Feb 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

Student Financial Aid & Scholarships


SFA Contact Information

Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships
Ellington Building, Room 216
P.O. Box 4546
Clarksville TN 37044
Phone: (931) 221-7907
Toll-Free: (877) 508-0057
Fax: (931) 221-6329

Student Financial Aid, Scholarships & Veterans Education Benefits

Austin Peay State University believes a post-secondary education should be accessible to assist students in obtaining the resources needed to pay for their education by:

  1. Evaluating the family’s financial ability to pay for educational costs;
  2. Distributing limited resources in an equitable manner; and
  3. Creating a balanced package of eligible financial aid.

Financial aid programs include scholarships, grants, on-campus employment and loans to help students with educational costs. Most awards are based on financial need, merit or achievement. The normal amount of time a student can receive financial aid is up to six years. Continuation of awards require class attendance and satisfactory academic progress as identified in the Financial Aid Office’s Policies and Procedures.

For more information or questions regarding financial aid, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships, Ellington 216, P.O. Box 4546, telephone 931-221-7907, toll free at 877-508-0057 or visit www.apsu.edu/financialaid/.

How to Apply for Student Financial Aid

The financial aid process is available at www.apsu.edu/financialaid/, and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is used to begin this process at www.studentaid.gov. Students should apply for financial aid as early as possible each year they plan to attend. When submitting the FAFSA, students are applying for Federal aid, and state grants, and scholarships. Only Tennessee residents are eligible for State Grants and the Hope Lottery Scholarship. Awards based on need are determined by a financial need analysis standardized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Course Choice Counts for Academic Minors

Based on recently updated federal guidelines, there are changes to financial aid eligibility for students seeking a minor. The majority of undergraduate students who wish to receive their maximum aid eligibility while working toward completing a minor will need 12 or more hours under Course Choice Counts, in addition to any hours applicable to their minor. 

The only exceptions will be for minor coursework that is embedded in the degree, fulfills elective credits, or meets general education requirements. All Federal and State financial aid is affected by this guidance.



Federal Pell Grant
A Pell Grant does not have to be repaid and is available on the basis of need. It is awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelors or professional degree and pro-rated based on the number of academic hours enrolled on the first day of class as follows:

  1. Clarksville campus, the Fort Campbell Center and any other APSU educational sites: less than half-time, 1-5 hours; half-time, 6-8 hours; three-quarters time, 9-11 hours and full-time 12 or more hours.
  2. Changes in student enrollment through the pell recalculation date (approximately 14th day of classes) may result in a revision.

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Awarded to undergraduate students on the basis of financial need, availability of funds, and number of hours enrolled. FSEOG does not have to be repaid.

TEACH Grant Program
Through the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, Congress created the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program that provides grants of up to $3,772.00 per year to students who plan to teach high need subject areas in a public elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. This amount is contingent upon Federal Legislation. For details, please visit our website at www.apsu.edu/financialaid/types-of-aid-scholarships/grants/federal-grants.php .

Tennessee Student Assistance Award (TSAA)
Available only to undergraduate residents of Tennessee who are enrolled a minimum of half-time and demonstrate financial need for a maximum of eight semesters. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid at www.studentaid.gov must be submitted as soon as possible of each year. This grant is administered by the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC), Suite 1950, Parkway Towers, 404 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, TN 37219-5907; toll-free number 800-342-1663. TSAA is not awarded for summer sessions.

Student Loan Awards

Federal Direct Loan-Subsidized
Available only to undergraduate students and based on financial need. Interest is subsidized by the Federal government while the student is enrolled at least half-time and during the six-month grace period. Completion of FAFSA at www.studentaid.gov is required and loans must be accepted on AP One Stop.

Federal Direct Loan—Unsubsidized
Not limited by student’s financial need and interest accrues from the time the money is disbursed.  Interest may be paid as it comes due or postponed and allowed to accrue during enrollment of at least half-time status. The accumulated interest is added to the original loan amount when repayment begins.  Completion of the FAFSA at www.studentaid.gov is required and loans must be accepted on AP One Stop.

Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
Available to parents of full and half-time dependent undergraduate students. Eligible parents may borrow up to the student’s full cost of attendance less any other financial aid the student receives.  A credit check is required to determine eligibility and repayment starts within 60 days after the 2nd disbursement or may be deferred after the loan is fully disbursed. To apply, the student and parent must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.studentaid.gov In addition to the FAFSA, the parent must complete the pre-approval credit process for student loans and submit the Plus application to the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships.

Multiple Loan Disbursements
Loan proceeds are issued in at least two disbursements for Federal Direct subsidized, unsubsidized and Parent PLUS Loans.

Annual Loan Limits
Information on annual loan limits is found at www.apsu.edu/financialaid/types-of-aid-scholarships/loans/index.php.

Merit-Based Awards

Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarships
Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarships (non-need based) will be awarded to Tennessee high school graduates who have been a resident for one year, earned a composite score of 21 on the ACT (980 SAT) OR 3.0 unweighted overall high school GPA and college core GPA out of a possible 4.0. Home school applicants must be enrolled as a home school student in a TN home school program for a minimum of one year immediately preceding graduation and have a 21 composite score or above for the ACT test or a 980 (math plus critical reading scores only) or above, on a national test date for the SAT test for HOME Scholarship consideration. GED applicants must have earned an average Revised GED score of 170 and an ACT composite score of 21 (980 SAT). High school equivalency test (HiSet) applicants must have earned an average HiSet score of 15 and an ACT composite score of 21 (980 SAT). Eligibility requirements for both full-time and part-time students may be found at www.tn.gov/collegepays.  All award amounts are estimated and final awards are determined by the lottery revenue collected, eligibility and renewal criteria. All criteria and amounts are subject to change. Check www.tn.gov/collegepays for the most current requirements.

Application Process Eligible students must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) available online at www.studentaid.gov as soon as possible each year they plan to attend.

Tennessee Hope Scholarship
$4,500 per year renewable for freshman and sophomores. $5,700 per year renewable for juniors and seniors. This amount may be reduced during a freshman’s first semester, due to a dual enrollment grant.

General Assembly Merit Supplemental Scholarship 
 $1,000 renewable supplemental scholarship for those who meet the qualifications for the Tennessee Hope Scholarship and have in addition earned a 3.75 weighted and college core GPA and at least a composite score of 29 on the ACT (1280 SAT). Applicants can only receive one supplemental scholarship.

$1,500 renewable supplemental scholarship for those who meet the qualifications for the Tennessee Hope Scholarship and whose parents earn an adjusted gross income of $36,000 or less. Applicants can receive only one supplemental scholarship.

Eligible students must be a minimum of 23 years of age and have an adjusted gross income of $36,000 or less and be an entering freshman or have not been enrolled in a post-secondary institution for at least two years. For details, visit www.tn.gov/collegepays/.

Helping Heroes Grant
Eligible students must be a veteran who received an honorable discharge and has been awarded the Iraq Campaign Medal, The Afghanistan Campaign Medal or after 9/11/01 received the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal. For details, visit www.tn.gov/collegepays/.

Part-time Awards and Renewal Criteria: Applicants enrolling part-time must meet the same criteria as full-time enrollees. Awards for those enrolled in six, seven, or eight hours will receive half of the award of full-time enrolled students, while those enrolled in nine, ten or eleven hours will receive three-quarters of the award. Renewal criteria will be the same as full-time enrolled students. For further information visit www.tn.gov/collegepays.

Institutional Scholarship Awards

Austin Peay State University, State and Donor Scholarships
The University awards numerous competitive scholarships based on academic merit, special talents, accomplishments and financial need. The requirements and application may be found at www.apsu.edu/scholarships. Applications are accepted annually from October 1 - February 1. Only one application is needed. Academic scholarships awarded to first-time students are part of the admissions process. Questions regarding academic scholarships for first-time students should be addressed to the Office of Admissions.

Outside Scholarships
Many organizations donate scholarship funds for students. These include, but are not limited to, Rotary, Civitan, Community Foundation Groups, Churches, and High Schools. Students are encouraged to check with organizations that may have funding to assist with educational expenses.

For assistance:

(New Students) Office of Admissions

931-221-7661 or toll free 800-844-2778

(Current Students) Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships

 931-221-7907 or toll free 877-588-0057

Office of University Advancement (regarding donor scholarships)


Student Employment
Students employed on campus may work up to 20 hours per week and a maximum of two positions. Students needing employment are encouraged to seek jobs on campus either through the Federal Work Study program or General Campus.

Federal Work Study (FWS) Program
The University receives federal funding to employ students on campus while they pursue their education. Funds are limited, need based and awarded by FAFSA date. Eligibility requires a minimum of half-time enrollment and a minimum 1.8 GPA. Students may work a maximum of 20 hours per week depending on the amount of their award.  Students may not work during scheduled classes or exam times. The FWS award is the amount of money a student may earn during the academic year and determines the number of hours that may be worked.  FWS recipients must make an appointment with the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships, for job placement and may not start work until approval has been received via APSU e-mail from the Human Resources office.

General Campus Work
Some University departments have funds to employ students. Positions are advertised online at https://www.apsu.edu/careers/jobs4govs/index.php.   Students may work a maximum of 20 hours per week depending on the department’s budget, be enrolled a minimum of half-time and maintain a minimum 1.8 GPA. Students may not work during scheduled classes or exam times. Questions should be referred to the office of Human Resources at 931-221-7177.

Disbursement Procedure
For Clarksville campus students, one-half of an academic year award (excluding Federal Work Study) is disbursed to the student’s account to pay outstanding charges. Any remaining credit balance is direct deposited into the student’s bank account within three days of the beginning of the semester/term. Students who decline direct deposit will receive a balance check approximately two weeks after classes begin. Loan disbursements will be released once during the fall payment period and once during the spring payment period. Summer assistance is explained on the Summer Financial Aid web page.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards
In order to continue receiving financial aid, students are required to maintain class attendance and satisfactory progress. Satisfactory Academic Progress means the student is not on academic probation or suspension and meets the guidelines at www.apsu.edu/financialaid/sat_prog.php. The maximum time frame for completion of a bachelor’s degree will be six academic years unless the student has been enrolled part-time.

Students who lose their eligibility for financial aid may appeal in writing to the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships. The appeal form must be completed and extenuating circumstances must be documented for the committee to review. The appeal form can be found at www.apsu.edu/financialaid/.

Class Attendance and Official Withdrawals
Students receiving Federal Title IV Financial Aid must attend class on a regular basis. If a student ceases to attend class, they should officially withdraw from the University. Students who do not officially withdraw will receive FA (failure, stopped attending and reported within 14 days of the last date of attendance) or FN (failure, never attended and reported within the first 14 days of class) grades in their courses and a determination will be made regarding possible repayment of funds. Students may withdraw by completing the appropriate process with the Office of the Registrar. See policy on returns and fee adjustments of financial aid in Fee Adjustments.


Other Financial Services

Tennessee Vocational Rehabilitation–Students with physical disabilities may obtain grants-in-aid, providing assistance with college-related costs through the Tennessee Vocational Rehabilitation Service. Tennessee residents should request information from their high school guidance counselor or write to the Coordinator, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 1808 West End Building, Nashville, Tennessee 37203. Students residing in other states should contact similar agencies in their states. This program is different from VA Chapter 31-Veteran Readiness and Employment.