after adjustments have been applied for the courses dropped. Adjustments are calculated at the full per credit hour rate less the fee adjustment credit at the applicable fee adjustment percentage, with total costs not to exceed full-time tuition. Not all drops or withdrawals will result in a fee adjustment.
  6. Title IV financial aid fee adjustments for students withdrawing during their first term will be calculated on a pro-rata basis and applied to outstanding balances in accordance with the U.S. Department of Education Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.
  7. Percentage rules apply to out-of-state tuition and refundable fees.
Fee Adjustment Appeals
  • The University fee adjustment policy is based entirely upon the official date of the withdrawal or change of course which would result in a fee adjustment. Fee adjustments beyond the specified dates or percentages indicated in the “Academic Calendar” will be made only for reasons published by the University and only when convincing documentation supports the appeal. If the appeal is granted, the fee adjustment will not exceed 75 percent.
  • Any individual may appeal the assessment, application, calculation, collection, or interpretation of any University fee, charge, deposit, or refund. Information regarding acceptable reasons for which an appeal may be granted, procedures, and the forms to be completed can be found online at http://www.apsu.edu/appeals/.
  • Appeals for fee adjustments are to be submitted online to the Office of Enrollment Management and Academic Support Services. Supporting documentation in reference to a claim must be submitted within five (5) business days to the Office of Enrollment Management and Academic Support. A supporting explanation should demonstrate why an exception to the published policy is justified. Requests that simply disagree with the policy will not be considered.
  • The Enrollment Management and Academic Support Office will determine if proper University procedures have been followed. All documentation will be reviewed by the Associate Provost. A written decision will be sent to the student’s official APSU e-mail account within 2-3 weeks of submission.
  • Decisions of the Enrollment Management and Academic Support Office may be appealed in writing to the Fee Adjustment Appeals Committee which meets twice each Fall and Spring semester. The committee chairperson will provide a decision in writing via e-mail to the appellant’s official APSU e-mail account.
  • Appeals of adverse decisions made by this committee must be in writing to the Associate Vice President for Finance. A written decision of matters appealed to that office will be sent to the student’s official APSU e-mail account.