Jul 26, 2024  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Study Abroad and Exchange Programs


Study Abroad and Exchange Programs

Office: Harned Bldg, Room 127
Phone: 931-221-6851
Website: www.apsu.edu/international/abroad

Studying abroad isn’t just taking a trip.  It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the world and gain resume–building experience while earning college credits; and with programs lasting as few as two weeks and financial aid available, it’s an opportunity you cannot afford to miss!

  • Spring break travel programs offer the possibility of studying aborad over spring break as an experiential learning part of a spring semester course.
  • Study–abroad programs last roughly two to six weeks, include 10-30 students and are led by APSU faculty members.  You can usually earn between three and eight APSU credit hours in these programs.
  • Exchange programs last a semester or a full academic year.  You will study at a partner institution, earning at least 12 APSU credit hours.  Rather than traveling with a group of APSU students and faculty, you will travel independently, immersing yourself in the academic experience and host the country’s culture.
  • Consortium programs are study-abroad programs organizide - and shared - by several institutions.  If you choose to take part in a consortium program, you will travel with students and faculty from other universities but earn APSU credit hours.
  • Internship abroad offer the opportunity to work in an international setting.  These placements are typically unpaid and can last anywhere from five to nine weeks.

APSU offers programs inmore than 40 countires worldwide in multiple academic formats.  Program locations include:  Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Botswana, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, French Antilles, French Guyana, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Korea, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Quebec, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kigdom and Uruguay.

To learn more about APSU Study Abroad and Exchange Programs and begin planning your international adventure, contact the Office of International Education to schedule a general advising session.


International Student Exchange Program

APSU is a member of the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) which provides a network of over 300 colleges and universities in 50 countries cooperating to provide affordable access to international education for a diverse student population.  ISEP students gain intercultural competence through integration into their host institution and host culture while exploring the international dimensions of their academic field.  Students can take advantage of semester and year-long placements in all academic areas.  More than 80% of courses offered through ISEP are taught in English.

Cooperative Center for Study Abroad
The Cooperative Center for Study Abroad (CCSA) is an inter-institutional effort providing joint planning, coordination, and implementation for programs of study abroad to countries with a significant English speaking base.  The CCSA sponsors:

  1. short-term programs of study in late December and early January during the interim between the fall and spring semesters to London or Australia;
  2. several programs in the spring;
  3. summer programs in several countires; e.g., England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, Ghana, Belize, etc;
  4. fall and spring semesters in England; and
  5. a variety of opportunities for internships.

Courses are taught by faculty from CCSA member institutions including APSU faculty.  Students earn credit on their home campuses that apply to t heir degree program.  The CCSA member institutions identify comparable courses for those scheduled through other member universities.

Tennessee Consortium for International Students
TnCIS represents colleges and universities devoted to making international education and cultural understanding a central goal of higher education throughout the state of Tennessee.  TnCIS sponsors an annual conference on international education and continues to expand study abroad and international educational opportunities for students throughout the state.  All programs are offered after the Spring graduation at TBR institutions.  The majority of programs are 3 weeks long with some offering 4-5 week programs.  All courses through TnCIS are for creit only.  A minimum of 3 credit hours is offered in all programs.



This APSU faculty-led program will allow students to experience Japan through the lens of history and literature. After participating in a 3 week course offered online through D2L, students will then have the opportunity to visit locations previously discussed during the course. The study abroad will focus on sites based in Kyoto prefecture and nearby cities relevant to the historical and cultural sites featured prominently in many of the greatest works of Japanese literature. Students will have the opportunity to appreciate Japan’s rich, vibrant, multi-faceted culture through cuisine, the arts, architecture, religious establishments, and museums. Coursework includes ENGL 430 P, Topics in World Literature, ENGL 5700 Literature Across the Cultures, and HIST 4910  , Japan’s Ancient Capitals: Nara and Kyoto.

Korea (Kyungpook)
Through this exchange program with Kyungpook National University, you can take a variety of courses designed to address global issues and provide a new perspective and understanding of Korea. Offered in English, classes cover global and regional affairs, along with Korean language, economics, culture, history and politics.

The Taiwan program is an educational exchange program for faculty and students between APSU and two sister institutes in Taiwan, National Changhua University of Education (NCUE) and Nankai College of Technology and Commerce (NCTC). The program sponsors: (1) Student Exchange Program–students may study for one or two semesters at sister institutes; (2) Study Abroad Program–students may be enrolled in a summer study abroad program at the host institution; (3) Faculty Exchange Program–selected faculty may attend the host institution for the purpose of research, teaching, and general study; and (4) Visitation Program–Delegates will attend symposia to promote and enhance the exchange agreement between the institutions.

Cooperative Center for Study Abroad
The Cooperative Center for Study Abroad (CCSA) is an inter-institutional effort providing joint planning, coordination, and implementation for programs of study abroad to countries with a significant English speaking base. The CCSA sponsors: (1) short-term programs of study in late December and early January during the interim between the fall and spring semesters to London or Australia; (2) several programs in the spring; (3) summer programs in several countries; e.g., England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, Ghana, Jamaica, Belize, etc.; (4) fall and spring semesters in England; and (5) a variety of opportunities for internships. Courses are taught by faculty from CCSA member institutions including APSU faculty. Students earn credit on their home campuses that apply to their degree programs. The CCSA member institutions identify comparable courses for those scheduled through other member universities.


The Language Institute of Universität Klagenfurt hosts APSU students for intensive German language study in the picturesque town of Klagenfurt Austria. Students will experience direct contact with Austrian culture and way of life all while learning German in an immersion setting. Students will earn 6 to eight hour of coursework credit. Classes are available at all levels of study including Beginning German, Intermediate German, and Advanced German. German Literature, German Business, and Austrian Culture classes are also available. Cultural excursions, including a weekend visit to Vienna are included in the program.

Holocaust Traveling Seminar
Austin Peay’s Study Abroad Program offers students an opportunity to travel to Germany and France during the summer. The curriculum consists of History 4910, The Holocaust Traveling Seminar. Lectures will be held in Strasbourg, France, with subsequent travel to sites in Germany. All classes and tours are in English, and students are eligible for six credit hours. The accommodations are dormitory style including two meals per day. Also included are hotels, pensions, or hostels near the sites. The cost for the program includes APSU tuition, books, room and board, airline and rail tickets, site admission, program fees, and personal expenses. An advance down payment is required for dormitory and travel by March 1 of each year.

You can study French for one or two semesters at the Université d’Orléans in the city of loan of Arc, located one hour south of Paris.  You will attend classes for approximately 20 hours per week and take part in optional afternoon activities like singing and theater.  Some previous knowledge of French is required (FREN 2010  or equivalent).

Spectacular mountains and beautiful beaches provide the backdrop of the serious study of ancient Greece culture and modern Greek language. Students will enroll in GREK 3400, Greek Art and Archaeology, and GREK 1110 , Intensive Modern Greek, for a total of 7 credit hours. We will spend 5 weeks studying and visiting archeological sites and museums from Neolithic caves to World War II sites. Sites include: Knosso, Phaisto, Mycenal, Cosenth, Olympia, Delphi, and about 35 more.

This program will allow students to experience the culture of Italy and its vast and deep roots in art in general and ceramics in particular.  This is a studio course in ceramics which wil begin in Rome and follow the the bulk of the term in residence at La Meridiana International School of Ceramic Art in Tuscany and then end in Venice for the final days of the course.  Italy is well known for work with ceramics and in particular works in terra cotta vessels, ceramic sculpture, as well as, Italian ceramic tiles.  Students will have the opportunity to register for Special Topics  410L.  Ceramics Workshop or for Ceramics I 2050, Ceramics II 3650 or Ceramics Sculpture 3450.

The purpose of this program is to introduce students to biodiversity and teach them strategies in biodiversity conversation on site at Lake Baikal, Russian Federation. Lake Baikal is the world’s oldest, deepest, and largest (by volume) freshwater lake, and most biodiverse. The coursework will consist of the study of local flora and fauna, boat trips to sample aquatic organisms, field tests of student-generated hypotheses on biodiversity conservation, excursions with local scientists, meeting and interviewing the local people whose work affects biodiversity at Lake Baikal, discussing papers pertinent to Baikal, and keeping a daily field journal. Students will receive coursework credit for BIOL 4700  and BIOL 5700.

A four-week summer program for the study of Spanish will be taught at Estudio Internacional Sampere in Madrid. Spanish language classes are offered at all levels, from beginning through advanced. An average of 17 hours of classes and activities are scheduled each week. Classes average from five to eight students per class. While in Madrid, there will be four full-day excursions outside the capital to nearby cities and sites of interest such as Toledo, Segovia, Salamanca, La Granja, the Escorial, and the Valle de los Cai´dos. Students are housed in carefully selected Spanish households, usually two per family. Housing is within walking distance or with easy access to rapid public transportation to classes. The program fee provides three meals a day while in Madrid.

A student exchange program exists between APSU and Mid Sweden University where students get full credits in their major/minor areas of study while learning the Swedish language and culture. All classes taken by exchange students are taught in English. Students can study either one semester or an academic year at Mid Sweden University. Studies are offered in humanities, social sciences, science and engineering, teacher training, nursing, and social care. It is required that all students register for a Swedish language/culture class while studying at the University. Students who successfully complete their courses at the University will receive a $250 scholarship at the end of the semester from the Mid Sweden University. APSU students pay Austin Peay tuition the semester they attend Mid Sweden University. Other expenses, such as housing, airline cost, books, and personal expenses are the students’ responsibility. Financial aid and scholarships are available from APSU for studies at Mid Sweden University.

North America

Quebec, Canada
The Mid-Continent Consortium offers an intensive French language immersion course. It is open to students who have completed a minimum of one year of college-level French or its equivalent.

The immersion program is centered at the Ecole de langue et de culture quebecoise at the UniversitÈ de Québec · Chicoutimi. The program uses coursework, homestay, and organized activities to create a total immersion environment. Students take courses in language, conversation, and the culture of Quebec. Courses are taught entirely in French by native faculty.

Afternoons, students choose from a number of organized activities, including volleyball, hiking, canoeing, theater, dance, art, and singing folk songs. All activities are organized by a team of energetic French language monitors who keep students speaking French throughout the day. Weekends include optional excursions to visit the cities of Quebec and Montreal, as well as the Lac St. Jean and Saguenay regions of the province of Quebec.

For advanced students, there is a three-week course in Business French, as well as a program in pedagogy for teachers of French. Other options are available year-round, including French and Snow, French and Nature, and semester-length immersion courses.

South America

Through this program, you will take part in either an intensive Spanish language program or a history course in Rosario, Argentina.  In your leisure time, you will experience Argentinean culture through day trips, cultural events, a four-day trip to see the lesuit Ruins and Iguazú waterfalls in Brazil and Argentina.  Also, you will spend a weekend in Buenos Aires and you will get to experience a Tango dinner show.  Basic knowledge of Spanish is not required.