Feb 10, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Support Services


Academic Support Services

Academic Support begins when students are admitted to APSU and continues until the goal of graduation is met.

Academic Advising

Deliberate and intentional academic advising at Austin Peay State University guides students in making responsible academic and career choices, setting goals, and developing education plans to realize those goals. Effective advising fosters critical thinking and informed decision making which supports meaningful living in a global society.

Incoming Student Advisement. Academic Advising is an element of academic support that begins at the time of initial enrollment at APSU through graduation. During new student orientation undergraduate students meet with advisors to plan a schedule for their first semester.

Regular Academic Advising. Each semester students are expected to schedule an appointment with their assigned advisor(s) for the purpose of discussing academic progress and planning a schedule for the following semester. The role of advisors is to help students clarify goals, career options, courses of study, program requirements, and educational needs, and to identify University resources that support the student success. Faculty advisors interact with their advisees to assist students in coordinating educational experiences and in assessing student progress.

Learning Resource Center

Location: Marks Building, Room 124
Phone: 931-221-6550
Web Address: www.apsu.edu/asc/about/index.php

Peer tutoring, technology assistance (help with software), and Structured Learning Assistance are offered to currently enrolled students through the Learning Resource Center. In addition, the University provides a writing center, located in the library, to assist students in improving their writing skills. Detailed information may be found on the Website. Students may make appointments for tutoring by visiting the center in MX 124 or calling 931-221-6550. Students at the Fort Campbell campus may also receive support on the second floor of the APSU building.

Academic Recovery

McReynolds, Room 202
Phone:  931-221-6555

Academic Alert is the web-based early alert system used to notify students of problems they may be having in class.  Alerts are submitted by faculty members who are concerned that a student is in academic jeopardy due to issues such as poor class attendance, tardiness, lack of participation, incomplete assignments and/or poor performance on quizzes and tests.  Students are referred to the office of Academic Recovery for consultation. Alerts are also submitted to academic advisors and APSU 1000 instructors.

Structure Learning Assistance

Structured Learning Assistance (SLA) provides support to students in challenging courses. Additionally, students who enter the university with an academic deficiency are required to enroll in enhanced sections of ENGL 1010 HIST 2010 ,  MATH 1010 , or MATH 1530 , depending on the support they need. SLA is also available for other courses, such as

 ,  , and  . Students who are enrolled in enhanced courses participate in Structured Learning Assistance workshops one or two days a week. SLA Leaders who have demonstrated academic excellence conduct the workshops.

Student Success

McReynolds, Room 102
Phone:  931-221-6643
Web Address:  www.apsu.edu/advising/index.php

Student Success assists Freshmen transition into college academic life. We currently oversee the following programs: APSU 1000, Academic Recovery, AS in Liberal Arts degree, Freshman Academic Advising, College Possible Coaches, PASS 0900, Peer Leader program, and the BS in General Studies degree.

Career Services

Morgan University Center, Room 210
Phone:  931-221-6544
Web Address:  www.apsu.edu/careers

The Office of Career Services at Austin Peay State University assists students in connecting with local, regional, and national employers. Our mission is to assist undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni in making a successful transition from academia to the world of work by equipping them with the tools to take ownership of their professional and personal development for lifelong career satisfaction. As a part of this mission, we strive to provide access to career related services and meet students where they are in their career development needs. These services include resume, cover letter, and interview workshops; one-on-one career counseling; career assessments and interpretations; personal branding and salary negotiation practice; “What Can I Do With This Major?” major exploration, and many more. In addition, we offer Jobs4Govs which is APSU’s online job portal for all things job related. Jobs4Govs offers the latest full-time and part-time job postings, as well as, internships, co-ops, and opportunities for student employment (on-campus job opportunities). For more information and resources, please visit our website at www.apsu.edu/careers or call our office at 931.221.6544. 931.221.6544 or visit our website www.apsu.edu/careers for more information.

Testing Center

Ellington Building, Room 207
Phone:  931-221-6269
Web Address:  www.apsu.edu/testing

The Testing Center offers a variety of assessments which include Accuplacer, ACT-Residual, CLEP, DANTES and MAT; information about the National ACT is also available.  Proctored exams for other universities may be scheduled at the center.  Contact the Testing Center for more information or to schedule a testing session.

First-Year Experience

The University recognizes that there are many differences between high school and college. Thus the significance of the first year of college in making a successful transition is addressed with the First-Year Experience.

Govs Row

Admitted students are invited to campus to meet with a faculty member for academic advising and to enroll in classes. Students are introduced to University expectations, services, and campus resources http://www.apsu.edu/welcome/.

New Student Orientation (All Freshmen)

This program is a 2 1/2 day program beginning with Freshmen convocation which precedes the beginning of classes and begins with Freshmen convocation. All freshmen are required to participate; transfer students must participate if they enter with fewer than 12 credit hours (university level). The focus of the activities is to teach students how to use the services available to them, to complete any testing requirements, and to complete other orientation activities that are a part of APSU 1000 . Normally the orientation will be held on Friday and Saturday before the first day of classes.

APSU 1000

APSU 1000  is an interdisciplinary course which provides students with a foundation for success. Emphasis is placed on student engagement, support services, library literacy, financial literacy, and academic planning. This course required for all first time freshman and students who enter APSU with fewer than 12 hours earned in a college/university setting after high school graduation but recommended for all new students. Students must register and remain enrolled in APSU 1000 until a grade of C is earned.