Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • AGRI 3725 - Veterinary Technology Practical Experience I

    Credit Hours 2
    Prerequisite: Junior standing and admittance in the Vet Tech program;
    Corequisite: AGRI 3720 ;
    Description: Veterinary Technology students will practice technical skills, while gaining proficiency in physical exam, diagnostic sampling, and treatment techniques through hands-on learning and guidance by a veterinary technician or veterinarian.  This course will introduce basic technical skills that will be expanded in future courses.
  • AGRI 3730 - Veterinary Terminology

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: The study of veterinary terminology – including root word derivations and proper usage of terms.
  • AGRI 3750 - Veterinary Technology Business

    Credit Hours 1
    Variable Credit Hours 0
    Prerequisite: AGRI 3710  

    The course develops skills in management of veterinary facilities including skills for working with people, office and managerial duties, and focus on teamwork dynamics and compassion fatigue in regards to the veterinary profession.

  • AGRI 3900 - International Agriculture

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: This course is a study abroad course that will examine a range of relevant agricultural issues and topics that examine similarities and differences in agricultural practices int he United States compared with other countries around the world.
  • AGRI 4010 - Agriculture Seminar

    Credit Hours 1
    Prerequisite: Junior standing
    Description: Preparation and presentation of reports on specially assigned current topics in agriculture.
  • AGRI 4020 - Agriculture Seminar

    Credit Hours 1
    Prerequisite: Junior standing
    Description: Preparation and presentation of reports on specially assigned current topics in agriculture.
  • AGRI 4030 - Senior Success Seminar

    Credit Hours 1
    Prerequisite: Senior status or permission of instructor;
    Description: This is a senior capstone course to help assess student learning and prepare seniors for entrance to the workforce and/or graduate school.  Students will prepare a Resume/CV, a portfolio, a job-search report, and mock interview.
  • AGRI 4050 - Agricultural Policy and Trade

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: AGRI 2500  or 3500  or permission of instructor
    Description: AGRI 4050 addresses the role of agriculture in the national economy; how agricultural policy decisions affect the general public; emphasis on economic impacts of policies on producers and consumers of agricultural products; effects of other nations’ policies on American agriculture.
  • AGRI 4110 - Agro-Terrorism

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
    Description: Threats to U.S. security involving the industry of Agriculture - including animal and plant diseases, toxic and explosive agriculture chemicals, invasive species, and natural disasters. Additional topics include surveillance, risk appraisal, protecting food supply and examples of terrorist types.
  • AGRI 4140 - Economic Entomology

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: BIOL 1010 /1011  or 1110 /1111  or equivalent or permission of instructor
    Description: Characteristics, biology, identification and economic importance of prominent insect pest species, and introduction to integrated pest management concepts and sustainability.
  • AGRI 4210 - Soil Genesis, Taxonomy, Mapping

    Credit Hours 2
    Prerequisite: AGRI 2210 /2211  or GEOL 3100 /3101 
    Corequisite: AGRI 4211 ;
    Description: Soil formation, morphology, profile description, classification, and mapping.
  • AGRI 4211 - Soil Genesis, Taxonomy, Mapping Lab

    Credit Hours 2
    Prerequisite: AGRI 2210 /2211  or GEOL 3100 /3101  
    Corequisite: AGRI 4210 ;
    Description: : Laboratory component for soil formation, morphology, profile description, classification, and mapping.
  • AGRI 4220 - Soil and Water Conservation

    Credit Hours 2
    Prerequisite: AGRI 2210 /2211  or GEOL 1040 /1041 ;

    Corequisite: AGRI 4221 ;
    Description: Problems and methods of soil and water conservation; topography, water control structures, and farm planning for sustained use of land.

  • AGRI 4221 - Soil and Water Conservation Lab

    Credit Hours 1
    Prerequisite: AGRI 2210 /2211  or GEOL 1040 /1041  
    Corequisite: AGRI 4220 ;
    Description: Laboratory component for problems and methods of soil and water conservation; topography, water control structures, and farm planning for sustained use of land.
  • AGRI 4230 - Land Use

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
    Description: Use of land for agriculture, industry, recreation, urbanization, etc; environmental concerns, regional planning, use of soil surveys, and factors in decision-making.
  • AGRI 4310 - Reproduction in Farm Animals

    Credit Hours 3
    Cross Listed: NA
    Dual Listed: NAPrerequisite: AGRI 1310  and (BIOL 1010  / 1011  orBIOL 1110  /1111 )
    Corequisite: AGRI 4311  
    Description: Anatomy, physiology, and endocrine control of the reproductive system of farm animals: the application of these principles to the management of livestock, artificial insemination, and embryo transfer.
  • AGRI 4311 - Reproduction in Farm Animals Lab

    Credit Hours 1
    Prerequisite: AGRI 1310 , BIOL 1010 /BIOL 1011  
    Corequisite: AGRI 4310 ;
    Description: Laboratory component for anatomy, physiology, and endocrine control of the reproductive system of farm animals: the application of these principles to the management of livestock, artificial insemination, and embryo transfer.
  • AGRI 4350 - Horse Leg and Hoof Care

    Credit Hours 2
    Description:  Basic anatomy and physiology of horse legs and feet.  Equine conformation, movement and performance.  Basic horseshoeing trimming techniques.
  • AGRI 4410 - Tobacco and Grain Crops

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
    Description: Origin, history, classification, uses, and cultural practices of tobacco, wheat, corn, soybeans.
  • AGRI 4420 - Forestry

    Credit Hours 2
    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
    Corequisite: AGRI 4421 ;
    Description: Introduction to forestry, reforestation, mensuration, harvesting, utilization, and wildlife conservation.
  • AGRI 4421 - Forestry Lab

    Credit Hours 1
    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing;
    Corequisite: AGRI 4420 ;
    Description: Laboratory component of an introduction to forestry, reforestation, mensuration, harvesting, utilization, and wildlife conservation.


  • AGRI 4430 - Genetics of Crops and Livestock

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: AGRI 1310 , 1410  or permission of instructor;
    Description: Mechanisms of heredity including Mendelian Principles, linkage, gene action, hybrids, mutation, and lethal genes with application to modern systems of breeding used in crops and livestock.
  • AGRI 4440 - Plant Pathology

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor;
    Description: Identification, nature, and control of diseases of agricultural and garden crops. Control measures include chemical, biological, and cultural means.
  • AGRI 4450 - Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping

    Credit Hours 2
    Description: An indepth study of the life-cycle of honey bees, including their biology, behavior, and communication, and an introduction to the techniques and necessary of equipment use in culturing honey bees for honey production and crop pollination.
  • AGRI 4451 - Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping Lab

    Credit Hours 1
    Description: This course will cover the practical of beekeeping culture and production and will be taught in a hybrid format.  It will include both an online component offered in an asynchronous format and an intensive hands-on-lab component.
  • AGRI 4500 - Farm Planning and Management

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: 12 credit hours in Agriculture or permission of instructor;
    Corequisite: AGRI 4501 ;
    Description: Organizing and operating the farm business with emphasis on allocation of land, labor, capital.
  • AGRI 4501 - Farm Planning and Management Lab

    Credit Hours 1
    Prerequisite: 12 credit hours in Agriculture or permission of instructor;
    Corequisite: AGRI 4500 ;
    Description: Laboratory component for organizing and operating the farm business with emphasis on allocation of land, labor, capital.
  • AGRI 4510 - Agricultural Finance

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: 4510 addresses financing challenges and opportunities in agriculture. The course discusses sources of finance, financing costs, analysis of investment opportunities, financial and risk management, liquidity, capital
    structure, growth of agricultural firms, and public policies affecting agricultural credit markets. Topics will address the special nature of farm lending in regards to crop and animal production.
  • AGRI 4610 - Cooperative Educational Experience

    Credit Hours 5
    Prerequisite: Approval of agriculture advisor and prior arrangement with employer;
    Description: Learning experience acquired through supervised full-time salaried employment with an agricultural business or agency. Grading on Pass/Fail only.
  • AGRI 4620 - Cooperative Educational Experience

    Credit Hours 5
    Prerequisite: Approval of agriculture advisor and prior arrangement with employer;
    Description: Learning experience acquired through supervised full-time salaried employment with an agricultural business or agency. Grading on Pass/Fail only.
  • AGRI 4710 - Veterinary Technology Medical Nursing and Critical Care

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: AGRI 3720 /3721  , senior standing, and admittance in Vet Tech program;
    Corequisite: AGRI 4711 ;
    Description: The study of veterinary medical concept for veterinary technology students, including traditional medical nursing, emergency and critical care of multiple species, such as companion, livestock, and exotic animals.  Students will also learn proper diagnostic sampling, therapeutic techniques, physical therapy, wound management, alternative medical nursing, and intensive care therapies.
  • AGRI 4711 - Veterinary Technology Medical Nursing and Critical Care Lab

    Credit Hours 1
    Prerequisite: AGRI 3720 /3721 , senior standing, and admittance in Vet Tech program;
    Corequisite: AGRI 4710 ;
    Description: Laboratory component for the study of veterinary medical concept for veterinary technology students, including traditional medical nursing, emergency and critical care of multiple species, such as companion, livestock, and exotic animals.  Students will also learn proper diagnostic sampling, therapeutic techniques, physical therapy, wound management, alternative medical nursing, and intensive care therapies.
  • AGRI 4715 - Veterinary Technology Clinical Experience I

    Credit Hours 2
    Prerequisite: Senior standing, admittance in Vet Tech program and approval of veterinary clinical location choice by advisor and prior arrangement with agency;
    Description: Veterinary technology students will practice technical skills while expanding proficiency in physical exam, diagnostic sampling, and treatment techniques.  Students will also develop medical nursing skills, emergency and critical care skills; and home communication skills through hands-on learning, in a veterinary clinical setting of student choosing (with advisor approval).
  • AGRI 4720 - Veterinary Technology Surgical Nursing and Pharmacology

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: AGRI 4710 /4711 , senior standing;
    Corequisite: AGRI 4721 ;
    Description: The study of veterinary medical concepts for veterinary technology students, including surgical nursing and pharmacology topics.  Topics will include surgical instrumentation and aseptic technique; small and large surgical nursing; veterinary dentistry; anesthesia; and pain management.
  • AGRI 4721 - Veterinary Technology Surgical Nursing and Pharmacology Lab

    Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AGRI 4710 /4711 , senior standing;
    Corequisite: AGRI 4720 ;
    Description: Laboratory component for the study of veterinary medical concepts for veterinary technology students, including surgical nursing and pharmacology topics.  Topics will include surgical instrumentation and aseptic technique; small and large surgical nursing; veterinary dentistry; anesthesia; and pain management.
  • AGRI 4725 - Veterinary Technology Clinical Experience II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: Senior standing, admittance in Vet Tech program and approval of veterinary clinical location choice by advisor and prior arrangement with agency;
    Description: Veterinary technology students will practice technical and communication skills, and build on techniques learned in AGRI 4715, as well as, develop mastery of large and small animal surgical nursing; aseptic techniques; surgical assisting; anesthesia, pain management, and other pharmacological therapies; through hands-on learning in a veterinary clinical setting of student choosing (with advisor approval).
  • AGRI 4730 - Veterinary Applications

    Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing; AGRI 1310 , , 3730  
    Description: Exploration of veterinary career options in a transformative learning environment involving lecture and hands-on, veterinarian-guided experiences: focusing on animal handling and safety protocols; animal husbandry techniques; basic diagnostic procedures; analyzing theoretical and actual case studies; as well as, evaluation of challenges facing veterinary medicine professionals.
  • AGRI 4750 - Preparation for the VTN Exam

    Credit Hours 1
    Variable Credit Hours 0
    Prerequisite: AGRI 3720  
    Description: Overall curriculum review to make sure students are prepared for the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE).
  • AGRI 4910 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: May be repeated for credit.
  • AGRI 4920 - Special Problems II

    Credit Hours 2
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: Independent special problems course which may have variable subject matter each term.
  • AGRI 4930 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor
    Description: Independent special problems course which may have variable subject matter each term

Allied Health Sciences

  • AHS 1010 - Introduction to Healthcare Professions

    Credit Hours
    Description: Introduction to the pursuit of health care careers.  This course will provide the student with information on all of the health care related majors available at APSU to include academic requirements, career paths available upon graduation, and requirements for successful completion of these courses of study.
  • AHS 3100 - Medical Pseudoscience in Modern Culture

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: An honors course exploring alternative medicine, supplements, and anti-science movements in modern culture through the lens of peer reviewed scientific literature and its relationship to public health. Students will present modern topics from popular culture to research and scientifically defend positions on a variety of controversial or potentially controversial public health topics.



  • ART 324X - Special Topics in Art History

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2010 2020  or permission of instructor
    Description: An in-depth study of selected topics in the history of art, including specific artists, stylistic movements, methodology, and/or art criticism. Topics to be announced.  This course is reading and writing intensive.  May earn up to a total of six hours of 324x courses.
  • ART 410X - Topics in Studio Art

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Description: Concentrated study in a studio area. In-depth research on specific artists, movements, periods, current issues, and/or problems in studio art. Topics to be announced. May be repeated but credit is limited to three hours per topic.
  • ART 440I - Art Internship

    Credit Hours 3
    Course Changes: number from ART 4310
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor and chair
    Description: On-the-job training for art students who have art-related job opportunities. May be repeated for a second three hours but may not be enrolled in for six hours concurrently.
  • ART 1035 - Introduction to Art

    Credit Hours 3
    Course Changes: number from ART 1030 & title from Art Appreciation
    Description: A study of the principles and elements of design, media and artistic processes; and the relationship and influences of the visual arts on the individual and culture.
  • ART 1045 - Drawing I

    Credit Hours 3
    Course Changes: title from ART 1040
    Description: The fundamentals of drawing for visual arts.
  • ART 1050 - Drawing II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1045  
    Description: Drawing the human form and study of anatomy in composition.
  • ART 1340 - Foundations Studio I

    Credit Hours 3
    Course Changes: number from ART 1010 & title from Two Dimensional Design
    Description: Fundamental experience in two-dimensional design, with emphasis on the elements and principles of design and creative development, and media skills training.
  • ART 1350 - Foundations Studio 2

    Credit Hours 3
    Course Changes: number from ART 1020 & title from Three Dimensional Design
    Description: Fundamental experiences in three-dimensional design, with emphasis on the elements and principles of design and creative development, and media skills training.
  • ART 1360 - Foundations Studio 3

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: Introduction to the use of time and sequence in art and design.  Development of craftsmanship, research strategies, and visual literacy through digital and traditional studio experiences and exposure to contemporary art, design, and theory. Professional practice of portfolio assembly and maintenance.
  • ART 2010 - Art History, Survey I

    Credit Hours 3
    Course Changes: number from ART 2010
    Description: A history of the visual arts, from cultures throughout the world from prehistory to 1300 C.E, that examines works of art within their social, political, economic, religious, technological, and philosophical contexts.
  • ART 2015 - Art History, Non-Western Survey

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: A history of the visual arts from cultures in Asia, Africa, Oceana, and the Indigenous Americas that examines works of art within their social, political, economic, religious, technological, and philosophical contexts.
  • ART 2020 - Art History, Survey II

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: A history of the visual arts, from cultures throughout the world from the 13th to the 21st centuries, that examines works of art within their social, political, economic, religious, technological, and philosophical contexts.
  • ART 2030 - Printmaking I

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1340 1045 , 1360  
    Description: The study and practice of relief and intaglio printmaking techniques with an emphasis on the development of hand skills and basic inking and printing methods.
  • ART 2040 - Painting I

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1340 1045 , 1350  or permisson of instructor;
    Description: An investigation of material and techniques in acrylic painting. The fundamentals of pictorial composition using tone and color with emphasis
    on the individual creative expression.
  • ART 2041 - Painting for Non-Majors

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: This course for non-majors is an investigation of material and techniques in acryllic painting. It will explore the fundamentals of pictorial composition using tone and color with emphasis on the individual creative expression.
  • ART 2050 - Ceramics

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1045 ,1340  and 1350  
    Description: Use of slab, coil, pinch, modeling, and introduction to wheel construction methods of forming ceramic vessels. Glazes and surface decoration are included.
  • ART 2051 - Ceramics for Non-Majors

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: This course for non-majors is an investigation of material and techniques in ceramics.
  • ART 2070 - Sculpture I

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1340 1045 , 1350  
    Description: Introduction to sculptural techniques and materials. Included are modeling, carving, construction, and casting.
  • ART 2080 - Photo I for Non-Art Majors

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: Introduction to creative black and white photography using a manual 35mm camera.  Introduction to camera use, film processing and darkroom procedure.
  • ART 2090 - Photography I

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1045 , 1340 , 1360 ;
    Description: Introduction to creative black and white photography using a manual 35mm camera.  Introduction to camera use, film processing and darkroom procedure.  Photography explores as a medium of self-expression and communication.
  • ART 2170 - Digital Media I

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1340 , 1350 , and 1360  
    Description: Introduction to the practical, aesthetic, and theoretical concepts that surround the application of sound, video and motion in creative artistic practice.
  • ART 2320 - Graphic Design I

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1340 1045 , 1360 ;
    Description: Graphic design fundamentals and layout techniques, design of comprehensives, commercial craftsmanship, and image making.
  • ART 2410 - Animation I

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1045 , 1340 , 1360 ;
    Description: An overview of animation principles, theory, and techniques.  Student will put theory into practice by animating projects in several different styles and mediums.
  • ART 2420 - Digital 3D

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1045 , 1350 , 1360 ;
    Description: An introduction to the world of 3D computer generated content creation.  Students will explore the concepts and principles behind creating quality 3D assets while emphasizing their connection to the creative thought process. Students will gain an overview of the artist workflow as it relates to modeling, texturing, animation, lighting, and rendering.
  • ART 2520 - Typography I

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1340 , ART 1045 , 1360 ;
    Description: An introduction to basic layout with type, type design, study of styles, and history of typography.
  • ART 3080 - Illustration I

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1340 1045 1050  or permission of instructor;
    Description: Exploring the invention of images related to visual communications and illustration techniques. Emphasis will be placed on research, conceptualization, and visualization processes as they related to graphic design.
  • ART 3090 - Collage and the Found Image

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1050 , 1045 , 1340  or permission of instructor;
    Description: Studio experience using found imagery (and objects) in the visual arts, with an emphasis on precedents in the 20th and 21st centuries as models for studio production.
  • ART 3140 - Art Education I

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: Concepts of art education in public school programs; laboratory experiments in media and techniques; and child development and learning based on visual experiences. Methods of teaching at elementary grade level.
  • ART 3150 - Art Education II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 3140  
    Description: Study of the nature and practice of the art specialist in the teaching-learning situation. Planning educational objective, units for learning, methods of evaluation and administration of art programs in public schools. Includes 10 hours of classroom observation.
  • ART 3160 - Art Education III

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 3150  
    Description: Study of recent research findings in Art Education. Students study the history of art education and complete a comprehensive plan for a course of study in criticism of art objects. Includes 15 hours of classroom observation.
  • ART 3170 - Digital Media II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1070 or permission of instructor
    Description: Specialized course in the use and understanding of advanced digital imaging programs with an emphasis on motion and time. MacIntosh platform programs approached with studio art applications.
  • ART 3200 - History of American Art

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2010 2020  or permission of instructor
    Description: A contextual study of the achievements in painting, printmaking, sculpture, and photography in the United States from the Colonial 17th century through the 1930s Great Depression.  This course is reading and writing intensive.
  • ART 3210 - History of Italian Renaissance Art

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2010 , 2020  or permission of instructor
    Description: Study of the context, meaning, and style of art and architecture of the High and Late Renaissance in Italy from c. 1470 to 1570 with a focus on the life and artworks of Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Titian.  This course is reading and writing intensive.
  • ART 3220 - History of Modern Art in Europe

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2010 2020  or permission of instructor;
    Description: Study of major developments in European painting, sculpture, photography, and printmaking from the 1850s through WWII.  This course is reading and writing intensive.
  • ART 3230 - History of Contemporary Art

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2010 2020  or permission of instructor
    Description: Study of major themes and criticism as a context for painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, performance art, and multi-media work since the 1950s.  This course is reading and writing intensive.
  • ART 3240 - Art History of Photography

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2020  or 2090  or permission of instructor
    Description: A study of the invention and development of photographic processes and styles from a socio-historical stance for an understanding of photography’s place in history, art history, and the history of communication.  This course is reading and writing intensive.
  • ART 3250 - History of Native American Art

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2010 , 2020 ;
    Description: This course focuses on the cultural significance, function, meaning, and style of historical artifacts, visual culture, and contemporary art works made by indigenous North Americans in present-day US and Canada.  This course is reading and writing intensive.
  • ART 3270 - History of Graphic Design

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2020  or 2320  or 2520  or permission of instructor
    Description: An in-depth study of selected topics in the history of art, including specific artists, stylistic movements, methodology, and/or art criticism. Topics to be announced. This course is reading and writing intensive. Students may earn up to a total of six hours of (324x) courses.
  • ART 3280 - History of Baroque Art

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2010 , 2020  
    Description: Study of the context, meaning, and style of artworks of the Baroque Period in continental Europe from roughly 1600 to 1750 with a focus on paintings and sculpture from Italy and the Dutch Republic. This course is reading and writing intensive.
  • ART 3340 - Drawing III

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1050 , 1045 , 1340 ;
    Description: Use of drawing media for creative image making.
  • ART 3370 - Web Design

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1045 , 1340 , 1360  
    Description: Focus on the design of internet sites. Emphasis placed on the visual design, navigation development, communication, and authoring websites.
  • ART 3410 - Animation II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2410 ;
    Description: A continued study of animation principles, with an emphasis on 3D animation techniques.  Students will learn effective workflows and character animation techniques used in professional studio environments.
  • ART 3420 - Visual Effects

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1045 , 1340 , 1360 ;
    Description: An introduction to visual effects principles. Students will be exposed to the primary concepts needed for successfully composing images as used in film, visual effects, and animation.
  • ART 3430 - Printmaking II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2030  or permission of instructor;
    Description: The study and practice of photo-mechanical processes as they relate to printmaking. Techniques will include photo-silkscreen and various print formats using traditional and experimental image-making methods.
  • ART 3440 - Painting II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2040  or permission of instructor;
    Description: A continuation of any painting media, with emphasis on pursuit of indivdual direction, historical precedents, and the examination of diverse pictorial strategies .
  • ART 3450 - Ceramic Sculpture

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1350 , 1045  
    Description: Use of clay bodies to construct sculpture forms utilizing slab, modeling, coil, cast, thrown, extruded or experimental forming techniques to make creative statements in sculpture.
  • ART 3460 - Visual Effects II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 3420  
    Description: A continued study of the principles of visual effects shot creation. Students will learn advanced techniques and workflows to produce more complex visual effects shots.
  • ART 3520 - Typography II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2520 , 2320 ;
    Description: Advanced study in typographic design and layout including typeface design, complex systems of type hierarchy, and the application of type to digital and print media.
  • ART 3530 - Printmaking III

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2030  or permission of instructor;
    Description: The study and practices of experimental and fine press printmaking. Techniques may include letterpress, lithography, and etching with an emphasis on developing skills beyond the introductory level, creating complex design, and concept through media.
  • ART 3540 - Drawing IV, Thematic Development Drawing

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2010 , 2020 , 3340  
    Description: An advanced drawing course in which students develop and explore self- directed serial imagery, and examine their work in both an historical and contemporary critical context.
  • ART 3550 - Glazes and Surface Design

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2050  
    Description: Advanced experimentation in design and creation of surface effects and coatings on fired ceramic objects, especially glaze formulating.
  • ART 3560 - Painting, Watermedia

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2040  or permission of instructor;
    Description: Explore the concepts and techniques of pictorial composition using ink, watercolor, and gouache in works on paper .
  • ART 3570 - Sculpture II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2070  
    Description: A continuation of Sculpture I with emphasis on personal artistic development in combining media and techniques in sculptural forms.
  • ART 3590 - Photography II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 2090  
    Description: A continuation of Photography I. Students work toward improving their technical skills and developing a personal direction for their work. Medium format cameras are introduced in addition to 35mm.
  • ART 3650 - Pottery-Ceramics II

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1350 , 2050  or permission of instructor
    Description: Advanced work in design and techniques of creating ceramic vessels.
  • ART 3690 - Digital Photography

    Credit Hours 3
    Prerequisite: ART 1045 , 1340 , 1360 , or by permission of instructor
    Description: Exploration of photography through digital media, to include digital camera, computer hardware, and software.
  • ART 3900 - Studio Study Abroad

    Credit Hours 3
    Description: This course is in conjunction with a university-led trip overseas. Students will complete studio and/or graphic design assignments in conjunction with visits to museums and historical sites. Repeatable up to 6 credit hours.

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