Mar 10, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Center for Extended and Distance Education

 Center for Extended and Distance Education

Location: McReynolds Bldg., 119
Phone: 931-221-7816

The Center for Extended and Distance Education at Austin Peay State University offers a wide variety of creative educational opportunities through traditional classroom, online, interactive TV and off-campus delivery, and contract programs, including the federally funded TRIO program and the Tennessee Small Business Development Center. Services include support for traditional and nontraditional college students seeking degrees and certifications, and for personal or professional development, small business entrepreneurs, regional business and industry, veterans, first-generation college students, and economically disadvantaged students.

Distance Education

Location: McReynolds Bldg.
Phone: 931-221-7816

Distance Education enables the University to reach beyond the traditional campus via online and two-way interactive video (ITV) courses. The University currently operates interactive video sites from the main campus to the APSU Center @ Fort Campbell and various sites in the service area. For additional information, call (931) 221-7816.

Online/Distance-Based Degree Programs

Online/distance-based education offers students the convenience of classroom accessibility 24 hours a day from virtually anywhere in the world. Online/distance-based students access their virtual classroom and interact with instructors and classmates through the Web in an interactive, asynchronous format. Distance-based courses may utilize DVD or other internet technologies to enhance instruction. Online/distance-based courses are not self-paced; courses begin and end on specific dates, and class work is assigned deadlines. Advising, library services, student support, and other forms of student assistance are available to online/distance-based students. Technical support is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Students may choose from APSU online/distance-based degrees and the Regents Online Degree Program.

APSU Online/Distance-Based Degrees

Location: McReynolds Bldg., 107
Phone: 931-221-6484

APSU online/distance-based offers 11 complete degree programs and more than 500 courses online/distance-based delivery format. Many other degree programs offer a significant amount of the required courses via distance education. A path through the core courses required for the Bachelor of Science degree are available online. For more information on degree requirements, visit

Regents Online Degree Programs

Location: McReynolds Bldg., 109
Phone: 931-221-1373

Tennessee Board of Regents’ colleges, universities, and technology centers offer the Regents Online Degree Programs (RODP). APSU is one of six TBR universities that delivers and awards the noted degrees. Courses completed in the Regents Online Degree Programs are entirely online and transferable among all the participating institutions. Fifteen undergraduate degrees and three graduate degrees are available, as well as teacher education and certificate options.

Extended Education

Location: McReynolds Bldg., 119
Phone: 931-221-7743

Extended-Campus on-site courses are offered at various centers throughout the service area of APSU. Information about the schedule and location of extended-campus classes may be obtained by contacting the Center for Extended and Distance Education, the appropriate academic department, visiting the web page, or referring to the SCHEDULE OF CLASSES (WEB ONLY) each term.

Dual/Joint enrollment allows qualified high-school juniors and seniors to earn college credit while still in high school. Lottery scholarships are available. For more information, visit

English as a Second Language

Location: McReynolds Bldg., 202
Phone: 931-221-6270

The ESL Institute offers a diversified and intense program of instruction and study in English for international students who desire to raise their level of proficiency for the purpose of gaining admission to APSU or another university. Additionally, the Institute offers community members the opportunity to study English in order to prepare for professional careers, advanced education, and participation in the global community. Courses integrate multiple skills, such as reading, conversation, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and TOEFL exam preparation in a friendly and personal classroom setting.

Noncredit and Customized Training

Location: McReynolds Bldg., 118
Phone: 931-221-6487

The Center provides noncredit classes, short courses, and seminars in both traditional classroom and convenient online formats. Courses include certificate programs, classes and seminars in personal and professional development, software use, foreign languages and culture, test preparation and visual arts. CompTIA® Microsoft® Certification, and Cisco certification preparation training for IT professionals is available on-site and online. Career development certificates in a variety of fields are also available online. In partnership with the Tennessee Small Business Development Center, the Center provides business-related seminars focused on the needs of small businesses. Customized contract training programs for businesses and other groups are also available. A schedule of noncredit classes is published twice a year. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are awarded for most courses. For more information, call 931-221-7816 or 931-221-6487.

Tennessee Small Business Development Center

Location: McReynolds Bldg., 111
Phone: 931-221-1370
Website: or

The Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC) offers assistance to help business owners grow and develop successful, thriving businesses. The center assists business owners and managers by providing one-on-one counseling for management and technical business problems and issues such as business planning, sources of capital, marketing, record keeping, location analysis, and government procurement.

TRiO Student Support Services

Location: Ellington Student Services
Building, 337
Phone: 931-221-6142

The TRiO Student Support Services Program is designed to assist students whose parents did not attend or complete a four-year college and/or whose family income may hinder them from remaining in college. Currently enrolled students who are registered with Disability Services at APSU are also eligible. Students who meet one or all of these conditions are encouraged to apply for program participation. Students will develop an individualized plan of services with the program counselor, which may include the following benefits: orientation to the program, ongoing academic advisement and GPA monitoring, interaction with the Student Financial Aid Office, graduate and/or professional school advisement, career counseling, content area tutoring, small group workshops, personal counseling, and participation in cultural activities.

Funding by the U.S. Department of Education for TRiO Student Support Services at APSU is $244,735 or 100% for 2012-2013. The services are free and can accommodate 180 qualified students.

The federal TRiO programs were established in 1965 to provide postsecondary educational opportunities to the economically disadvantaged in the United States. The programs target students and adults whose annual income/parental income makes them eligible for grants and need-based assistance. TRiO programs also target potential first-generation college students. TRiO programs are funded by the federal government and based on college campuses nationwide. Austin Peay State University hosts five TRiO programs:

Clarksville Montgomery County Upward Bound
Location: 804 Polk Street
Phone: 931-221-6200

Tri-County Upward Bound
Location: McReynolds, 210
Phone: 931-221-6410

Veterans Upward Bound
Location: McReynolds, 212
Phone: 931-221-7600

TRiO Student Support Services
Location: Ellington, 337
Phone: 931-221-6142

Educational Opportunity Center
Location: Ellington, 333
Phone: 931-221-7481